Ted Rall Crawls From His Rock

Poor Ted Rall. Since the 2004 Election, he has been largely ignored. He attempts to make his forary back into mainstream lunacy by calling Karl Rove worse then Osama

If Newsweek‘s report is accurate, Karl Rove is more morally repugnant and more anti-American than Osama bin Laden. Bin Laden, after all, has no affiliation with, and therefore no presumed loyalty to, the United States. Rove, on the other hand, is a U.S. citizen and, as deputy White House chief of staff, a high-ranking official of the U.S. government sworn to uphold and defend our nation, its laws and its interests. Yet he sold out America just to get even with Joe Wilson.

IF Rove leaked the name, he should be prosecuted, however, as leftazoids are so wan’t to do, Ted goes overboard. How many people died because of the leak of Plame’s name vs. how many died because of Osama’s plan to attack America? That would be Osama: 3000+ to Rove: 0. But BM’s (beyond moonbat) like Rall do not care to be lucid and rational. It is more important for them to be over the top and hysterical, with the Democratic leadership following allowing. Don’t know about you, but, I really do not want hysterical people running the country. Can you imagine Boxer, Kerry, Pelosi, Kennedy, Reid, Durbin, etc being in charge during the Cuban Missile Crisis? Gives me the shivers.

Like a potato bug, Rall will crawl back beneath a rock soon, having gotten his "most popular story" position on Yahoo News briefly, along with Michael Moore, George Soros, Maureen Dowd, and most of the Hollyweird nuts. Teddy does make a good point, though:

In war collaborators are more dangerous than enemy forces, for they betray with intimate knowledge in painful detail and demoralize by their cynical example. This explains why, at the end of occupations, the newly liberated exact vengeance upon their treasonous countrymen even (as) they allow foreign troops to conduct an orderly withdrawal.

And Ted Rall is part of that coallition of collaborators. He won’t say that, of course. The hard Left has a tough time saying what they believe in. No plans, no agenda, other then hate Bush, hate the USA, and complain, complain, complain. And, when it turns out that it was not Rove that released Plame’s name, will Ted appologize or even retract his story? I’ll believe in the Giants going 11-5 this coming season first.

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2 Responses to “Ted Rall Crawls From His Rock”

  1. basil's blog says:

    Supper: 7/5/2005

    Try one of these specials with your supper: Acidman (Gut Rumbles) says interracial marriage is selfish. Steve H. (Hog On Ice) has a different opinion. Pirate’s Cove kicks over a rock. Statler Waldorf review movies. [via The Flophouse (not work-safe)]

  2. Ogre says:

    I just wish the people who vote for these loonies on the left would wake up and understand what it is they DO stand for…I’m honestly hoping that those who vote for them don’t actually agree with them.

Pirate's Cove