All these little Special Snowflakes should remember that what goes around could come around. Oh, and that the Real World will soon smack their massively in-debt faces with the Cold Mackerel Of Reality
(Heat Street)  The Tufts University student government has overwhelmingly rejected a resolution to broaden free-speech protections on campus, with some student leaders denouncing the measure as an “unsafe†act that “actually really harms students.â€
The resolution took aim at the university’s vague administrative prohibitions against “inappropriate language,†“gender bias,†“hurtful words,†and “comments on an individual’s body or appearance,†among other examples cited in the measure.
Such guidelines were far too broad, and threatened free speech rights on campus, Goldberg argued. Clarifying language was needed “so that we the students are fully aware of exactly what conduct violates Tufts’ policies and simultaneously receive the full protection of the First Amendment in regards to speech.â€
Tufts student leaders did not agree. The student senate recently voted down the measure 26 to zero, with two abstentions, the College Fix reports. A number of student senators argued that the proposal “actually really harms students†because “clarity in itself is subjective.â€
And then people wonder how we ended up with Donald Trump. Seriously, they even felt unsafe because a resolution on free speech, guaranteed by the Bill Of Rights, was mentioned.

Future, if not present, Democratic voters who probably demand “diversity” in everything they see in the world. And have no clue of the irony
That’s not true. They only demand diversity in everything considered “white”, as in countries, culture, politics, schools, societies and any other item they consider white. They don’t call to send 10 million Mexicans to Japan or 5 million Africans to Saudi Arabia or 2 million Iraqis to Somalia do they?