NC House Speaker Says Screw Your Right To Vote

No, seriously, he did (Raleigh N&O)

House Speaker Joe Hackney said today that he will use the power of his office to kill the proposed constitutional amendment defining marriage.

"I said at the beginning of the session that we will control the agenda, and that’s what we will do," the Orange County Democrat said.

Hackney said he will send the bill to a committee, where it probably will die this session. The bill, which would bring to a public vote a state constitutional amendment defining marriage as the union between a man and a woman, must pass either the House or Senate this week to stay alive for the legislative session.

Hackney’s move would essentially overrule a House committee vote to send the proposal to a vote of the full House.

Now, there is quite a bit more maneuvering still going on with said Bill, but, suffice it to say, what we have here is one man, one Democrat (shocker!) playing games, using his power to keep the People of North Carolina from voting themselves.

Now, personally, I am not a big proponent of any sort of marriage amendment, it seems to run counter to the American Conservative model of freedom, as well as American ideals of freedom alltogether. But, first, this a State issue, as described by the 10th Amendment. Second, why not let the people vote? Democrats are always pushing for direct democracy, yet, they will beat it down when they do not like it. Much like "count every vote!!!! (except those pesky military ones.)"

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5 Responses to “NC House Speaker Says Screw Your Right To Vote”

  1. Phil says:

    Same thing here in Mass. The moonbats don’t want the people to vote so they will go as far as breaking laws to prevent a vote.

  2. Scrapiron says:

    Don’t be too hard on the democrats. If you look honestly at their last two presidents and the current leadership in congress you will have pity on them. They know not what they do, or maybe as in Boltons words, ‘They’re brain is empty’ A retard can’t be held liable, can they? Guess that’s why they refuse to punish any democrat criminal in congress. Too retarded to be held liable.

  3. It used to be that Democrats in State assemblies, counties, cities, were reasonable, but they seem to be moving towards full blown national style moonbattery and socialist behavior.

  4. darthcrUSAderworldtour2007 says:

    Blackbeard – How long before North Carolina becomes another… Vermont? Genesis 2:24 – For this reason a man will leave his mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh. Happy Memorial Day and JOHN 15:13!

  5. Jack Hamilton says:

    We definately need a federal amendment that defines marriage as being between one man and one woman. Marriage and the protection it affords women and children is the cornerstone of any civilization. All the deviate versions can do nothing but help destroy it further. If it is approved for two men or women to marry each other then it will not belong before all manner of things will be forced to be included. It is just encouraging and legitimizing deviate conduct. Normally i would not approve of this either but radical homosexuals have pushed this to far. we need to protect marriage as much as we can.

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