If All You See…

…is horrible sea flooding because Other People use air conditioning, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is A View From The Beach, with a post on an actress testing the value of the market.

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One Response to “If All You See…”

  1. Jeffery says:

    Chris Collins (R-NY) is in FBI custody for insider trading. Collins, his son Cameron and Cameron’s future father-in-law are being arraigned.


    Collins was a board member of Innate Immunotherapeutics and received notification June 22 of a failed clinical trial before the public release of the information on June 27. He called his son Cameron to tip him off, who in turn tipped off in father-in-law to be. Collins’ family was also heavily invested and got out at the same time, saving close to a $1 million. The indictment likely means they have what they need.

    From the board of directors:

    Based on an analysis of the top-line data, on 27 June 2017 we reported that MIS416 did not show clinically meaningful or statistically significant differences in measures of neuromuscular function or patient reported outcomes.
    I would also like to thank Chris Collins and all shareholders who supported our staffs’ dedication during the year. I regret we have not provided you with a better outcome and also a better outcome for the wider multiple sclerosis community.

    In Jan 2017 the stock peaked at $15.90 a share and is now at $0.31, turning a $100,000 investment into $1950. No wonder they wanted to bail. Imagine how the people who bought stock not knowing the company was failing felt.

    That’s one way to drain the swamp.

    5 other GOP Congressman have been implicated but not charged. Former Sec of HHS, Tom Price, also had invested in Innate, allegedly on tips from Collins.

Pirate's Cove