Ray Nagin, Hero of New Orleans?

Found at NJ.com forums:

Ray Nagin, the exhausted and fatigued mayor of New Orleans is a hero who should be getting the Congressional Medal of Honor for his nonstop efforts to save the people of New Orleans and his desperate call to the world, that finally shamed Bush and his FEMA administrators to finally enter the fray 4 days after the hurricane blasted through, after thousands had already died of neglect.

Nagin, without waiting, had opened the Superdome, saving 25,000 people from sure death. He mobilized the city police force and social service agencies to provide for the rescue and relief of the trapped and desperate population. The fact that he was on his own for 4 days in the face of the most incredible natural disaster of the last century and was able to save thousands is a testament to his leadership.

The fact that Nagin could shame the uncaring and uninvolved Bush into action and finally get the federal government committed after 4 long days, is a testament to his gritty determination to save his city. View his call for help that shamed and humiliated Bush into action:


All the news outlets, including Fox news, ran pieces over the last 24 hours heavily critical of Bush and the federal response. Joe Scarborough, normally a Bush cheerleader, is blasting Bush on his lack of response.

Bush stopped spinning after the entire world turned against him. No use spinning if nobody is listening.

Ray Nagin, the lone voice of the people of New Orleans, should get a medal for his heroic defense of the people of New Orleans.

It looks like the article came from the Canadian Broadcasting Corp, but their search functionality is down, so, sorry, no link. However, I would like to point out that had Nagin ordered the use of school and city buses to evacuate all those poor cannibals people, and the sick and injured, there would have been little need for the Superdome to be used, at least not 25,000 people! Couple of thousand, maybe.

Ray Nagin: inept and clueless. Give him the Congressional Medal of Shame.

PS: why in the hell do the build houses on slabs, when they are below water level? If you go to the south Jersey shore, such as the Barnegat Light area, or to the Outer Banks in NC, and other low lying areas, there are laws about building homes on stilts, rather then on slabs. Go figure.

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8 Responses to “Ray Nagin, Hero of New Orleans?”

  1. Nettie says:

    Uhhh….what? For a second I thought I was at the wrong blog…

  2. basil's blog says:

    Breakfast: 9/6/2005

    Try one of these specials with your breakfast: Public Eye finds who is to blame for Hurricane Katrina. Nickie Goomba reports the left’s official response to Katrina. The Therapist says the toll could climb. Confederate Yankee finds NOLA politicians tur…

  3. Congressional medal, eh? Search functionality down, eh? I’m thinking that you just made up this CBC story, too good to be real.
    Great comedy, William! You’re being too modest. 😉

  4. Van Helsing says:

    Next election, the people of New Orleans can decide in Nagin is a hero or not — if he has the gall to run for reelection.

  5. can’t wait till the Congressional Investigation, where all the libs will get smacked around when it comes out how bad Nagin did.

  6. “why in the hell do the build houses on slabs, when they are below water level? If you go to the south Jersey shore, such as the Barnegat Light area, or to the Outer Banks in NC, and other low lying areas, there are laws about building homes on stilts, rather then on slabs. Go figure.”

    Since New Orleans is below the water table, they can’t really use posts because they would have no dry ground to help support them. N.O. is in the same situation that Venice Italy has. Except Venice used petrified wood posts that go down until they reach bedrock to rest on. I don’t think the big easy has that option.

    Just a bit of input. Ciao.

  7. rose sokol says:

    Ray Nagin is disgrace to the City of New Orleans. He will never put the blame where it should be. On himself. Now the idiot is telling the people to return to city. What an asshole. How many more will die?

  8. rose sokol says:

    Ray Nagin is disgrace to the City of New Orleans. He will never put the blame where it should be. On himself. Now the idiot is telling the people to return to city. What an asshole. How many more will die?

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