And because California is forcing their peasants into EVs that means many states will do the same. All while the high mucky-mucks travel around in large fossil fueled limos and SUVs
Biden makes a last big push to keep Trump from killing the electric car
President-elect Donald Trump is vowing an all-out assault on President Joe Biden’s efforts to make electric vehicles the new king of the American road.
But an eleventh-hour decision by Biden will make it harder for Trump to kill those EV dreams.
A waiver that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency granted Wednesday morning will allow California to carry out the country’s most ambitious EV mandate, one aimed at banning sales of new cars and light trucks running on gasoline and diesel fuel by 2035. Eleven other Democratic states have also signed on to California’s standard — a combined market force that electric vehicle supporters hope will prod the auto industry to continue pouring money into battery-powered cars, regardless of Trump’s wishes.
Trump has already vowed to undo California’s electric vehicle rules, similar to his effort five years ago to stop the state from imposing car and truck pollution standards more stringent than the federal government’s. But the waiver granted Wednesday has a durable legal foundation that could make it a near-immovable object for the Trump administration for at least a couple of years, experts say. In the meantime, automakers will likely have to make investments in EVs that they could be loath to undo.
But, will automakers continue to manufacture vehicles which are monetary losers? Because they are. There’s only so much they will put up with before saying “no more”. Might they say “to hell with those states, we’ll make the EVs for them, but, they are going to be sold for proper market value. We aren’t losing money on them anymore.” And, how many of those “electric vehicle supporters actually have EVs themselves?
Biden’s late call is also the starting gun for a new conflict that may be a prominent storyline of Trump’s second term: an epic states’ rights battle between the new president and Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom, who has vowed to “future-proof California in every way, shape or form.”
The People’s Republik Of California is welcome to do this. Such is their choice. Might the peasants revolt once this looks to become a reality?

Forcing the car companies to make only EV’s will bankrupt all of them. Because there is not enough materials to make 15 million cars per year. Not even half that. 1 million people will lose their jobs. Towns will dry up and blow away in the rust belt and the Democrats will end up in a permanent minority because of this idiocy. 1000’s of dealerships will disappear. The US car industry is a healthy part of the American economy, which is another reason we need to control our debt.
A Green New Deal is inevitable. It will bring about the most radical transformation the world has ever seen. By 2100, there will be no private homes, millions will have to flood to the cities to have a chance to live, and cars will be seen only in museums along with cows, chickens, and horses. The entire flyover country will be one giant farm with 500-foot walls keeping in the gazillion bugs we are all eating.
And Big Brother certainly will be watching you, what with that ankle bracelet placed on your ankle at birth and drones flying everywhere to keep track of you. NO FF’ing car for you and would you prefer, cockroach, cricket or grasshopper for supper honey?
What happens if California’s new car buyers don’t want to buy the silly things?
IIRC, the Pyrite State has mandated that 35% of all new car sales there be of electric vehicles in model year 2026. In first nine months of this year, 22.2% of all new car sales in California were of electric vehicles, down from the 25% figure from 2023. An impressive figure, to be sure, but still well short of the 35% goal for 2026.
Looks like MAGA guys like me will besetting up car dealerships on the Cali-Nevada border. I wouldn’t mind making a few million off another dumb democrat scheme.
Looks like there will be a lot more cars in California registered in Nevada.
In my life, I have never seen a government administration so brazenly undermining the incoming administration. How can anyone think it is ok to undermine your own government that you yourselves are in charge of this year?
Demicrats are proving Trump right every day. There really is a deep state. There really is fake news. Democrats who work in the government really do use the power of their agencies to undermine democratic processes like free elections.
This toilet of a state is controlled by the morons in L.A, the Bay area and San Diego. Those of us who live in the saner parts of the state have no say. A few of the local sheep think this is a good idea but the majority do not. It should be interesting when we get a couple of feet of snow, the power is out for a week and those electric snowplows are dead in the driveway.