…is an evil carbon polluting refrigerator, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Victory Girls Blog, with a post on Pelosi’s really bad, horrible, no good day.

…is an evil carbon polluting refrigerator, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Victory Girls Blog, with a post on Pelosi’s really bad, horrible, no good day.
Then Nazi Pelozi just made it worse with the childish display tearing up the speech.
Some conservatives want her prosecuted for tearing up sheets of paper.
House Republicans want to pass a resolution for her displaying a ‘lack of decorum’.
tRump cheapened the Medal of Freedom by presenting one to the hateful racist Rush Limbaugh just because Rush is dying. Talk about a ‘lack of decorum’.
New polling by Gallup reveals that President Trump’s approval rating is at an all-time high for him.
Trump’s job approval rating now sits at 49 percent, with a 94 percent approval rating among Republicans and a 42 percent rating with independents, both numbers being highs for his presidency.
As I’ve tried to explain to the leftists here, polls mean shit! It all depends on who is polled, the people taking the poll, and the EXACT wording of the poll, and most importantly WHO IS COUNTING THE NUMBERS. All one needs is to heed Stalin’s admonishment about that. All one needs do is watch how the lying manipulators in the Dem party are busy as hell trying to screw Bernie out of his win. If they’d do that to another Dem just imagine what cheating, lying, manipulating and numbers manipulation they would go through to beat Orange Man Bad.
Trump 2020 Don’t let the commies beat us