By now, you have obviously heard of the murder of three Baton Rouge police officers, with other wounded, by Gavin Eugene Long, a Black man who had previously been a member of the Nation of Islam and has railed against “crackers”, as well as Indians and Orientals. As NBC News notes, he had a long digital footprint, and some of that was anti-white/Black supremacist. Was this a targeted attack? We don’t know yet. But, Obama wants us to calm our Blamestorming and rhetoric
(ABC News) Confronting another killing of police officers, President Barack Obama on Sunday urged Americans to tamp down inflammatory words and actions as a violent summer collides with the nation’s heated presidential campaign.
Obama said the motive behind Sunday’s killing of three officers in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, was still unknown. It was the latest in a string of deadly incidents involving law enforcement, including the police shooting of a black man in Baton Rouge and the killing of five officers in Dallas.
“We as a nation have to be loud and clear that nothing justifies attacks on law enforcement,” Obama said in remarks from the White House briefing room.
Obama said that going into the political conventions, elected officials and interest groups should focus their words and actions on uniting the country, rather than dividing it.
“We don’t need inflammatory rhetoric. We don’t need careless accusations thrown around to score political points or to advance an agenda. We need to temper our words and open our hearts … all of us,” Obama said.
This is a man who has made a career out of using inflammatory rhetoric, always casting blame. Where was he in calling for the reduction of inflammatory rhetoric when Black Lives Matter was chanting multiple different sayings about dead cops many, many times?
The president also seemed intent on demonstrating again his support for law enforcement. Some organizations have cast doubt on that support. The National Association of Police Organizations said after the Dallas shooting that America was in the midst of a war on law enforcement officers. The group said the administration needed to show political leadership by “supporting them and giving them the resources they need to protect themselves and their communities.”
“Attacks on police are an attack on all of us and the rule of law that makes society possible,” Obama emphasized Sunday.
Where was he well over a year ago in his support for the police? Heck, during the Dallas memorial he continuously took shots at police officers while defending Black Lives Matter. Obama loves to pick sides, rather than standing for all people, including those who didn’t vote for him. As Powerline points out, Obama has spent seven years stirring up racial animosity. Calling for cooling the rhetoric now is a little late. Especially when he surely won’t cool his own.
Victor David Hansen offers three ideas for Obama
No longer invite into the White House any leaders [e.g., DeRay McKesson] whose affiliated members have marched chanting their desire to kill police officers (e.g., “What do we want? Dead cops†/ “Pigs in a blanket; fry ’em like baconâ€).
Do not consult with any self-appointed leader in the White House whose past has included overt and implicit calls to shoot police officers (e.g., Al Sharpton: “I believe in offing the pigs. Well, they got pigs out here. You ain’t offed one of them. What I believe in, I do. Do what you believe in. Or shut up and admit you’ve lost your courage and your guts to stand upâ€).
Do not invite into the White House any artists whose work has glorified the killing of officers of the criminal-justice system (e.g., Lamar Kendrick’s To Pimp a Butterfly album, one of whose songs was dubbed by Obama as his favorite of 2015), whose cover depicts a group of African-American youth celebrating with champagne and cash on the White House lawn over the corpse of a white judge with his eyes X-ed out).
He won’t. Which is probably a good reason why Cleveland Police Association head Detective Steve Loomis said that Obama has blood on his hands. I’d add that so does Hillary and a good chunk of the elected Democratic Party class.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

Our esteemed President is always right there, to tell us about the horrible racist motives of white men who shoot black people, but if a member of a Certified Victim Group® kills a white person, then we are not supposed to jump to conclusions concerning his motives, even if the killer told us.
In their oh-so-noble attempts not to appear racist, white Americans voted to elect the most racist President we have ever seen. Woodrow Wilson was less of a racist than Barack Hussein Obama.
Teach forgot to mention that the murderer was also a “sovereign citizen” and ex military who was part of the Iraq occupation. The last two multiple cop killers were ex military. Do you think the military radicalized them?
One of the officers killed in Baton Rouge was Black.
It’s easy. Police shouldn’t kill residents. Residents should not kill officers.
If police do kill a citizen the incident should be thoroughly investigated and justice served. If a citizen kills a police officer the incident should be thoroughly investigated and justice served. See?
Last week a detainee (caucasian) in St. Joseph MI shot 3 officers, killing 2 of them. But not much of story.
Last month a white man in Kalamazoo MI killed 5 cyclists by running them down with his pickup truck. Not a big story, either.
Our police do not necessarily have racist motives, and our President has said no such thing. What is clear is police have a heightened fear of Black men in their encounters, which may trigger a response. What is clear is that police choose to engage Black men more frequently – listen to Senator Scott’s story of driving while Black.
“Woodrow Wilson was less of a racist than Barack Hussein Obama.”
Good point Dana. Incredible as it is.
Jeffrey wrote:
Trouble is, for the #BlackLivesMatterIfKilledByCops people, justice does not really matter. In the two recent incidents, the officers who killed the suspects were known, and the cases have been turned over for investigation and, if justified, legal action. But the #BLMIKBC groups don’t care: they want lynchings, now. The Freddie Gray case has gone through four trials now, with one hung jury and two acquittals; a fourth decision is scheduled to be announced at 10:00 AM today. The #BLMIKBCs don’t care that two officers in the Gray case have been acquitted; they want them all hanged.
Jeffrey with the deflections
Yeah, about that, Jeffrey forgot to add something to that
Whoops. Even the Southern Poverty Law Center thinks they’re nutty as a $2 fruitcake.
So you admit you left out that he considered himself a sovereign citizen, but argue since he was a Black sovereign citizen he is somehow different from the white sovereign citizens who shoot police officers. They all hate police and government.
The SPLC considers all sovereign groups, black nationalist groups, white supremacist groups, wackadoodle, so what’s your point?
We get it. Blacks, Muslims, Mexicans and LGBTs are ruining your America and you’re scared.
Following up on Jeffrey’s comment, a Maryland judge on Monday acquitted Baltimore police Lieutenant Brian Rice of involuntary manslaughter, reckless endangerment and misconduct in office for the April 2015 death of black detainee Freddie Gray.
Six officers were charged, of whom four have gone to trial, resulting in three acquittals and one hung jury. Why, it’s almost as though the charges were motivated by politics rather than actual criminal conduct and evidence.
Jeffrey argues ‘facts’ not in evidence:
I guess that I’ve missed where anyone here has argued that white criminals shooting police officers is somehow OK>
J- “what is clear is that the police choose to engage black men more frequently-listen to Senator Scott’s story.” It’s true because Scott said so? No. And they don’t “choose to engage black men”, rather they chose to patrol where the crime is-in black neighborhoods. Whenever I see a “how many times blacks are pulled over” statistic, I wonder how many of those are at night, where the color of the occupant of the car isn’t known until the officer approaches the car?
less than 30% of the cops shot to death are killed by blacks
White people are to blame for almost all of the rest
When will white moderates speak out against those whites who are doing all that killing
Has Obama and BLM somehow become responsible for those white killers with their rhetoric ?
4 in 10 of cops killed are by black males.
Check the facts, retard.