Jonah Goldberg: Just How Crazy Are The Dems?

Funny stuff, but not necessarily "ha ha" funny (LA Times)

MOST FAIR-MINDED readers will no doubt take me at my word when I say that a majority of Democrats in this country are out of their gourds.

But, on the off chance that a few cynics won’t take my word for it, I offer you data. Rasmussen Reports, the public opinion outfit, recently asked voters whether President Bush knew about the 9/11 attacks beforehand. The findings? Well, here’s how the research firm put it: "Democrats in America are evenly divided on the question of whether George W. Bush knew about the 9/11 terrorist attacks in advance. Thirty-five percent of Democrats believe he did know, 39% say he did not know and 26% are not sure."

Of course, Democrats will see nothing wrong with the poll, cause that moron Booosh certainly had to have been on it. Of course, people who think they are Napolean do not think they are crazy, either.

No, the right response to the Rosie O’Donnell wing of the Democratic Party is "It’s just make-believe." But if they really believe it, then liberals must stop calling themselves the "reality-based" party and stop objecting to the suggestion that they have a problem with being called anti-American. Because when 61% of Democrats polled consider it plausible or certain that the U.S. government would let this happen, well, "blame America first" doesn’t really begin to cover it, does it?

I hope Jonah has his death threats insurance paid up. You know he will get massive viotrol from the moonbats.

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3 Responses to “Jonah Goldberg: Just How Crazy Are The Dems?”

  1. darthcrUSAderworldtour2007 says:

    Blackbeard – I am NOT surprised for these Godless Demlibloonies don’t know the words to our Pledge of Allegiance, nor the words to our Star-Spangled Banner. They don’t know WHERE the 50 states IN the USA are located, nor the names of their state capitals! College students were asked what YEAR did 9-11 happen…and over 40% didn’t know that it was in 2001. Blackbeard, just down some Rum & Cokes and feel blest that a few of US were raised by patriots. Prost to WE THE PATRIOTS! Have a great Carolina weekend sir.

  2. […] Pirate’s Cove » Blog Archive » Jonah Goldberg: Just How Crazy Are The Dems? […]

  3. Jack Hamilton says:

    I ahve known for years that most demorats are immoral hate our country and those that serve it and have basically abandoned all common decency and honesty. Murtha best represents what a democrap is today.

Pirate's Cove