This is sure to be one of those “well, gee, perhaps we shouldn’t have done this under Obama” moments for Democrats when the Era Of Trump starts
(Washington Free Beacon)  Senator Chris Coons (D., Del.) said on CNN Tuesday that he regrets the rule change Senate Democrats made to the nomination process.
“The filibuster no longer acts as an emergency brake on the nomination,†Coons said.
The senator was questioned on the nomination process and the rule changes that senate Democrats had made in order to keep Republicans from derailing their selected nominees.
Coons admitted that Democrats had watered down the nomination process after Kate Bolduan mentioned that Republican’s could now take advantage of the simpler consent process.
“I do regret that. Frankly I think many of us will regret that in this congress because it would have been a terrific speed bump, potential emergency break, to have in our system to slow down the confirmation of extreme nominees,†Coons said.
Democrats made this bed, now they’ll have to lie in it. Sure, they’ll caterwaul and their Compliant Media will backstop them, but, if elected Republicans stay strong (always a dicey proposition), they can use the exact same rules Democrats used to push the Trump/Republican agenda.

They were warned. They thought they’d be ruling for the foreseeable future.
Maybe they’ll learn something from this although I doubt it.
Dems will regret a lot of the stuff they’ve done the last 8 years…
Maybe they’ll learn something from this although I doubt it.
If only someone could have warned them.- I mean, besides everyone with a brain.
it would have been a terrific speed bump, potential emergency break, to have in our system to slow down the confirmation of extreme nominees,†Coons said.
Like 2/3rds of the Obama nominees….Including Van Jones who was forced out after it was discovered he was an avowed communist.
LOLOL.. Jones was a avowed Negro who correctly and loudly identified avowed Nazi congressional Republicans as “assholes”. Avowed Nazis Alex Jones, Glenn Beck and Mike Pence wouldn’t let that go.
It was a different time all the way back in 2009. Nowadays an avowed Nazi politician, in bed with actual avowed Russky communists can brag about sexually assaulting young women in graphic terms without blowback. Such is the power of the avowed Nazis of the right-wing avowed Nazi noise machine!
Keep swinging in the wind. You sound crazier and crazier Jeffery. Hahahahaha.
The little guy is quite amusing.
Stupid is as stupid does……my names forest
JefferyGump.Wow, shows how little he knows about the people he called Nazis. And how little he knows about Nazis. And just how little he knows about anything.
Stop getting your info from lefties pal. They lie like dogs all day long.
Jeffery, you do realize Nazi’s are leftists don’t you? They are the socialist workers party you moron. They are the same as communists, like you but with private ownership of property.
At least that smelly slut lost. Hahahahahaha.
The left sides with the muslims who fought with the leftist NAZIs in WWI and currently want to continue Hitler’s final solution…boggles the mind.
That was WWII Stosh, but who’s counting??