The intersectionality of ‘climate change’ and every other Modern Socialist gripe (interestingly, this is offered by a woman of color, but, she’s the wrong color, being of Asian descent)
As the climate crisis intensifies and crystallizes, the tangible effects of climate change today are disproportionately dispersed on both the national and global scale. Communities and entire nations who do the least to contribute to rising greenhouse gas emissions bear the enormous burden of climate disaster first and worst on their bodies and their livelihoods.
In the U.S., African Americans have greater exposure to toxins than white people for 13 out of 14 air pollutants. Hispanics have the highest exposure for 10 out of 14. These factors present a plethora of health challenges to these communities, such as cardiovascular disease, asthma and other respiratory diseases, cancer, and premature death. More than 50 percent of people who live within two miles of a toxic waste facility are people of color.
Even as the population of people of color grows closer to becoming the majority of the population in the U.S., one may wonder why environmental justice issues have not yet become national priorities. In the wake of natural disasters profoundly exacerbated by climate change, black and brown communities are most vulnerable and at risk physically, financially, mentally, and socially. And they face further marginalization during the disaster recovery process. After Hurricane Katrina, over 50 percent of thosewho lived in the Lower 9th Ward of New Orleans, the area most impacted, were permanently displaced — the majority of whom were black. Black homeowners also received on average $8,000 less in government aid for recovery than their white homeowner counterparts.
Could it be that their homes were worth a whole lot less, especially since they’ve been kept down on the Democrat plantation for decades and decades? Further, isn’t this considered “blacksplaining”, since Melody Zhang isn’t black? Anyhow, after more blacksplaining and yammering
How can people of faith read and respond? First, we must identify patterns of institutionalized environmental racism — that it is people of color and those who contribute to the crisis the least who are hit the most, culminating in a doubling and tripling of oppression. We must read these stories and make the connections between economic disparity and environmental degradation — between racism and toxicity. Then, we must recognize that working toward climate justice is inseparable from working toward racial and economic justice. We lament the confluence of climate disaster with race, class, and global disparity. We pray for our siblings who must live with the risk of this danger every day of their lives, whether it be in the U.S. or globally. And then, we must act: by educating our circles about the intersectionality of climate justice and the reality and intensity of the climate crisis in the present; by having the courage to have difficult conversations; and by advocating for bold and transformative climate policies that center the most vulnerable in our society.
Did anyone understand that word salad, other than that this has zero to do with science?

This is unacceptable. Black people should be compelled to relocated away from all those toxins… for their own good. Of course, forcing people to move used to be considered a human rights violation, but since when has the Left ever cared about getting people’s cooperation for the things they demand we all do … for our own good.
If only there were a place that was technologically backwards so no industrial wastes. Just normal human wastes.