As the Senate weenies keep pandering to the People that they will secure the borders before amnestying absonders and murderers, they cannot even secure a small island
( – The U.S. Virgin Islands have long been known as a convenient Caribbean paradise, boasting sandy beaches, palm trees and sunshine — and no passport requirement for American citizens.
But that convenience is also making the Virgin Islands a conduit through which illegal immigrants, and possibly terrorists, are finding their way onto U.S. soil, according to law enforcement and government officials.
"It’s a good way to enter the United States," said former Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agent Mike Cutler. "If you can get yourself to the Virgin Islands, you’re in the United States … the likelihood is no one is going to even look at you, you just show a driver’s license, get on the airplane, and you’re on the way."
Isn’t that special?
"It really made us all very angry," said the USVI’s Democratic delegate to Congress, Donna Christian-Christensen. "It’s really important that every border be protected because we’ve seen where one area closes down another picks up."
In a report to Congress, CBP officials note they are not planning to "establish a Border Patrol Station in the U.S. Virgin Islands," despite repeated requests from Christian-Christensen and a public plea by the island’s police commissioner.
OK, there aren’t many illegals moving through the US Virgin Islands, at least that we know about. Of course, if no one is actually check, how would we know. Oh, but wait, the report states that the judges were spending almost half their time on immigration issues, and the numbers dropped precipitously when the law enforcement officers took notice.
How can we trust the numb nuts in Congress to secure the Mexican border when they cannot even secure an island?
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Truth and Hope ReportÂ
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