Climate Pope Wants Earth To Rest From Climate Crisis (scam) Or Something

Last I checked, Pope Francis is the leader of a different religion. And spends more time yapping about ‘climate change’ than abortion on demand

Pope Francis calls for ‘letting the planet rest’ amid climate crisis

The Covid-19 pandemic has shown how the Earth can recover “if we allow it to rest” and must spur people to adopt simpler lifestyles to help a planet “groaning” under the constant demand for economic growth, Pope Francis said Tuesday.

In his latest urgent appeal to help a fragile environment, Francis also renewed his call for the cancellation of the debts of the most vulnerable countries. Such action would be just, he said, since rich countries have exploited poorer nations’ natural resources.

“In some ways, the current pandemic has led us to rediscover simpler and sustainable lifestyles,” Francis said in a written message.

“Already we can see how the Earth can recover if we allow it to rest: the air becomes cleaner, the waters clearer, and animals have returned to many places from where they had previously disappeared,” he wrote. “The pandemic has brought us to a crossroads.”

Those things have zero to do with the climate crisis

The pontiff urged people to seize the opportunity to reflect on their habits of energy usage, consumption, transportation and diet.

Disintegrating biodiversity, climate disasters and the “unjust impact of the current pandemic on the poor and the vulnerable” amount to a “wakeup call in the face of our rampant greed and consumption,” the pope wrote.

Your pope has spoken, climate cultists

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13 Responses to “Climate Pope Wants Earth To Rest From Climate Crisis (scam) Or Something”

  1. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    An anti-Catholic rant from Teach. Just like the KKK.

    • formwiz says:

      Hardly. Not liking Frank doesn’t make you anti-Catholic. Actually it makes you pro-Catholic.

      Frank’s a Commie, not a Catholic, like all the queers who infiltrated the Church here.

      Real Catholics hate them both.

    • gitarcarver says:

      An anti-Catholic rant from Teach…..

      You have gone off on all religions calling members “delusional.”

      I guess hypocrisy is another part of the hate, which is all the left has.

      PS – remember that the Pope and the Roman Catholic Church is very pro-life. So once again, we see how you hate Catholics more than most which must mean that your are virulent member of the KKK, at least according to your “logic” and hatred.

  2. Kye says:

    Soooo…. if one agrees with the Pope he’s a theocratic tyrant and if he disagrees he’s a KKK’er?

    BTW Elwood, Teach can no more be a KKK than I can be a white supremacist. KKK are Democrats and Teach isn’t. White supremacists won’t associate with other races and as you well know but seemingly choose to ignore I’m married to an Asian. You really need to learn the card before you call the players, idiot.

    Trump 2020 Keep the Democommie racists out of government.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      Kye needs an upgrade on his reading comprehension. TEACH is anti-Catholic as are KKKers. It doesn’t mean that he is a KKK member.

      What is Kye’s evidence that only Democrats are KKK members? Or that Democrats are white supremacists? Why do all white supremacists support tRump?

      Biden2020: Stop the WPP (White People’s Party) from destroying America.

      • Kye says:

        Elwood needs an upgrade on everything but we’ll start with drawing an association to the KKK and tying it up with the Pope then putting Teach in the mix. That’s what you did.

        My evidence is the KKK was founded by and run by Democrats. Do you deny that? Do you deny that every single member of the political class even in the Senate who was a KKK’er even as high as Robert Byrd an Exalted Cyclops have been Democrats? Can you name ONE Republican who is a KKK’er? Just one.

        Why do all black supremacists support Biden? Where did I say Democrats are white supremacists? In your closing line for Biden you say stop the WPP. I assume you must hate white people. You’ve done nothing at this blog but defame whites, belittle them, accuse all of them of having privilege, of being racists. Meanwhile we watch blacks, stoked on around the country by Democrats to riot, kill,beat, rape, threaten and destroy property and idiots like you claim its a peaceful protest.

        You are an embarrassment to your country, your race, your family and a fraud. All you have is hate.

        You make it so easy to come here daily and not only prove you wrong, an idiot and a traitor but to set you off like a 16 yo on the rag.

        Trump 2020 Keep the racist Democommies out. Justice foe ALL Americans not just the ones Elwood likes.

        • Elwood P. Dowd says:

          Empty souls such as Kye make it up as they go. This is what tRump has done to America. The truth is what tRump says it is. MAGA has become the mark of the beast printed on the brow of his disciples.

          The KKK was started by white, conservative, racist, Confederate Democrats just following the civil war to continue white supremacy – the oppression of not just black Americans, but Jews, homosexuals, Catholics and immigrants.

          NuCons have recently been jimcrowing that this proves that today’s Democrats are the real racists, ignoring all evidence to the contrary. NuCons can’t understand by Black Americans today vote for a party that was the home of southern, white, conservative traitors. Of course, the theme all along was conservatism, indistinguishable from racism.

          The latest iteration of conservatism, i.e., tRumpism, emphasizes anti-Black, anti-gay, anti-immigrant, anti-truth and anti-intellectual fervor, with a hatred and division not seen in generations.

          The Trumpublican Party (TP) is largely the party of conservative, caucasian, Christian men.

          TPers can deny it all they wish, but tRump is supported by and welcomes the support of white supremacists and white nationalists.

          We understand your frustration. US residents “inferior” to you are demanding equality and you want to preserve the status quo, or even revert to an earlier status quo. It is frustrating, but it’s a big, messy nation requiring compromise on all sides.

          • Liljeffyatemypuppy says:

            Rimjob repeats the same old worn out meme minus any proof.

            Bwaha! Lolgfy

          • formwiz says:

            Souls are amde by God, so the “empty soul is you”.

            The KKK was started by white, conservative, racist, Confederate Democrats just following the civil war to continue white supremacy – the oppression of not just black Americans, but Jews, homosexuals, Catholics and immigrants.

            And they’re still doing it.

            NuCons have recently been jimcrowing that this proves that today’s Democrats are the real racists, ignoring all evidence to the contrary. NuCons can’t understand by Black Americans today vote for a party that was the home of southern, white, conservative traitors. Of course, the theme all along was conservatism, indistinguishable from racism.

            Still waiting to hear how many Confederates were convicted of treason.

            BTW Does thast include Democrat racist PUS Woody Wilson?

            The latest iteration of Conservatism, i.e., Trumpism, emphasizes anti-Black, anti-gay, anti-immigrant, anti-truth and anti-intellectual fervor, with a hatred and division not seen in generations.

            Sounds more like you, especially the anti-truth and anti-intellectual fervor.

            Accuse them of what we do.

            The Trumpublican Party (TP) is largely the party of Conservative, caucasian, Christian men.

            And still the majority.

            TPers we see what you did there. Aren’t you clever? can deny it all they wish, but Trump is supported by and welcomes the support of white supremacists and white nationalists.

            We do? When? And Where?


            We understand your frustration. US residents “inferior” to you are demanding equality and you want to preserve the status quo, or even revert to an earlier status quo. It is frustrating, but it’s a big, messy nation requiring compromise on all sides.

            ICYMI the last time we tried compromise, there was this thing called the Civil War.

      • formwiz says:

        Kye needs an upgrade on his reading comprehension. TEACH is anti-Catholic as are KKKers. It doesn’t mean that he is a KKK member.

        And where do you see Teach is anti-Catholic? If you mean because he doesn’t like Frank, only cafeteria Catholics like Frank.

        What is Kye’s evidence that only Democrats are KKK members?

        Woody Wilson, Hugo black, LBJ, Herman Talmadge, James Eastland (Gropin’ joe’s buds)… I could go on forever.

        Biden2020: Stop the WPP (White People’s Party) from destroying America.

        Kinda tough since he’s its nominee.

        Or that Democrats are white supremacists? Why do all white supremacists support Trump?

        They don’t. That’s why whites run the Democrat party.

  3. Jl says:

    Anti-Catholic….Just like liberals

  4. George_Banner says:

    Totally agree with his climate highness, his lefto holiness, his exalted and all merciful majesty, etc, etc.
    We should begin by closing the Vatican for the nest 5,000 years.
    And by “close” I mean we turn everything off and wall up all entrances to the place.
    I’m pretty sure thing would improve at least, a little bit and every bit counts, doesn’t it?
    The Catholic church being one of the richest organization on Earth, more than all the pisslims put together, they could dedicate their crazy stolen fortune to the poor, the destitute , the “have nots” and all the gibs, the “original” whatever, the “1st” whatever, the blacks, the browns and the rainbowlings out there and so on and so forth.
    This current iteration of their Great Kahuna comes straight from and is ideologically complicit with one of the worst Latin-American governing mafias, the current Argentinean one, from a country of around 45 million people, governed by local modern feudal lords that treat the country as if it was their own farm and all the citizens their peasants.

  5. Eld_jr says:

    Pope pushes a ‘Climate Sabbath’ – The ‘Day of the Sun’. He’ll get it eventually,and enforcement of this “Mark of Catholic Authority” will become ‘The Mark of the Beast’ whereby ‘The Earth and them which dwell therein” will bend the knee to human authority, and the United States of America – Apostate Protestantism – will lead the World back into the arms of Babylon. No human being has authority to alter the Commandments of God. Not long now; even so come Lord Jesus.

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