We’ve already seen the cost of socialism, which, unlike the political science definition, is really Statism, in other countries: massive lines and the inability to get food and goods in places like the USSR. Hundreds of millions slaughtered. Jailing dissidents. Well, the mass murder of citizens has mostly ended, but, things like jailing dissidents, shutting off TV and radio, controlling the news media, etc, are all still present. Oh, and the inability to get goods. We’ve seen Venezuela, the socialist paradise Leftists love, run out of toilet paper, seen the production of beer shut down, and seen people crossing the border to get food. Now
(CNN) The latest sign of deepening crisis in Venezuela? McDonald’s has been forced to suspend sales of Big Macs in the country because it can’t source one of the burger’s key components.
Arcos Dorados, the world’s largest McDonald’s franchisee, said Thursday that it wasn’t able to supply the middle bun that separates the two burger patties.
While the company is working to resolve the problem, it will continue to offer menu options such as the Quarter Pounder and a cheeseburger called the McNÃfica. (snip)
The country can’t pay to import some goods because its government is desperately strapped for cash after years of mismanagement of its funds, heavy spending on poorly run government programs, and lack of investment on its oil fields.
Venezuala is an actual real world test site for what Statism/socialism looks like.
Oh, and nephews of Venezuela’s first lady have been busted trying to smuggle almost 2,000 pounds of cocaine.

Can anyone in Venezuela afford a Big Mac in the first place?
Tough for the nephews that they are in jail in NY. They’d no doubt be free if they got caught in their own country.
“Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles onion on whatever passes for bread in Venezuela.”
When I saw the article title, I never guessed that it was the middle bun. Rather, I figured that the socialist government had decreed that since not everybody can afford two hamburglar patties, all hamburgers were limited to one.