The People of North Carolina voted and approved of a constitutional amendment in 2018 requiring identification to vote, 55.49% for/44.51% against. But, see, Modern Socialists do not accept the will of the people when they lose, so, they sued. In a very interesting way
NC appeals court upholds voter ID, tax cap amendments
The state Court of Appeals has overturned a trial-court ruling voiding amendments to North Carolina’s constitution that voters approved two years ago, calling for people to present photo identification at the polls and lowering the cap on the state income tax rate.
Four of six amendments on the ballot in November 2018 passed, but the NAACP challenged only the voter ID and the 7 percent income tax cap. The group argued that the proposals never should have gone to a referendum because dozens of the lawmakers who put the amendments on the ballot were elected in illegally gerrymandered districts.
Wake County Superior Court Judge Bryan Collins agreed with the NAACP last year, putting the amendments on hold. But the Court of Appeals threw out his decision in a 2-1 ruling that will next go to the state Supreme Court.
“We conclude that the Superior Court erred in holding that our General Assembly lost its power granted by our state constitution … (WT: there had been a part in here about activist judges, WRAL took it out) simply because a federal court had determined that the maps contained too many majority-minority districts, such that some members elected to that body were from districts that were illegally gerrymandered based on race,” Judge Chris Dillon wrote for the majority. “It is simply beyond our power to thwart the otherwise lawful exercise of constitutional power by our legislative branch to pass bills proposing amendments.”
I’m sure they discussed in the decision somewhere about how NAACP only challenged 2 of the 4 that passed. If their claim is that “gerrymandering” is bad and makes the constitutional amendments Bad, then why not the other two? Regardless, this is the Democrat way: attempting to block people from having to show who they are to safeguard the vote along with making sure elected Democrats can increase taxes when they’re in power.
(Greensboro News And Record) The NAACP announced Tuesday it will appeal the case. If it goes to the N.C. Supreme Court, that court has a 6-1 Democratic majority — although four seats on that court are up for election this year, in addition to five of the 15 seats on the Court of Appeals.
“We are thrilled to bring this historic case to the Supreme Court of North Carolina to ensure that the people’s voice is heard and that the foundational principles of our democracy our Constitution is preserved and protected,†said the Rev. Dr. T. Anthony Spearman of Greensboro, president.
So, wait, is the GBR saying that Democrats on the court are more about politics than actual law and the NC Constitution? Further, the people did speak, Reve Spearman: you see the breakdown of the voter ID above. The tax cap amendment passed 58% to 42%. In reality, the actual tax rates are lower than that for individuals and private entities now. Looks like Democrats want to raise it much higher.
There was also an amendment to guarantee the right to fish and hunt, which passed by a 57 to 43 percent margin, and Marsy’s Law, which expands the rights of crime victims, passed by a 62 to 38 percent margin. Why does the NAACP and other hardcore leftist groups want to only kill two amendments?
It will surely be going to the NC Supreme Court, hence, the voter ID amendment will not be in force this election.

Our esteemed host concluded:
Maybe not: the election is only 1½ months away, so there’s the possibility the state Supreme Court will not accept the case and enjoin the Court of Appeals ruling before the election.
o, wait, is the GBR saying that Democrats on the court are more about politics than actual law and the NC Constitution?
Sadly, this is true everywhere and has been for a long time. That is why so many Supreme court decisions are 5-4. If the Supreme court is split down the middle that often on matters of the written law, what possible confidence can any of us have that lower officials and courts will correctly understand the laws they enforce on the rest of us?
The Liberal, Socialist, Marxist and Democrat leadership are not completely stupid.
They know how hard it is to get a Photo-ID for a corpse in a Wheelchair, then to a voting booth.
Actual example of Voter fraud 2012 Thomson Ga.
A bus pulled up to a Voting precinct loaded with
OUT OF TOWN’ERS (NY tag). If there had not been a honest Poll Monitor there to challenge the riders all walking in with freshly printed Utility bill copies for later shown to be nursing home residents. There would have been 40+ illegal votes at a location that handles about 450 voters.
Proving once again the dems are nervous about their chances and need to resort to massive cheating in order to keep the races close.
As y’all know, there’s little evidence to support cheating.
TEACH typed: Modern Socialists do not accept the will of the people when they lose, so, they sued
tRump lost by some 3,000,000 votes. Remember when you typed that a majority vote is is no more than mob rule?
I keep saying, fraudulent votes do not count.
And, yes, there’s plenty of evidence, up to and including Democrats bragging about it.
Your big lies are so obvious.
We weren’t addressing you.
And that’s supposed to intimidate me?
Rim job doesn’t like people who point out his lies.
No, YOU KNOW there is plenty of evidence supporting voter fraud and cheating going back decades. You are confusing not prosecuting with not existing. You can Google it and come up with thousands of cases but few prosecutions.
YOU keep insisting Trump lost by 3 million votes but with an estimated 4-7 million fraudulent votes we don’t know that.
What we do know is Trump won 304 to 227 in electoral votes. For some reason you keep insisting this is a democracy and it’s not. It was never meant to be because the Founders, like you, realized a democracy is mob rule. It’s just you control the mob so you’re all in.
You know the old saying “Vote early, vote often” just didn’t “happen” because there was not fraud and corruption. But you know that. You also know most of the fraud and corruption is a Democrat election staple and therefore for you cheating is acceptable.
More than 10,000 absentee ballots were rejected in Michigan’s Aug. 4th primary, Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson’s office said Friday.
At least 6,400 ballots were turned away because they arrived after Election Day, while 787 were tossed out because the signature did not match the registration, according to Benson’s office. Another 1,111 were rejected because the voter had moved, and 846 were not accepted because voters died “after casting their absentee ballot but before Election Day.â€
“The data demonstrates that thousands of people who cast otherwise valid votes were not able to participate in last week’s election solely because the Legislature failed to act ahead of the primary,†said Benson. “With turnout and absentee ballot numbers expected to double or even triple in November, we could be looking at tens of thousands of Michigan citizens disenfranchised if the legislature fails to act.â€
The news comes right after the U.S Postal Service warned Benson in a letter that mail delivery times posed a “significant risk†to ballots sent too close to the election which could lead to their disqualification, according to The Detroit News.
USPS General Counsel Thomas J. Marshall wrote to Benson that Michigan election laws were “incompatible†with the Postal Service’s delivery standards.
You are as corrupt personally as your Party is politically.
So now we see how you’re willing to accept cheating and voter fraud to advance your putrid ideology now tell us how many Americans are you willing to sacrifice toward the same, 500,000, a million, more?
You always seem so happy and giddy when you dutifully report the ginned-up phony numbers of Red Chinese/Democrat Flu deaths so what else are we to believe?
Answer this one question, Elwood: how many American lives are you willing to sacrifice to win in 2020?
Or how about this one: If you had a button that when pushed would make Biden the winner but instantly kill 10 million white, Christian Americans would you press that button?
Trump 23020 Don’t let the commies steal this one!
I don’t know if Elwood is being naive or deliberately obtuse, but anyone who can Google, DuckDuck or just surf the net can find thousands of instances of voter fraud (almost) always perpetrated by the Democrats.
Whats worse is right this minute the Democommies are planning their biggest most blatant attempt at voter fraud ever committed. It’s been on the news and the net for months so how can one deny it? (I guess the same way they deny science and statistics and BLM being a terrorist organization).
And as an extra bonus, right now they are playing out scenarios where if Trump wins how they and their army of lawyers can cause the election (regardless of popular or electoral vote) uncertainty and unrest and to be challenged. I’m sure you all recall how back in August Hillary Clinton advised Slow Joe “do not concede” because she is in the “know” about the disruption that the Dems will unleash. And while that pot of coup is being stirred they will unleash their military (BLM & Antifa) to burn, murder, rape and disrupt even more than they already have. There never seems to be an end to the hate for America the Democrats and their communist allies display since the Civil War.
Trump 2020 Remember, all that stands between us and them is Orange Man Bad.
I also imagine assassination is in their book of tricks. They used it before and will not hesitate to do it again, however this time it won’t be aimed at just the President but his supporters and family as well. Democommies have a propensity to murder anything that stands in their way.
Here’s the rating on both PILF’s and The Epoch Times’ credibility.
These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy.
And in case you think Media Bias site itself is biased, here’s what they say about HuffPo:
These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward liberal causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage liberal causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy.
Do you take HuffPo as a reliable source? Didn’t think so.
So the story may or may not be true. What IS true is that many deceased American’s still do exist on voter rolls. But PROOF that dead people vote is scant.
And aren’t most members of the tRump klan registered in more than one state? And from the citations, red state NC is the worst offender for dead registrants. And if millions of fraudulent votes are cast, why assume they are all for Democrats? After all in 2016 tRump “won” a few upper midwest states by thousands of votes, giving him a EC win while losing the popular vote by millions.
Some Lefty dishrag says nasty things about Conservative blogs annd we’re supposed to be impressed?
So the story may or may not be true. What IS true is that many deceased American’s still do exist on voter rolls. But PROOF that dead people vote is scant.
Then why do Democrats scream every time the corpses are removed?
And aren’t most members of the Trump clan registered in more than one state?
Prove it.
And from the citations, red state NC is the worst offender for dead registrants.
Here, you were telling us how blue it was getting.
And if millions of fraudulent votes are cast, why assume they are all for Democrats?
Because the Demos bragged to James O’Keefe they couldn’t win without it.
After all in 2016 tRump “won†a few upper midwest states by thousands of votes, giving him a EC win while losing the popular vote by millions.
Then why didn’t the Hildabeast bitch?
And it an EC win.
Kye typed, thinking it supports his case:
More than 10,000 absentee ballots were rejected in Michigan’s Aug. 4th primary, Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson’s office said Friday.
At least 6,400 ballots were turned away because they arrived after Election Day, while 787 were tossed out because the signature did not match the registration, according to Benson’s office. Another 1,111 were rejected because the voter had moved, and 846 were not accepted because voters died “after casting their absentee ballot but before Election Day.â€
“The data demonstrates that thousands of people who cast otherwise valid votes were not able to participate in last week’s election solely because the Legislature failed to act ahead of the primary,†said Benson. “With turnout and absentee ballot numbers expected to double or even triple in November, we could be looking at tens of thousands of Michigan citizens disenfranchised if the legislature fails to act.â€
The news comes right after the U.S Postal Service warned Benson in a letter that mail delivery times posed a “significant risk†to ballots sent too close to the election which could lead to their disqualification, according to The Detroit News.
USPS General Counsel Thomas J. Marshall wrote to Benson that Michigan election laws were “incompatible†with the Postal Service’s delivery standards.
Kye blames others for the incompetence of tRump, ignoring that as a trump voter, he deserves some of the blame for 200,000 dead Americans and the recession. We understand how difficult it is to accept blame, and maybe if you knew in advance that tRump would kill over 200,000 Americans and crash the Obama economy you might have not voted for him (unlikely). tRump hates the same people you hate, that’s his appeal to his base of insecure connies who are tired of being looked down on by libs. He owns the libs!
How many Americans are you prepared to lose?
Nope, don’t think so because you and all the rest of the little rimjobs never do understand or accept.
Thanks for the laugh.
Bwaha! Lolgfy
Kye blames others for the incompetence of tRump, ignoring that as a trump voter, he deserves some of the blame for 200,000 dead Americans and the recession.
Who imported all the sickies from Red China and Italy? Nipsy and Kaiser Bill.
Who crashed the markets? The Demos.
And, if you buy the CDC, it’s 11,000; if you buy the guys who actually went through the death certs, it’s more like 364.
We understand how difficult it is to accept blame, and maybe if you knew in advance that Trump would kill over 200,000 Americans and crash the Obama economy you might have not voted for him (unlikely).
the Obama economy???????????????
Oh, it is to laugh. Zippy stagnated it for 5 years. Trump brought it back.
tRump hates the same people you hate, that’s his appeal to his base of insecure connies who are tired of being looked down on by libs. He owns the libs!
Yes, he does which is why you can’t stop talking about him.
Considering how wrong the Left has been, I can assure the idea of being looked down on by the Lefties only moves us to laughter.
How many Americans are you prepared to lose?
No Americans, but we won’t miss all the Lefties.