Leftists continue their bleating post-election, because they lost. Let’s not forget that, when they all thought (heck, most of us thought) that Hillary would win, it was all about respecting the election outcome. Now? Not so much, so, we get the Washington Post printing a screed by Mehdi Hasan, an Al Jazeera “journalist,” who isn’t even an American, and may or may not be an Islamic supremacist, to tell us
The American political system is broken
Consider the following scenarios: What if Venezuela held a presidential election and President Nicolás Maduro claimed victory with fewer votes than his main rival? Or if Russian liberals won the most votes in the country’s legislative elections but failed to secure the most seats in the Duma? Or if Iranian authorities tried to prevent members of the country’s largest minority group from voting?
Can you imagine the howls of outrage from the White House press secretary? The pious calls from the State Department spokesman to respect the will of the people and protect minorities? Yet all of these undemocratic travesties occurred. Here in the United States, in front of our noses.
Perhaps Mr. Hasan should read the Constitution, and understand the way it is set up, before chiming in.
Much has been written since Election Day about the need to resist the “normalization†of racism and misogyny. Less has been said about the “normalization†of democratic dysfunction, the signs of which are all around us.
 Take the popular vote. Sorry, Americans, it’s just not “normal†for the candidate who came in second to be declared the winner of the race for the second time in the space of a mere 16 years. In 2000, George W. Bush was elected the 43rd president of the United States despite winning about 540,000 fewer votes than his Democratic opponent; in 2016, Donald Trump has been elected 45th president despite trailing Hillary Clinton by 2 million votes.
It may be unusual, but, according to our Federal Republic system, it is entirely normal. But, Leftists refuse to accept that, when it comes to the ballot boxes, they are losing at all levels here in the United States. Many people might consider themselves liberals, but, they are voting against Democrats, because they see that Democrat policies do not work.
None of the other Western democracies have anything comparable to the archaic U.S. electoral college…
Because we aren’t a democracy. Apparently, British schools aren’t any better than American ones in teaching How The American Political System works. If only there was some sort of medium people could use to understand our federal election system.
This is followed by a whine on election spending, then turnout. Mr. Hasan almost seems to be writing that people should be forced to vote.
And, of course, the typical whines of “voter suppression”. Then gerrymandering, which is only bad when Republicans do it.
This isn’t a time for denial or deflection. The American political system is broken. Far from being the “world’s greatest democracy,†to quote President Obama, representative democracy in the United States seems further hollowed out with every election cycle.
Nothing is wrong with the voting. It works just fine, as set up by the Constitution. If Hasan wants to look at something that is “broken”, well, then we should repeal the 17th Amendment and return power back to the states in selecting their Senators, as it was designed. We should enact term limits on the House of Representatives, so that no one spends decades in office. And British weenies should mind their own business, particularly when they don’t understand the actual presidential election system, designed to empower the States in a Federal Republic, while also protecting the Rights of the minority.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

Watch the video for as long as you can stand it.
May we suggest the non-assaultive conservatives take control of their assaultive brethren.
You know, the same way you blame all Muslims for the violent radicals.
Is this just the base nature of the far-right?
Chump claims there is no such thing with a conflict of interest regarding the US prez…
May we suggest the non-assaultive conservatives take control of their assaultive brethren.
You know, the same way you blame all Muslims for the violent radicals.
Why’s that? According to the article you linked, the police are already investigating.
The police also investigate Islamist attacks… yet conservatives argue that all Muslims take responsibility for the vile acts of a few.
All we’re asking is for less-violent conservatives to take control of their assaultive compatriots. The police can’t be everywhere.
Are you really advocating or defending assaulting minorities?
Are you really advocating or defending assaulting minorities?
Ah…you must be a liberal. I have to interpret your words with surgical precision, and yet you can grandiosely read things into my statements well beyond anything I ever actually said.
Who is “we”? The identity of the author of these notes, as of the story you’ve linked, is unknown so it’s not reasonable for anybody to “take control of” whoever wrote them, nor do I see any conservatives demanding peaceful Muslims “take control of” ISIS terrorists. I understand the false-equivalence you’re trying to set up here, but it just isn’t working…
Ding-ding-ding…We have a Winner! Welcome Morgan K Freeberg to the insufferable world of Jeffery. However, Jeffery is much, much more than a mere liberal. Jeffery is so far radically left he thinks Trump is a conservative. Hahahahahaha.
Jeffery is so far radically left he thinks Trump is a conservative.
Well, at least he’s open-minded. I’m sure he’s considering all sorts of different possibilities as the true origin of this despicable hate crime.
Congrats on identifying the act as a despicable hate crime, but you lose points for suggesting it was a hoax (your example was from Breitbart, no less, LOL).
Cons conveniently deny facts that don’t square with their worldview.
All we’re asking is that Trump supporters control their violent, criminal faction. It would actually work to your advantage to persuade your violent compatriots to control themselves. We also understand that an important part of Trump’s support is from this very faction.
Once again Jeffery reveals himself to be hypocritical.
When the discussion was on the left being racists, he demanded proof. In his mind a mere accusation was not good enough. In fact, he rejected actual proof of racism most likely because in his mind, the left can’t be racists.
Now when the subject of violence from the right comes up, he sticks with the idea that mere accusations are enough to condemn the accused and those on the right.
Suddenly, “proof” is no longer needed.
You can’t have discussions with people who change the meanings of words and the standards they demand.
They will always justify their actions and show themselves to be without morals or ethics.
Once again gc reveals himself to be a congenital liar, formulating unsubstantiated claims to suit his argument.
Like most slippery conservatives he will always justify his actions and show himself to be without morals or ethics, much like his god-king.
But you may be right, since the grammar in the note to the mosque was much better than most conservatives can muster.
Allah/god smites Jezebel!
This is why Trump will end up stacking his cabinet with unqualified loyalists:
25th Amendment:
Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.
Thereafter, when the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that no inability exists, he shall resume the powers and duties of his office unless the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive department or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit within four days to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.
Thereupon Congress shall decide the issue, assembling within forty-eight hours for that purpose if not in session. If the Congress, within twenty-one days after receipt of the latter written declaration, or, if Congress is not in session, within twenty-one days after Congress is required to assemble, determines by two-thirds vote of both Houses that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall continue to discharge the same as Acting President; otherwise, the President shall resume the powers and duties of his office.
As I said Jeffery:
You just proved my point. No one can discuss anything with you because you lack morals and ethics. You exist to be a troll on the internet saying things that would embarrass most people as well as make the atmosphere in your alleged company toxic.
You live to hate, Jeffery. That’s all you have in your life.
It’s word for word from the US Constitution. I’m not surprised you find our Constitution drivel.
Apology accepted!
I DO hate willful ignorance and cruelty and injustice, and that’s likely why I seem hateful to you.
Do you also find Teach hateful? Nearly every post is filled with misinformation, disinformation, name-calling and/or ridicule of other Americans. The commenters that agree with his credo rarely have anything of substance to add, usually just piling on more name-calling and ridicule.
Makes perfect sense, when you think about it. Liberals lost an election they were very sure they would win. And we can see here how they make decisions…the ol’ tried & true “I must know best, for look how difficult-to-impossible it is to tell me anything.”
And, if it came from Breitbart — and, who knows how many other sources are on that list, maybe 50+, maybe thousands — it doesn’t count. You can’t tell me anything! That’s why I know best!
Add that to the reckless conflation between mere words, and throwing Molotov cocktails at police. This is why people don’t trust liberals with any decision that actually matters. And shouldn’t. They treat difference as sameness, ignorance as wisdom, words as weapons…and, it’s when they know the least, that they show the greatest confidence. Seldom correct, but never in doubt.
If I want a Chicago-size mess, with great and widespread human suffering and a lot of words blaming Republicans, they’re my first choice. But that’s typically not what I want.
from FOX “News”:
Wow, you mean Trump lied? LOL. Sounds like he took out a “Contract ON the American Voter”. In addition his tax cuts tilted to the rich adds to the national debt.
He’s repeating Alex Jones’ wild claims. Will he pay for a recount in these 3 states, or is it enough to just tweet lies?
The Tax policy Center, better known as the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center is NOT a non-partisan anything. It makes analyses on tax, expenditure and budget and attempts to explain the implications of same. It’s a “think tank”. IOW a group of “experts” in different fields all giving their opinions. Big F’n deal. That’s what we do. And they like we, have their opinions based on their prejudices.
Aside from the fact that it is so entertaining to watch Jeffery freak out over everything the liberal media prints about Trump, it is so cute to read his preposterous accusations about a supposed policy which is neither in effect or able to be put into effect since Trump isn’t sworn in yet. Keep twisting in the wind there Sugar Bear, you entertain us all. Thank God Crooked Killary lost or we would not be watching his little tantrums. Hahahaha.
Rev Dumbass,
Of course you are refractory to facts! We would never insult you by trying to change your mind.
Do you have a better, more reliable snalysis of Trump’s tax plans? It’s been the goal of Republicans for decades to further slash taxes on the wealthy and further push the responsibility of paying taxes to the working classes.
How much inocme tax does TheDon pay? It’s unseemly that a billionaire who pays no income tax is raising income taxes on working class Americans, don’t you think?
You are just so dang cute trying to deny, spin and obfuscate! We all wish Mr. Trump was a better man, but we are stuck with him warts and … well, more warts. Our shared objective is to limit the damage he causes.
As I said Jeffery, you are taking the amendment out of context but are too stupid to realize it.
You know, it’s odd. Liberals want to make an issue out of who pays the taxes…they’d like their intended audience to forget all about questions of whether the taxes are set at a verifiable minimum, so the democrats have allowed the Republican party to entirely own the issue of lean, small government.
But while concentrating on “Who pays how much?”, and then freaking out if the overall tax policy is anything less progressive than what Teddy Kennedy would’ve had in mind — they’ve made Mitt Romney’s 46% into a reality. Romney lost, so they thought this was a winning strategy; they thought wrong. The electorate actually gets it. People understand we can’t have fiscal sanity if policy is being voted in by a huge swath of voters who aren’t paying and haven’t got any skin in the game.
People also understand the taking of tax money is not what makes the country work, any more than the time we spend waiting at red lights is what makes the traffic go. “Tax” is a verb as well as a noun, and it doesn’t mean to make something go, or make an effort a stronger effort, a more likely effort to succeed. It means the exact opposite of that. Raising taxes == bad. Lowering taxes == good. Voters get this. Liberals don’t get it.
You asked from where I obtained the text.
You’ve been caught lying again Jeffery. Here ‘s what I asked:
This is after you wrote:
Once again, you have no morals or ethics. This is not the first time you have taken a response out of context in order to try and justify your incorrect point.
As I said, you got caught lying again.
You’ve been caught lying again. Sine qua non for your existence, it seems.
Once again, you have no morals or ethics. This is not the first time you have taken a response out of context in order to try and justify your incorrect point.
As I said, you got caught lying again.
Awww….poor widdle Jeffery. With no factual response and no morals, he is left to just sounding even more ridiculous than he normally is.
It seems what Jeffery is trying to say, is summed up in this article here. It includes an embed of a tweet containing the text “with his most loyal supporters” so perhaps this answers the earlier question about from where he copied the drivel.
So it seems we’re ears-deep in a cult of sorts, which draws a false equivalence between “President represents interests that do not include me” — regrettable situation, to be sure, but one adapts over time — with “President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.”
As we mature, we learn these are two different things: Disagreeing with me, being insane. Two different things. That’s not true of everyone. Some among us never reach the point of maturation where we have to say “There are sane people who disagree with me.” Liberalism, we see once again, is a problem with maturity. This is where the gutterballs go. People who never learned to admit “Well-intentioned people disagree with me,” “The majority disagrees with me,” “Sane people disagree with me,” “The law disagrees with me”…or, the most critical one, “I’m wrong.”
The President-Elect is able to engineer a winning campaign. So the reasonable intellect is going to infer, whether it wishes to or not, that he’s able to discharge the powers and duties of the office. By all means, speak up if something happens to raise doubts, but thus far nothing has. Hillary, on the other hand…well…no need to talk about her anymore I suppose.
Awww….poor widdle gitarcaver. With no factual response and no morals, he is left to just sounding even more ridiculous than he normally is.
I believe Trump has every ability to be a great president given he is basically going to be a libertarian Isolationist and that he wants some big ticket spending to help with infrastructure and inner cities.
He wants to cut corporate taxes and his tax plan if anyone would read it calls for cutting the middle class taxes ONLY…….
I believe he is totally capable of being a CEO of America….He doesnt give a flying FF about social issues and will leave that up to the states and the laws on the books….
and this is a big but….The GOP has already said they are basically not going to work with Trump….oh in not so many words…but their actions….their political double speak speaks volumes…..Ryan could not even say WALL….he could only say secure the border…..
Social Security can be fixed for 75 years if the government would just choose to increase everyones premiums by 1.5 percent and the businesses by 1.5 percent….reducing corporate taxes from 35 to 15 percent easily solves this…..forcing the companies to pick up the full amount of this tax and still have a huge tax cut.
But none of this is going to happen because FIXING problems by either side makes them irrelevant and when their is no longer a passionate fight politically people are not angry for change……and right now politics has become about demonizing the other side to get elected rather then solving problems……
Hence Trump cannot be a good president because NO one likes HIM…NO ONE will work with him and the first chance they get they will impeach him…..draining the swamp to these leeches means getting rid of trump…..not themselves…..they dont get it and never will……
Theres an old saying….Everyones congressman and senator SUCKS…..EXCEPT MINE.
What I was trying to say and what I said were one and the same. The 25th Amendment spells it out clearly. There is a mechanism for removing a mentally unfit president. It’s comforting in case Trump completely loses touch with reality.
Don’t misunderstand. I think Pence’s policies would likely be as bad for the country as Trump’s, although Trump, due to his emotional instability, has the potential to be a much greater risk. We can only hope he surrounds himself with decent, wise and stable advisors, but his scant record so far is not encouraging. Steve Bannon? Mike Flynn? Who’s next? David Duke? Ammon Bundy? Richard B. Spencer?
Well they may be people somewhere to the political right of Bernie Sanders…you’ll just have to find a way to deal.
That’s just like a liberal, by the way. You have the coping issue, everyone else is fine…you want someone else to spend time in the rubber room.
It is as I said. Sane people disagree with you. You can’t handle the idea.