You know Democrats are reaching when they try and invoke Ronald Reagan
— William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) July 16, 2019
They’re really giving this a shot to protect illegals
Since this is the last speech that I will give as President, I think it’s fitting to leave one final thought, an observation about a country which I love. It was stated best in a letter I received not long ago. A man wrote me and said:
“You can go to live in France, but you cannot become a Frenchman. You can go to live in Germany or Turkey or Japan, but you cannot become a German, a Turk, or Japanese. But anyone, from any corner of the Earth, can come to live in America and become an American.”
Yes, the torch of Lady Liberty symbolizes our freedom and represents our heritage, the compact with our parents, our grandparents, and our ancestors. It is that lady who gives us our great and special place in the world. For it’s the great life force of each generation of new Americans that guarantees that America’s triumph shall continue unsurpassed into the next century and beyond. Other countries may seek to compete with us; but in one vital area, as a beacon of freedom and opportunity that draws the people of the world, no country on earth comes close.
The thing is, The Gipper was talking about legal immigrants
A number of years ago, an American student traveling in Europe took an East German ship across the Baltic Sea. One of the ship’s crew members from East Germany, a man in his sixties, struck up a conversation with the American student. After a while the student asked the man how he had learned such good English. And the man explained that he had once lived in America.
He said that for over a year he had worked as a farmer in Oklahoma and California, that he had planted tomatoes and picked ripe melons. It was, the man said, the happiest time of his life.
Well, the student, who had seen the awful conditions behind the Iron Curtain, blurted out the question, “Well, why did you ever leave?” … “I had to,” he said, “the war ended.” The man had been in America as a German prisoner of war.
Those conditions behind the Iron Curtain are what the Democrats are trying to create. Reagan was very much for legal immigration, and wanted people to be able to come in and out of the country to visit and work. The problem is, Democrats keep giving incentives so that people come illegally as well as come legally and never leave.
(Washington Post) Several influential Hispanic leaders, meanwhile, sounded an unexpected alarm, warning that Democratic candidates are risking moving too far left in their quest to woo Hispanic voters.
“I think there has to be some moderation. I disagree with the candidates’ positions about providing health care to undocumented immigrants, when you have Americans who don’t have health care,†said Domingo Garcia, president of the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), which held its convention here. “I think that was a snap decision by some of those candidates that wasn’t thought through.â€
Cecilia Muñoz, a White House aide to President Barack Obama and a former policy advocate at the National Council of La Raza, a Latino advocacy group now known as UnidosUS, said decriminalizing unapproved border crossings would make it harder for Democrats to combat President Trump’s populist appeal.
“It allows him to make a claim that he is already making, which is Democrats are for an open border,†she said. “And it makes it harder to explain why that is not true.†She added that stopping family separations at the border doesn’t require making the crossings civil offenses.
That’s what they want, though. So, they have to attempt to use Reagan to push their extremist agenda.

Didn’t The Gipper sign an amnesty bill in 1986?
He didn’t mention “illegals” in his speech.
DJ trump told 4 US citizens (of which one was an immigrant) to leave America if they were going to criticize it. trump has constantly criticized America, maybe he should leave. He assumed the 3 others were immigrants because of color or religion.
President Reagan celebrated our diversity, our immigrants – he was a real American (but I opposed his tax policies and his corrupt administration); trump is vile c*cksucker and a Fake American.
Bwaha. Lolgf.
Yes, he signed a bill; yes, the Mexicans double-crossed him; yes, it was a big mistake.
DJ trump told 4 US citizens (of which one was an immigrant) to leave America if they were going to criticize it. trump has constantly criticized America, maybe he should leave. He assumed the 3 others were immigrants because of color or religion.
You seem to have a problem with the facts here. First, he did not address any number of citizens.
Second, he said if the knew so damned much, why didn’t they go home to their countries and fix everything, and then come back here and show us how.
Third, he made no assumptions about their status.
Fourth, he rarely criticizes this country. You must be confusing him with you.
I know you lie all the time, but this is the second time I’ve had to kick your ass on this. I can always go bear suit and append these remarks every time I correct you about something.
President Reagan celebrated our diversity, our immigrants – he was a real American (but I opposed his tax policies and his corrupt administration); trump is vile c*cksucker and a Fake American.
No, Reagan wanted the problem solved and no more illegals. He knew how bad they were and what a drain they were on the country. Yes, he was a real American and it doesn’t surprise me you didn’t like his tax cut, but, funny, it was a cut for the working stiffs.
And, if we’re talking corrupt administration, we’re talking the Choom Gang and the Ozark Mafia.
And you’re the fake American and, according to liljeffy, a vile cocksucker, too.
Elwood: Since you cannot win the argument with facts, you can call names.
Typical lying leftist.
I believe he did sign an amnesty bill around 1986. What’s your point? We didn’t have 30 million illegals in 1986 either.
The Gipper didn’t need to mention illegals in his speech because in 1986 everybody knew to whom he was referring. That was twenty years before the radical left managed to conflate “immigrant” with “illegal immigrant” to confuse the issue. That’s why we use illegal alien instead.
Yes, Trump in his frustration at anti American Democrats lashed out at four US citizens. So what? Fuk them! They are not deserving of our spit. They should be stripped of their citizenship and exiled.
Elwood, that’s why you guys are gonna go down in flames. Once again you value a group of America hating communist loving ISIS supporting harpies more than you love America.
Trump fuked up. But you guys are making an art of showing the voters how much you hate their country. You are so wise.
Trump 2020 Throw out the harpies and make Elwood cry again!
On what grounds would you strip citizens of their citizenship and kick them out? We get that you hate them because they seem foreign. Two Muslims, one of Puerto Rican descent, one Black. Only one is an immigrant, and she’s legal at that. They’re no more liberal than Senators Sanders or Warren – why not strip them of their citizenship and exile them. In fact, there are 100 million liberal Americans, why not start the purge?
Do you think that exiling Americans for criticizing America sets a dangerous precedent? Criticize America or the President and you’re gone? Is that a violation of the 1st Amendment?
You have no evidence that they hate America or love ISIS, you’re just repeating slurs you’ve heard.
I gave you a list of comments against America that I attributed to “The Squad”. Commenters here thought they were anti-American until they discovered trump said all of them.
Okay Elwood. American citizenship can be stripped from people. Look it up. I have all the “evidence” I need that these assholes hate America just by listing to them! In their own words. Or do you believe someone must say I HATE AMERICA and their words and actions cannot say it? I think if people act and say things showing hate for America they needn’t actually say I HATE AMERICA. I’m not repeating “words I heard” I’m not a leftist. That’s your job.
Trump 2020 Bring exile back!
Okay Kye. I have looked it up. You’re wrong. America cannot strip citizenship on a whim (that pesky 14th Amendment), even if someone says I HATE AMERICA every day (that pesky 1st Amendment). It’s easier to rescind citizenship for a naturalized citizen, such as Melania Trump, or her parents (her dad was a registered Communist in Yugoslavia/Slovenia and were made US citizens through ‘chain migration’). And good for Melania, she grew up a Communist, but look at her now! Her sister Ines lives in a trump apartment in NYC.
That asshole tRump MAY try anything though. Who knows, that asshole may try to deport citizens who criticize him.
Trump 2019: Exile the Asshole to Dog Island!
Speech is free, but supporting terrorist organizations can get your citizenship revoked.
A little thing we like to call treason (that nasty Article 3, Section III).
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.
No, Melania grew up in a Communist country, but I’d bet she was never a Commie.
The only asshole here is you, and Trump has stayed within the law, unlike your partner in minstrelsy, Zippy.
Trump 2020: Exile the Lefty Asshole to Sex Slave Island!
Elwood that’s what I love about you and all your comrade leftists. You say you “looked it up” and I’m wrong, then you go about saying citizenship cannot be stripped “on a whim” and I never said it could and you further admit that it’s “easier” on a naturalized citizen (which means, as I said citizenship can be rescinded) and Ilhan Omar IS A NATURALIZED CITIZEN! So you didn’t look it up or you would have said “Okay Key, I looked it up and you’re right but it is rare”. So which is it can people be stripped of their citizenship or not? The answer is “Yes”.
Trump 2020 Strip Omar of her citizenship and toss her worthless ass out!
Melania did not “grow up a communist”. In fact she grew up very anti-communist. She grew up in Novo Mesto, Slovenia at the time part of Yugoslavia which was a communist controlled country. She was never a member of the communist party. Can you say the same?
If you and your political party were honest Melania would be your poster girl. She came from a communist country and totally rejected that despotic doctrine. She left to seek her fortune by immigrating to America. She succeeded at modeling, met and married a Billionaire, became a naturalized American citizen and is now First Lady of the US. That’s pretty impressive for a chick from Slovenia. But since she didn’t fall for the DemCom propaganda and is a Republican and married to the evil Trump you belittle her and call her a commie.
Just when we figure you leftists can’t get any lower you manage to surprise us.
Trump 2020 Celebrate white people, it’s okay!
The esteemed Mr Dowd wrote:
No, we can’t expel American citizens for criticizing the government, but we certainly have every right to criticize them, in whatever therms we wish. That, too, is an exercise of our First Amendment rights..
But President Trump did, albeit poorly, raise the obvious question: if they think the US is so bad, why don’t they return to the [insert slang term for feces here]hole countries from which they or their parents emigrated, rather than try to turn the US into just another [insert slang term for feces here]hole country.
“if they think the US is so bad, why don’t they return to the shitehole countries from which they or their parents emigrated”
Because they are Americans and want to make America better. After all, it’s trump who doesn’t think America is great. Why didn’t all the right-wingers leave when Barack Obama was President – all they did was complain how horrible America was. In fact, conservatives still complain constantly about America.
They are brown. According to you they can’t be Americans.
“Because they are Americans and want to make America better. ”
No, they’re anti Americans looking to change America into a socialist state.
“After all, it’s trump who doesn’t think America is great.”
If that were true I wouldn’t be wearing Trump’s 2020 hat that states “KEEP AMERICA GREAT”. That’s a pretty odd campaign slogan fr a guy who YOU say doesn’t think Americas great!
” Why didn’t all the right-wingers leave when Barack Obama was President – all they did was complain how horrible America was. In fact, conservatives still complain constantly about America.”
They never threatened to leave unlike all those rich leftists who SWORE they’d leave if Trump won. STILL HERE. And we didn’t complain how horrible America was, we complained about how horrible Obummer was and how he’s making America worse. We complain about what the anti Americans like yourself are doing to America. You’re ilk are doing to America exactly what they did to Detroit, Chicago, Philly, Newark, Dover, and dozens of more cities with your crazy commie programs. Oddly, after you completely fuk up a city you tip-toe away like nothing’s happened, never apologize and blame it on the Republicans who weren’t in power.
Trump 2020 Rebuild American cities wrecked by leftist policies!
Entering the country illegally. Overstaying a visa. Joining terrorist organizations. Sedition in support of terrorist organizations.
Hate to tell you, but any of these can get your citizenship revoked.
We get that you hate them because they seem foreign. Two Muslims, one of Puerto Rican descent, one Black.
Spare us the Commie mouth and the cheap accusations. Too many of these people are mobbed up with terrorist organizations. They can very legally thrown out.
I gave you a list of comments against America that I attributed to “The Squadâ€. Commenters here thought they were anti-American until they discovered trump said all of them.
It wasn’t in this post.
Or is this another Hirngespinst of yours? Like that All-American cookout you were invited to.
We understand you love terrorist because they do your fighting for you because you haven’t got the guts.
Do you think that exiling Americans for criticizing America sets a dangerous precedent? Criticize America or the President and you’re gone? Is that a violation of the 1st Amendment?
I thought this was that white racist Constitution you hated because of the 3/5 clause. You’ve said that often enough. And sedition is the issue, so you might want to consider how women mobbed up with a bunch of terrorists aren’t being seditious.
And if you don’t like it here, we’ll be glad to put you on a plane with them.
In fact, there are 100 million liberal Americans, why not start the purge?
Try about 40 mil, maybe. Only 20% of the body politic is Lefty.
You have no evidence that they hate America or love ISIS, you’re just repeating slurs you’ve heard.
Twat, Fake News, Facebarf, that’s where we’ve all heard it. If it’s where the Lefties can see it, it must be true.
Kye stupidly typed: Throw out the harpies…
If trump or anyone tries to exile American citizens for speaking out, you’re going to have more trouble than you can handle.
The only stupid is you.
Harpy – a grasping, unpleasant woman.
No, Kye nailed it on the head.
If trump or anyone tries to exile American citizens for speaking out, you’re going to have more trouble than you can handle.
What, you gonna use all your Secret Squirrel Rump Ranger Special Double Secret Probation training you learned in the Army?
And sedition in the cause of supporting terrorism can be cause for exile. Legally.
So are all the little Antifa snowflakes going to rise up? Can’t wait to see their meeting with Bikers For Trump.
Speaking of Democrats this is just too good to pass up …
Bwaha. Loĺgf.
Elwood, you are watching as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, C-N.Y., Rep. Rashida Tlaib, C-Mich., Rep. Ilhan Omar, C-Minn., and Rep. Ayanna Pressley, C-Mass. rip apart the Party Formerly Known As Democrat to pieces and you’re agreeing with them! Do you realize the damage they are doing by allowing President Trump to manipulate them by Tweet into beclowning themselves and their Party?
Your Party is allowing a bunch of young America hating punks to take over. These dopey broads are so far left they are even a deeper shade of Red than you are and that’s saying a lot since you’re about the reddest leftist I’ve run across.
It’s great sitting here all day and watching the Party of Slavery, Jim Crow and discrimination to be ripped apart BEFORE and election by a bunch of screaming POC. Hey you guys created the American hating youh now live with them. But say bye-bye to the presidency.
Trump 2020 We can all watch the DemComs self destruct!
This is what trump and the right keep pushing – These UnAmerican Terrorist Commie Bitches Hate America! And they ARE the Democratic Party!
“The leader of genius must have the ability to make different opponents appear as if they belonged to one category”. — Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)
trump’s genius is his simplicity.
Have I agreed with these 4 Representatives? When? I don’t support the Green New Deal or Medicare for All. I may not agree with them but I’m glad they’re there.
Well, that’s what Tom Perez said about Occasional Cortex.
And Hell’ Harem has said it loud enough often enough.
Have I agreed with these 4 Representatives? When? I don’t support the Green New Deal or Medicare for All.
Actually you have.
And the Minneapolis Star-Trib has done some investigative work on Ms Omar. In their words, “Omar committed immigration fraud, she also committed passport fraud. And tax fraud. And campaign fraud”.
And that can get her thrown out.
Read ’em and weep.
Ted Cruz: Freshman Dems are radical and extreme with a troubling history (video)