Pirates Of The Caribbean 3: At Worlds End

Aaarr, only 19 days till the release of the movie on May 25th, matey’s! I’m so excited I could pee myself, but, I won’t of course. I am neither animal nor a raving progressive

pirates of the caribbean 3

Was hoping they would have a painted movie poster like in the first 2 movies to integrate into the header, but, so far, no luck with that. Oh, well. Keira Knightley. Yummy!

Check the trailer out, if ye dare!

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4 Responses to “Pirates Of The Caribbean 3: At Worlds End”

  1. c.a. Marks says:

    I can’t wait either!

  2. Larry King says:

    Pirates 3 is going to be awesome folks, don’t miss it!!!!!!

    Let All, young and old see this movie Pirates 3!!!!

    and don’t forget “beware the Kraken”

Pirate's Cove