The thing about our justice system is that it’s supposed to be impartial. All should be treated evenly and impartially. What kind of precedent does this set?
Charlottesville man fined $1 after assault on white nationalist in 2017
A man convicted of assaulting a white nationalist two days after a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville last year was fined $1 on Tuesday.
Jason Kessler, a white nationalist and organizer of the Unite the Right rally, fled a press conference on Aug. 13, 2017, two days after 32-year-old counterprotester Heather Heyer was allegedly run down by another white nationalist, after he was swarmed by an angry crowd.
After Kessler fled, Jeffrey Winder of Charlottesville was charged with assault and battery, and prosecutors said he could be seen striking Kessler in a video. Winder was found guilty in Charlottesville General District Court in February, as the Daily Progress reported, and found guilty again Tuesday in Charlottesville Circuit Court after an appeal.
Though Winder could have received up to 12 months in jail and $2,500 in fines from a jury, he received a $1 fine.
No matter what you think of Kessler, who’s a racist scumbag, this decision allowed a person (who’s a known and violent member of Antifa) to get away with assault and battery with less than a slap on the wrist. A decision like this will enable more violent Democratic Party voters to assault people they disagree with and think they can get away with it with less of a fine than a parking ticket. This is excusing violence.

Somebody suckerpunches someone and you want to throw the book at them?
Was Keith Schiller ever charged for his violent acts? Were the violent trump supporters (seen punching people on video) at rallies ever prosecuted?
Kessler is suing the city and police dept for $117 million for not protecting him. Kessler admitted he wasn’t physically injured, but suffered psychological damage because people made fun of him in the video.
Heather Heyer was unavailable for comment.
So the nignorant angry little black child condones violence just so long as it’s perpetuated against the “right” people for the “right” reasons?
Mr. Winder was arrested, convicted, appealed, lost the appeal and the jury recommended the fine. We assume he paid it. The system worked! Even the victim – the violent, white supremacist Jason Kessler, admitted to no physical injuries.
You forgot to address the assaults committed by trump supporters/white nationalists against protestors.
Why do you hate the American justice system?
So you do condone violence against the “right” people for the “right” reasons.
The perp was arrested, tried, convicted and fined. You may not believe the sentence was severe enough, but the system worked.
Do you think the white trump supporter who, on video, suckerpunched a black protestor at a trump ‘rally’ should have been arrested?
Had it been the other way around, yiou’d be screaming for it in your usual faux outrage.
and I’m on Kessler’s side.
This is assault and battery. Just dumb luck the guy wasn’t seriously injured, but it does show the Lefties do not believe in Equal Justice Under Law.
He was arrested, charged, tried, convicted and fined. The system works. What’s your beef?
“Racist scumbag”.
So we now know what side you’ll be on in the coming conflict.
LOL. So even TEACH is not white supremacist enough for you.
What Teach thinks is irrelevant, but, yes, Conservatives can disagree and still be civil.
I know, foreign concept to the likes of you.
You find threatening being on the wrong side of a civil war to be ‘civil’? Nutz
So It is up to President Trump supporters to defend themselves. Buy Bike locks and use them after all Antifa uses them for little or no consequences.
In the immortal words of Robert Rogers, “Kill ’em quick, kill ’em dead, and kill ’em all”.
I don’t see it the punch as a big deal, unless he broke something. Then he should be charged. I’ve been sucker-punched, with blood pouring out of my face onto the asphalt while two cops stood there and watched me capture and hold a 6’3″ man. They took 15 minutes and several supervisor calls to decide what to do (its a hopeless bureaucracy of indecision) while I restrained the struggling guy and bled. Finally a woman helped me sit on him while the cops were on the phone. They finally took him away for the other things he did that night. I view the punch as incidental and never once thought of pressing assault charges.