2nd Blogoversary

You know, I totally forgot that July 22nd was my second blogoversary.

Shiny Pirate Thongs for all!

Nance Pelosi even emailed me a picture!

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13 Responses to “2nd Blogoversary”

  1. SeanS says:

    Happy blogoversary! The Pelosi pic is too much. *Shudder*

  2. traderrob says:

    So that’s why they invented paper bags. Happy blogversary, may you be banned on each and every one of them, TR

  3. Fix4RSO says:


    I be havin’ the great nightmares the whole eev’neeng, Sirr!!! Ugh!!!


  4. Janette says:

    Happy blogoversary Teach!

    I love the new theme!

  5. chrys says:

    Happy Blogiversary Flag Man!! (you say I’m late?)

  6. chrys says:

    Pelose?!?! In her dreams. You’re too kind William Teach.

  7. chrys says:

    Pelosi isn’t worth spelling correctly is it?

  8. benning says:

    Happy Boggiversary! Gad! A pelosi card? Yeesh! Save that for Halloween!

  9. William Teach says:

    Thanks, y’all.

    I thought it was a very generous and personal touch from Nance πŸ˜‰

  10. Maggie says:


    Happy Blogversary – I’m lifting my glass of RUM, Matey!

  11. Macker says:

    I’m glad I haven’t had breakfast yet. Happy Blogoversary!

  12. benning says:

    But my eyes are still watering! πŸ™

  13. you should see some of the ones I did of Hillary πŸ™‚

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