…is a great farming area that would be perfect to raise food for fuel, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Proof Positive, with a post on your quote du jour.

…is a great farming area that would be perfect to raise food for fuel, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Proof Positive, with a post on your quote du jour.
Well already talk by the Republicans that they cant do much of anything Trump promised to do…..
Hence as I said….another 2 years of grid lock followed by massive losses by Republicans and Trump turning to the Democrats….Hell by the end of his 1st term I bet he runs as a Democrat….because of the assholes in congress who call themselves Republicans.
Zero….zip…nada…will get done…all those people that trusted Trump to get them a job…..forget it……the GOP is more content with making sure evil Mexicans dont sneak over the border and pluck corn for a living.
This is why I changed to independent. I hope he nominates one uber left whack judge after another just to piss of Bitch McConnell.