Hey, all you women who back this kind of insanity, are you cool with these gender confused people taking over your sports (via Moonbattery)
He Played Handball For Australia’s Men’s Team. Now Transgender, He’s Dominating Women’s Handball.
Standing at six-foot-two and weighing-in at 220 pounds, male-to-female transgender handballer Hannah Mouncey is dominating at the women’s Asian Championships in Japan.
Before his transition to female in May 2016, Mousey played for the Australian men’s handball team.
According to Handbolls Kanalen, Mouncey scored four goals in a match against Kazakhstan on Friday and contributed a combined eight goals in matches against Japan and Iran. (snip)
Due to Mouncey’s weight, height, and testosterone levels, he was barred from entering the Australian Football League, Women’s (AFLW) draft, last year. Mouncey wrote a piece for The Guardian in September blasting the AFL for their regulations. He noted specifically that the weight regulation is a form of “body shaming” and a blow to all women, transgender or not.
“My biggest concern is the fact that weight is being used as one of the key physical measures for possible exclusion. Forget the fact that in a game that has such an emphasis on endurance and speed, being heavy is not necessarily an advantage and think about the message it sends to women and girls about their bodies: if you’re too big, you can’t play. That is incredibly dangerous and backward,” Mouncey said.
Lots more at the link. As Moonbattery’s Dave Blount writes “Stick a fork in women’s sports; they are about done. Soon they will be dead of the sickness that is the transsexual agenda.” They are. How many times do you see a woman “transitioning” to be man compete in men’s sports like this? Almost impossible to find. But, there are many, many cases of gender confused men competing in women’s sports, and very much dominating them.

Ugh. Just ugh.
I sure as hell hope that freak doesn’t decide to join women’s beach volleyball
Anyone who refers to these loons as a “she” or a “her” is just encouraging this insanity.
Don’t do it.
Bruce Jenner is STILL Bruce Jenner, no matter how many drugs are used, or wang-whacking operations are done, or how many stupidly confused “adults” claim.
Attention whores, most of them
Yes, if Bruce (or whatever his name is) left DNA at a crime scene, it would come back as male DNA. Wonder why that is?
A trans male just won a professional boxing match.
I’ve known a few trans people, both guys turning in to gals. One I ride bikes with. I sort-of understand the multi-year transition process. There’s a interesting and somewhat toxic sexual combination going on with them. They have testosterone-fueled competitiveness combined with estrogen-fueled “I’m a girl, all my feelings are valid so whatever I do is special and no one can criticize it”. Like a jock with a pussy pass, it can be the ultimate toolset for narcissism if misused.
And when one of them gets killed, Jeffery will tell us it’s because of global warming.
PS The only real girl I ever heard of who could do this sort of thing was on the US Women’s Water Polo Team a couple of Olympics ago. 6′ 2″, 229 lbs.
Big girl.