On whoever GWB nominates for SCOTUS

Everyone seems (especially the Left and the media) to be coming up with questions for ___________ (fill in the blank) when President Bush nominates him/her. We only need one question.

Will you (insert name here) pledge to uphold the Constitution, and make your rulings based on said Constitution as it was written, without attempting to make new laws and inserting your own personal viewpoints?

Yup, that’s all I need. Ah, the heck with it. For those of you old enough to remember:

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5 Responses to “On whoever GWB nominates for SCOTUS”

  1. Mark says:

    “make your rulings based on said Constitution as it was written, without attempting to make new laws and inserting your own personal viewpoints?”

    I suspect Bush will nominate someone exactly like this which is why his opponents are already losing control of their bodily functions.

    Thank GOD for Tom and Jerry. How many hours I spent as a child watching cat and mouse detonate bombs, assault, batter, and nearly murder each other in the funniest way possible.

  2. JulieB says:

    Woohoo! Tom & Jerry fun cartoons…. now with video/DVD once again available to kids!!

  3. this one is my favorite Tom and Jerry. Can y’all believe that the first one came out in 1940? And Tom’s name was originally Jasper?

  4. this one is my favorite Tom and Jerry. Can y’all believe that the first one came out in 1940? And Tom’s name was originally Jasper?

  5. Ogre says:

    Jasper? Sheesh.

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