Going to try and keep it light-hearted today, despite any other news going on out there
NEW YORK (Reuters) – Choosing a theme song for a political campaign may sound fun but can produce plenty of sour notes.
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton’s online quest for help in picking a campaign song is evoking responses good and bad, in a reminder that the wrong tune can bring legal woes and embarrassing moments, experts say.
"This is a mistake waiting to happen," said Andrew Polsky, presidential historian and political science professor at Hunter College in New York. "Some campaign adviser who cooked up this scheme may be updating his resume if it blows up in her face."
Using videos posted on the YouTube Web site, Clinton has asked viewers to vote for a campaign song, with the winner to be picked soon. More than 130,000 votes have been cast since mid-May, the campaign said.
The finalists are "Suddenly I See," by K.T. Tunstall, "Rock This Country!" by Shania Twain, "Beautiful Day" by U2, "Get Ready" by The Temptations and Smash Mouth’s cover of the Neil Diamond song "I’m a Believer."
The search has prompted a chorus of less-than-complimentary and silly suggestions from television pundits, bloggers and Internet Hillary-haters, whose offerings include "Maneater" by Hall & Oates, "Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want" by The Smiths and "Bitch" by the Rolling Stones.
Then there’s "It’s the End of the World As We Know It" by R.E.M., "Before He Cheats," by Carrie Underwood and "Disaster Waiting to Happen" by Jefferson Denim, bloggers suggest.
Not all of those Internet Hillary-haters are on the right, BTW. Can find plenty of that in the Left-o-sphere. As well as al-Reuters, which felt free to include that little bit of Hillary hatred in the article.

Hillary Clinton – The Bitch is Back (Elton John) or Evil Woman (ELO).
John Edwards – Hair… Long beautiful hair!
Barack O Bama – Black Is Black (Los Bravos)
Joe Biden – Illinois Enema Bandit (Frank Zappa)
Who cares about the other Yellow Coat Surrendercrats!