The Democratic National Convention is being held in a city where it is still against the law to use the opposite biological bathroom, though they’ve attempted to force schools to allow the gender confused to use whatever bathroom they feel like. It’s also the policy of the Wells Fargo Center that people use their biological bathroom. Yet, Dems still held their convention there. I guess pandering to that itty bitty number of gender confused was a bit too much for the Democrats. Or, perhaps they just didn’t want males free reign in women’s bathrooms. So, they made a tiny change
(Washington Free Beacon) The Democratic National Convention has turned a women’s restroom into an “all-gender†bathroom at the Wells Fargo Arena.
The all-gender bathroom is one of the ways the DNC is infusing its party platform into the arena accommodations. The arena also has a “gluten-free zone†and garbage cans are categorized by landfill, recycling, and compost.
A DNC volunteer told the Washington Free Beacon that there is only one all-gender restroom to accommodate transgender individuals.
The change leaves female convention goers with one fewer bathroom than male attendees.
The Daily Caller is reporting that the DNC changed one women’s bathroom per floor into a gender free-for-all bathroom. Funny how the took away women’s bathrooms, not men’s, right?
At least one person at the DNC cares, according to media reports.
“I don’t need no man in the next stall next to me while I go to the bathroom,†a female employee of the arena told
“We need a male and female she said. I’ve got personal business. I’m trying to keep it real.â€
“It’s privacy. I need privacy.â€
Privacy? Girl, you’re hanging with the wrong people. They don’t care about your privacy.
The only #DNCinPHL gender neutral bathroom is right by the press. How about that?
— Jason Rantz on KTTH Radio (@jasonrantz) July 24, 2016
Supposedly, the male cameramen have taken over that bathroom.

Normally, one would think that, if they were going to take one bathroom and convert it into an abnormal person’s facility, they’d take a men’s room, given that men can (usually) use the bathroom and exit more quickly than can women. Howsomeever, the DNC knows that the majority of the delegates and attendees will be male anyway.
It’s…Genderific, people.
Gee Teach why nothing about NC losing the All Star game ?
That unnamed employee had many other options than to use the ONE bathroom marked all gender
Bathroom wars seem to be a bit like payback for some for the bullying that they went through in high school for not being a cool varsity wrestler or cool kid
Teach, why are you always picking on that “itty bitty number” of people? Let them pee where they want stop supporting those bullies who mock them
The guy texting while driving wrote:
Actually, the Democrats have hit on a reasonable solution: they have assigned one bathroom for the mentally ill, and left the others alone. Had that been what the let were doing all along, there’d be no problems.
Unfortunately, that isn’t what the Obama Administration has been doing. Rather, they have been requiring public schools and other places to allow the ‘transgendered’ to use any bathroom, anywhere, that they think they ought to be able to use. And you can count on it: what the DNC has done will not be acceptable to the ‘transgendered,’ because it’s somehow still separatism that they can’t use any restroom they choose.
And then, of course, there’s this one:
Have the turned off the A/C yet?
Actually it’s good to see the left having to live by their rules, or at least, most of them.
Jeffery, why should rest room policy or any other policy be determined by the wants and desires of people suffering from psych-sexual dysfunction? That truly is an example of the lunatics running the asylum.
Wouldn’t it be better for society to recognize these people’s disorder and make an effort to help them rather than pandering to it? You do realize that a man who is thinks he’s a woman is in fact a man? You realize he’s as mentally ill as a man who believes himself to be Napoleon, don’t you? Neither is true. Does calling a man a woman somehow help that person? Why do you expect all of society to live and participate in this person’s lie, or dementia if you would rather?
I think the big rightwing fear is actually based on how conflicted they would feel if really hot trannys began using the MENS room
During the RNC convention sites that monitor porn useage consistently reported an increase in gay porn searches in Cleveland
Sexual repression is the problem that considers itself to be the solution
So Teach, which bathrooms do you want the hot trannys to use? MEN or WOMEN ???
Can you post a survey monkey here so we can vote ?
I vote they use the women’s bathroom
John wrote
Well, that’s interesting. John is telling the biologically female woman to go somewhere else and find a bathroom. So much for supporting women, John.
Of course, then he has to trot down batsh*t crazy roads in that comment and the follow up.
BTW, how the hell do you get the “reply to” option to work? I could probably look in the backend details, but, what browser do you use? Something other than Chrome or Firefox? I have the nested comments implemented, but they never seem to work right and nest.
Our esteemed host wrote:
Actually, you missed the opportunity, Mr Teach. If John is of the opinion that a normal person isn’t somehow burdened by having to find a (presumably further away) single-sex restroom, then how is it a horrible burden to tell a
thoroughly delusional‘transgendered’ person to find a restroom which is ‘gender neutral,’ even if it is presumably further away?The Rt Rev Hoagie wrote, to Jeffrey:
Actually, no, “a man who is thinks he’s a woman is in fact a male,” but he’s certainly not a man.
The problem with our friends on the left is that they really don’t understand that a male thinking he is a female is still a male. Cats and rats and elephants can all recognize the difference between sexes in their own species, but American liberals cannot.
Yes, if Caitlyn Jenner left DNA at a crime scene it would come back as male, because that’s what he is. Sorry, fools.
I stand corrected, Dana. You are correct they are in fact males, not men.