Thanks in part to the “Affordable Care Act”, all these youths will wait in long lines to get substandard health care from a limited amount of doctors. Oh, and will be lucky to get a low paying part time job in the fast food industry, thanks to Obama policies, including the ACA
(Patch) President Obama will cross the District line into Maryland Thursday to urge young people to sign up for the Affordable Care Act just days before parts of it go into effect, according to the White House.
Obama will appear at Prince George’s Community College in Largo to talk about the program known as Obamacare as conservative members of Congress take steps on Capitol Hill to try to defund the plan.
Yet another campaign style speech. How will these youths afford to pay even the fine if they have no jobs post-graduation?

[…] Obama To Speak At Community College About ACA To Folks Who Will Have No Job Prospects […]
Agreed. As long as we are politically beholden to the anti-growth right, and their relentless fealty to the rich, job prospects are slim. Good bye middle class.
The anti-growth hRIGHT? Hah, that is rich. It isn’t the right who impose regulations with impunity, it isn’t the right who is pushing this job killing ACA on American businesses, with the exception of Obama’s cronies. What a laughable comment by Jeffrey!
Yes, the new right is clearly anti-growth and anti-middle class. Can you present your evidence that regulations imposed with impunity have hurt the economy? Do you really think that Clean Air, Clean Water, worker safety, drug safety and sensible limits on the gambling on Wall Street are bad for the economy?
There is no evidence that the ACA will have a net negative effect on jobs.
Oh for crying out loud, healthcare is KILLing businesses and causing full time jobs to go the way of dinosaurs! How many big companies are limiting their coverage to employees only?
How about the SEIU and AFL CIO complaining about rising costs? Those liberal bastions who crowed about and campaigned for ACA- are now whining and simpering and begging for a waiver!
Then there are the regs that are killing coal in many states including my own, WV and in KY. My son lived there and I saw first hand how many people depend on the coal industry for everything-jobs first, but so much more- 50% of their school taxes come from the coal companies, as do much funding for their hospitals, municipal governments etc.
ANd there is this- and again I have some first hand knowledge from a Portland liberal who grew up in the lumber business, and cannot tout it’s virtues more.
Jeffrey, the right believes in free enterprise and as much government-free independence we can handle. And none of us like seeing bankers make out like true living bandits-it’s liberals who hire them, appoint them, bail them out, let them have campaign events for them, and party with them, not us.