Charles Darwin has long been a favorite of Leftists, especially those who are anti-religion, which has long been hated by Leftists (technically, Communism, Marxism, Socialism, Progressivism, etc, are far to the right in the Authoritarian and Dictatorship models per Political Theory 101, but, let’s not quibble) who want to make The State the official religion. They love bring up the theory of evolution. But, sooner or later, the cancel culture alligator comes for everything
The Natural History museum is conducting a review into potentially ‘offensive’ collections including its Charles Darwin exhibitions.
In the wake of the Black Lives Matter movement, museum bosses have ordered an audit into certain collections that some staff believe are ‘legacies of colonies, slavery and empire’.
Rooms, statues and collected items in the museum that could be ‘problematic’ may be renamed, relabelled, or removed.
The review into the museum’s links to slavery and colonialism could result in a potential overhaul of the museum’s collections and public spaces.
In documents seen by The Sunday Telegraph, museum staff were told that as a result of the Black Lives Matter protests, the museum would undertake a review of room names, statues and collections that ‘could potentially cause offence’.
The executive board of the Natural History museum is said to be ‘very engaged’ with the issue and circulated an academic paper to staff which claimed ‘science, racism, and colonial power were inherently entwined’.
The paper proposes publicly acknowledging the past to create ‘less racist’Â museums.
Once they are all labeled, the SJWs will then demand that they be removed
According to the academic paper shared with museum staff, the HMS Beagle was cited as one of Britain’s many ‘colonialist scientific expeditions’.
It wrote that one of the purposes of the voyage was ‘to enable greater British control of those areas’.
The paper also argues that ‘museums were put in place to legitimise a racist ideology’.
Other collections that could come under scrutiny by the anti-racist review are specimens gathered by botanist Sir Joseph Banks who sailed with Captain James Cook, as well as items gathered by Swedish scientist Carl Linnaeus who thought Africans were ‘crafty’, ‘indolent’ and ‘negligent’.
Science and exploration are raaaaacist. So are museums. So, museums will soon be cancelled.
The flora collection of Sir Hans Sloane, one of the British Museum’s founders, may also come under review.
He was labelled him a ‘slave owner’ by the British Museum in August and his bust was removed from a pedestal.
The ceiling of the main Hintze Hall of the Natural History Museum – where ‘Hope’, a skeleton of a blue whale is hanging (pictured) – could also be ‘problematic’ due to paintings of colonial exports such as cotton, tea and tobacco.
A statue of Charles Darwin that sits in the museum’s main hall could also come under questioning as well as a statue of scientist Thomas Henry Huxley because of his theories of five ‘races’ of human.
It’s hard to end a post when you keep reading about the insanity of cancel culture, eh? And, yeah, there’s even more. Hit the link.
Trump made the same joke about Russia and he was investigated. Set up and impeached.
Biden did the same thing and he got a laugh and ignored. I wonder if China is now helping get rid of Trump.
We all know Biden is in bed with China as is his son Hunter.
Charles Darwin has long been a favorite of Leftists, especially those who are anti-religion, which has long been hated by Leftists
If Charles Darwin is a favorite of anyone it results from their understanding the overwhelming evidence supporting the theory of evolution. Those that deny the evidence and instead substitute magic or so-called “creation” science are the ones operating on religious belief rather than scientific evidence.
Even Darwin conceded that there were holes aplenty in his theory. Holes that say there was another cause.
God, of course, is the cause, but the anti-science Left chooses to ignore said holes because it leaves them back where they started, making up stuff to convince the rubes.
Which is why Chuck noted, “Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledgeâ€.
Charles Darwin has long been a favorite of Leftists, especially those who are anti-religion, which has long been hated by Leftists
Note, please, Leftists manufacture their own gods – Benni, Dolf, Joe, Mao, Fidel – in addition to angels, devils, martyrs, and saints.
It’s what makes Jeffery’s puerile displays of rejection of religion (except, of course, Islam) so risible.
Porter’s Fluffer, Sibley, believes that science and religion are incompatible. And that belief in gods invalidates or falsifies scientific evidence.
Of course evolution is a scientific theory, as is the Big Bang, Global Warming, Continental Drift, General and Specific Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, The Expanding Universe, Absolute Zero and on and on.
Porter’s Fluffer, Sibley, believes accepting scientific evidence is puerile, suggesting the belief in gods, demons, magic, angels, miracles, 72 virgins etc is mature.
As we always say, although there is no evidence to support the existence of gods, mermaids, demons, magic, angels, unicorns, miracles, Leprechauns, afterlife, witches’ spells, Metachloridians, heaven/hell, wizards, dragons, Superman, Centaurs, Flash, alien abductions, BigFoot etc., WE COULD BE WRONG. All it takes is evidence. The lack of evidence doesn’t rule out the possibility but just makes existence less likely.
Nearly every major religion has supernatural beliefs, including Islam.
Porter’s Fluffer, Sibley, believes that science and religion are incompatible. And that belief in God invalidates or falsifies scientific evidence.
Wotta maroon. God created the science that runs His universe.
Howsomever, God is Truth, and your brand of “scientific evidence” is all lies.
Of course evolution is a scientific theory, as is the Big Bang, Global Warming, Continental Drift, General and Specific Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, The Expanding Universe, Absolute Zero and on and on.
Jeffery shows his ignorance. There is proof for continental drift (why all the scare caps?) and a great many other things.
But a theory is such because sufficient proof does not exist to make it fact. It just makes it plausible.
Porter’s Fluffer, Sibley, believes accepting scientific evidence is puerile, suggesting the belief in gods, demons, magic, angels, miracles, 72 virgins etc is mature.
No, I said your particular brand of rejection of religion is puerile. Lots of scientific I accept. But it’s your belief in your own gods, demons, magic, angels, miracles, 72 virgins, etc., that’s puerile.
And I wouldn’t spit on the virgins around any Moslems, were I you.
And I thank God I’m not.
As we always say, although there is no evidence to support the existence of gods, mermaids, demons, magic, angels, unicorns, miracles, Leprechauns, afterlife, witches’ spells, Metachloridians, heaven/hell, wizards, dragons, Superman, Centaurs, Flash, alien abductions, BigFoot etc., WE COULD BE WRONG. All it takes is evidence. The lack of evidence doesn’t rule out the possibility but just makes existence less likely.
The evidence is that we exist and the universe exists. The uncaused cause. So far, all your fakery hasn’t gotten around that one. You choose to reject because your own sense of inferiority is so great, you have his pathetic need to believe that nothing is greater than you.
Nearly every major religion has supernatural beliefs, including Islam.
The great thing about Darwinian evolution is that you can be totally wrong about it and it has exactly zero impact in the real world. It’s not a real science like chemistry or physics where right and wrong answers matter.
There is absolutely no evidence of any kind for Darwinian evolution.
It remains a theory.
But the atheists, or those who claim to be atheists but have their own set of gods and goddesses, treat it as, you will pardon the expression, holy writ.
Probably true. But as I said, I really doesn’t matter. Nothing in the real world depends on getting this right. Just like “discovering” new planets that are so many light years away that no one will ever be able to verify it. You can be totally wrong about this with zero consequence.