One has to wonder how much the notion of “buyers remorse” will show up at the polls this November. For one NJ man, it’s large in his mind
( Michael Goldstein voted for Barack Obama in 2008, and supports gay marriage and an assault weapons ban. Before moving to New Jersey 11 years ago to raise a family, the Brooklyn native fit right in with other lifelong Democrats in Manhattan’s Upper West Side.
But Goldstein now says he has buyer’s remorse. And last week the 48-year-old East Brunswick man became the face and the voice of a national campaign aimed at converting fellow Jews who as loyal Democrats voted for Obama four years ago into supporters of Republican Mitt Romney.
In a video on the home page of the Republican Jewish Coalition,, Goldstein talks about his disappointment in Obama’s handling of the economy and U.S. relations with Israel.
Today, the coalition will launch what its national director Matt Brooks called an unparallelled $6.5 million ad campaign titled “My Buyer’s Remorse,†targeting Jewish voters in battleground states who have changed their minds about Obama. The launch coincides with Romney’s visit to Israel.
Unshockingly, Democrats are whining and making false accusations, ones of astroturfing and ad hominums, as well as throwing out some lies about Obama’s time in office. But
In his video, Goldstein, a community college administrator (he declines to say where) and father of two, cites several reasons why he regrets voting for Obama, including the scarcity of jobs, particularly for recent college graduates, and Obama’s 2011 assertion that the 1967 Middle East boundaries should be the starting point for negotiations over a separate Palestinian state.
“I was a big Obama supporter. I really believed in him and believed in what he stood for,†Goldstein says in the video. But, he continues, “when he gave the speech about the ‘67 borders, it was nothing that had come up in his campaign originally. That really changed my mind about him.â€
Will this change a lot of Jewish voters minds, as they tend to vote Democrat in higher numbers than for Republicans? Perhaps. Time will tell.
Video below the fold

Ok, how can one be Jewish and be pro-homosexual? Isn’t that one of the big sins in Judaism?
I can understand the liberal aspect as they’ve always had over-rulers and have never lived well with individual responsibility.
The liberal jews and hollywood elite will never be converted away from the Democrat\Socialist party. Now, Romney may win some of the “minority” party if he stays focused on how Obama has failed them.
I would also point that he has lied over and over, and that he chooses which laws to enact and what laws will he ignore in the future?
It’s hard to see how Jews can be so pro-Democrat, considering that Progressives constantly rail not just against Israel, but Jews. Many progressives are virulently anti-Jew.