Category Archives: Narcissist In Chief

Obligatory “Obama’s Fighting Against Obama’s Own Words” Post

By now, you’ve probably heard about and watched the dueling video’s regarding Obama on government health service (again, I refuse to use the word care in the discussion anymore.) First up there is the video found regarding what Obama has actually stated about what he wants to see happen vis-a-vis single payer, featured at The […]

Obama Manages To Annoy His Russian Hosts

Apparently, Putin and Medvedev just aren’t considered the kinds of dictators, brutal leaders, or far left enough for Obama to kiss their butts. Perhaps the two should have stressed a little more that they have lots of nuclear weapons and the actual means to deliver them? Or Putin could have regailed Obama with some of […]

Obama Signs All About Obama Smoking Bill

Is there anything that isn’t about the Narcissist in Chief? Obama signs anti-smoking bill, cites own struggle President Barack Obama cited his own long struggle to quit the cigarettes he got hooked on as a teenager as he signed the nation’s strongest-ever anti-smoking bill Monday and praised it for providing critically needed protections for kids. […]

Pirate's Cove