This sounds great: if Hillary Clinton wins, we’ll get yet another four years of a President who refuses to take responsibility
(The Blaze) Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said in an interview with “60 Minutes†that she was not responsible for security failures leading up to the Sept. 11, 2012, attacks in Benghazi.
When asked what responsibility she has for the Benghazi attacks, Clinton said she “took responsibly†as secretary of state, but Congress found no negligence on her part.
“When this happened in Benghazi, I immediately stood up an independent committee – distinguished Americans, military and civilian experts,†she said. “They came out and they said, ‘You know, the ball was dropped – in security. And, you know, some of the decisions that were made, probably should have been rethought.’â€
CBS’s Scott Pelley then interjected: “But wasn’t that your ball to carry?â€
“No it wasn’t. It was not my ball to carry,†Clinton responded. “Read the reports, read all of the reports — all many hundreds of pages of them.â€
She was Secretary of State. She was a prime mover behind the whole Libyan fiasco. It was her job to make sure that our diplomatic personnel were secure, especially with a diplomatic mission operating in an area, Benghazi, which was becoming increasingly dangerous, what with all the Islamic jihadis streaming into the area. This resulted in multiple attacks on diplomatic personnel from other nations, causing them, including the Brits, to pull out. Their ambassador was attacked multiple times. The news media were pulling out of Benghazi.
And the U.S. diplomatic personnel and our compounds had been attacked several times prior to the 9/11/12 attack.
The presumptive Democratic nominee said the security reports from Benghazi “never reached me†or “came to my attention.â€
(CNS News) Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton acknowledged to the House Select Committee on Benghazi on Thursday that of the more than 600 security requests related to Libya and Benghazi that came in in 2012 before the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attack none ever reached her desk.
However, Blumenthal’s 150 emails reached her desk, Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-Kan.) said.
Did no one bring up the security situation to the Secretary of State? Did she not ask “say, how are things in Libya?” Were there no meetings to discuss the situation in Libya? Or was Hillary just too busy using her position to enrich herself and her family via her “charity” foundation which spent little on actual charity?

Of course, had the security forces beaten off the assailants, why we know that Mrs Clinton would have been taking credit for it.
Aware of the security requests or not. As Secretary Of State at the time, she is ultimately responsible for everything her subordinates did, or didn’t do.
As was expressed to me in the military, You can delegate authority but you can’t delegate responsibility.
Just as a Commanding Officer is responsible for the actions, or inactions, of his crew, Clinton was/is responsible for the failures of her subordinates.
Dana and Nighthawk when 750 times as many were killed on 9/11 whose head did you demand for bring guilty?
You both prefer to blame Clinton rather than the militants that actually did it
Most Americans blame the Islamic militia and not Clinton
Perhaps you want investigation #14 to begin?
The family of Ambassador Stevens has repeatedly said that he would NOT want his death to become politicized
Ambassador Stevens felt that the local situation was safe enough to go there
The American Institute of Philanthropy gave the Clinton Foundation an “A” rating
They spend 89% of their money on charity
If Hillary only wanted money she wouldn’t be running for POTUS
She could make in 2 one hour speeches in the private sector what her yearkybsalarybas POTUS would give her
The Clintons have 2 homes they paid s total of less than 5 million for,10-15 years ago neither chooses to live a decadent lifestyle
It was the Amvsssador’s decision to go to BENGHAZI!!
The Turkish Ambassador also felt safe enough to attend a meeting with our Amvassador that same night
Multiple investigations hound no wrong doing
Ever notice how the GOP has nothing of their own to promote? All they can do us point fingers at others
That is the reason the GOP Congress has approval polls in the teens, they should stop these investigations which go no where and pass bills to help the economy
Thank you, John! We now know that you will never, ever be blaming people who didn’t commit crimes for the criminal acts of others, and never, ever say that law-abiding people should be deprived of their Second Amendment rights.
But why John??
In another discussion you are touting that the economy is GREAT under Obama and how wonderful the stock market is right now and how strong the dollar is.
So which is it? Is the economy great or does congress need to help it?
All you Clinton Apologists are missing the ENTIRE POINT:
Its not a matter of who dropped the ball or what shoulda/woulda/coulda……..
The entire point of the outrage is the fact that once they had eyes on and saw what was happening………
ZERO effort to help nearly 40 Americans who were in grave danger.
who coulda/woulda/shoulda before it all started.
AS POTUS….you can rest assured if you are serving overseas
YOUR ON YOUR FUKING OWN…with Hillary at the wheel.
The entire point of the outrage is the fact that once they had eyes on and saw what was happening………
Exactly right, Liam, And then to make matters worse, they lied about it repeatedly. They lied to the American people, they lied to the families of the dead, and they lie about it to this day.
And they knew they were lying. And they know they are lying today.
Well okay then.
BTW, how’s Debbie Whatshername?
Schultz had to be whisked out of her own delegation’s breakfast by security.
Sometimes life can be wonderful.
Says the woman who took money from Erdogan to change her silly old lifelong stance that Turkey committed genocide when they exterminated 1.5 million Armenians.
John wrote:
If the Congress did that, President Obama would veto them all, because the bills which would actually help the economy would undo Obama Administration regulations, repeal Obysmalcare, cut taxes and spending, and reduce — if not outright eliminate — welfare.
Hillary-“I didn’t hear about any security concerns but I did hear about some video to place the blame on.” What a chump.
Hillary-“I didn’t hear about any security concerns but I did hear about some video to place the blame on
It does not matter that you dropped the ball…..what matters is what you did after you dropped the ball……..
Let Americans die to cover your POLITICAL ASS.
The Democratic party needed Bernie sanders a lot more then they need Hillary “What does it matter” Clinton…..
But of course it might be a few years still too early to unleash full blown socialism on America so the powers that be made sure Hillary is the Nominee…..
Tuesday morning links
Hillary Corrupts Everything: The DNC Story "So this is the story the NYT runs with, the one the Clinton campaign is pressing?" "Instead it should be asking, What did Hillary Clinton know and when did she know it?" "I had
And as I like to say….the Progressive left thinks ONLY THEIR PARTY IS THE PARTY OF THE PEOPLE…..
It would be funny if not scary…..America has become no different then Bulgaria, Hungary, Russia, China or any of the other pretend democracies……the leaders behind the scenes make sure their pocketbooks are lined…..aka George Soros and company…..and let the people have a small taste of what freedom is like….
Just a small taste……well welcome to the DNC where they promise EVERY ELECTION to take care of the poor and middle class then raise taxes on the middle class and watch the poor become poorer.
And these super delegates….I wonder how many of them are NOT multi-millionaires/billionaires?
Sure they care about the poor and the downtrodden and the middle class…..sure they do.