UK Government Wants Peasants To Eat Less Meat, Start Walking, And More To Solve Climate Crisis (scam)

Of course, do not expect the experts, bureaucrats, and politicians to do the same

Govt Climate Advisers Decree Public Eat Less Meat, Don’t Fly, Buy an EV… and Start Walking

Eat less meat. Stop flying. Use public transport. Buy an electric vehicle (EV). Start walking. These are just some of the edicts the left-wing UK Labour Government’s main “climate-change” advisers insisted Wednesday are needed to impose on the general public to hit Net Zero goals.

Leading members of the Climate Change Committee (CCC) spelled out that hitting the Net Zero target would involve widespread public “behaviour change” while speaking in Westminster before s government inquiry, the Daily Mail reports.

New targets demand the UK’s emissions be cut to 81 percent of 1990 levels by 2035. (snip)

Regarding changes in diet, Richardson said: “We think about half the change you’d need to get to by 2035 is a continuation of the existing trends of people changing what they eat.”

The Mail reports Richardson said he supported the Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) mandate which imposes stiff fines if car-makers miss their sales targets for EVs.

Strange how the majority of things the climate cult wants to do involves government controlling how citizens live their lives, eh? And the UK government seems to love controlling the lives of the peasants, including what tweets, texts, comments, etc they send, what they can say during protests (for certain people: the Muslims and imports can do whatever they want). The whole authoritarianism is linked together.

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4 Responses to “UK Government Wants Peasants To Eat Less Meat, Start Walking, And More To Solve Climate Crisis (scam)”

  1. Dana says:

    If His Majesty’s Government wants you to start walking more, look for them to make it too expensive to do anything but walk.

  2. Sua Sponte says:

    It’s disheartening that we sacrificed our national treasure to save this country and others, TWICE!, from the thing they’ve become and embrace.

  3. Doom and Gloom says:

    Eight billion locusts (HUMANS) swarming the countryside for bugs and birds will deplete birds and bugs and consequently collapse our ecosystem.

    See what happened to China when they killed all the birds because they were eating 1 percent of the food harvest. As a result, the bugs took over because their main adversary(the birds) was gone, and they ended up with a famine that cost them 150 million people.

    Imagine, if you will, a world that forces us to eat bugs and, by man’s nature, trap and kill birds in order to survive.

    Worldwide famine on a magnitude so much worse than the China Famine, the likes of which we would never recover from because it would take decades to reestablish our ecosystem, and by that time, 8 billion would be dead.

    The AGW crowd is a cult of lunatics….funded by China and Russia to destroy the dumbshit Western, guilt-ridden countries who think if we eat bugs and walk to work and freeze during the winters and die of dehydration during the summers that their guilt will be assuaged.

  4. CarolAnn says:

    The AGW crowd is a cult of lunatics….funded by China and Russia to destroy the dumbshit Western, guilt-ridden countries who think if we eat bugs and walk to work and freeze during the winters and die of dehydration during the summers that their guilt will be assuaged.

    Thank you Doom and Gloom for one of the most truthful paragraphs ever written on the subject.

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