Coming to European nations which have allowed vast amounts of Islamists into their countries soon?
Taliban Ban Windows To Stop Women Being Seen Inside Homes
The Taliban have banned windows that look onto areas where Afghan women could be seen inside their homes.
“Seeing women working in kitchens, in courtyards or collecting water from wells can lead to obscene acts,” government spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid posted on X on Saturday. (big snip)
A decree by the Taliban’s supreme leader Hibatullah Akhundzada states that new buildings should not have windows that show “the courtyard, kitchen, neighbor’s well and other places usually used by women,” according to a translation by France24.
Existing windows looking into such areas should be blocked with a wall or should have their views obstructed in some other way “to avoid nuisances caused to neighbors.”
Good thing Biden’s plan on leaving Afghanistan worked so well, eh?
Shabnam Nasimi, a former U.K. government policy adviser, said on X on Sunday: “3+ years since Kabul fell, and the world watches in silence. For shame.”
Nasimi—a former adviser to the U.K.’s ministers for Afghan resettlement and refugees and co-founder of the Friends of Afghan Women Network—has repeatedly spoken out against the Taliban’s treatment of women.
In another post, she added: “How much longer will the world stand by and watch?”
Head of the U.N. mission in Afghanistan Roza Otunbayeva said: “There is an ongoing, dangerous erosion of human rights protections, with women and girls bearing the brunt.”
Yes, well, this is extremist Islam, which is being imported to 1st World Nations, particularly in Europe. You were warned about them after September 11th and Britain’s 7/7, but, you forgot. You ignored. There is literally nothing that can be done about Afghanistan unless you want to invade the nation.
Here's a list of previous Taliban decrees and rulings:
— ???????????????? ???????????????? ? ?? (@NiohBerg) December 29, 2024

Mr Teach typed: Good thing Biden’s plan on leaving Afghanistan worked so well
Does Mr Teach believe that then President Trump screwed up forcing the US to leave Afghanistan after decades of occupation? It was Trump who negotiated the deal with the Taliban.
It sounds as if Mr Teach would support King Donnie‘s ban on Muslim immigration.
No matter who negotiated the deal, the important thing is this.
Who flipped the deal? Who cut and ran leaving the terrorists in charge?
Who got Americans killed?
Biden “I Am A Thief” did. That’s who.
It was Trump’s deal with the Taliban, leaving the Taliban in charge.
Fat Donnie cut and ran leaving others to do the dirty work.
How much longer should the US forces have stayed to eliminate the Taliban that Trump had struck the deal with? How long would it take to kill all the Taliban?
Go take a nap. You’re losing it.
Ellie, like I wrote, Biden is the one who left.
All else is speculation about how long, etc.
Elwood please just go away.
Oz please just kiss my ass.
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You wouldn’t? You would probably allow Nazis to immigrate in 1943 and Russians in 1960 too. Nobody with any brains allows the enemy into their home. Unless they are a traitor. It’s bad enough we have to tolerate Americans like you and the rest of your pinko ilk. Why would we let Islamists in? So they can do to America what they’ve done to Michigan or London?
What is it about you that causes you to hate White, Christians so much?
Until we get the millions of illegal aliens already in our country sorted out, I am against any more immigrants, from anywhere. We have enough. We are full. There are almost 200 countries on the planet. Go to one of them instead.
Sorry but no, I would not ban Muslims. Why? First Amendment.
You confuse Islam (a religion) with Nazis and Russians. Muslims are not our enemy, MAGAts are. You support neo-Nazis in the US today – Groypers, Aryan Brotherhood, Attomwaffen, Hammerskins, National Socialist Movement… Would you deport American neo-Nazis? If not, why not?
What you call hatred of white christians is called equal rights. You want America to be a white christian theocracy. Our Constitution won’t allow it.
You’re still stuck on denial, eh?
That’s how idiots lose elections. It’s also how traitors allow the enemy to murder our people.
I’ve/we’ve been telling you this for eight years: NEO-NAZIS ARE SOCIALISTS AND WE HATE SOCIALISM SO WE DON’T SUPPORT NEO-NAZIS. Please explain why such a simple concept is so hard for you to understand?
I don’t know who Groypers, Attomwaffen and Hammerskins are. Oddly you do. You must be one of them. The Aryan Brotherhood is about 60 old men at a German bar on Hitlers birthday. Period. So who (other than your narrow mind) cares?
The First Amendment does not support treason. And yes, I would exile any enemy of America including American neo-nazis, communists and moslums. There is nothing in our constitution that requires us to permit our enemies FOREIGN OR DOMESTIC to inhabit these fair shores! IN fact it is our sworn DUTY to get rid of them.
No I don’t. Nazism IS a religion now. Russians are a nationality and you know all this. As usual we are going over shit you’re well aware of but refuse to accept. Stubborn or stupid?
Hatred is hatred, not equal rights. Exactly what rights do I have as a White Christian that are forbidden to moslems, nazis or communists in America? Name them. They all have the same rights as we but they don’t all have the same loyalty: love for America.
In fact, when you consider affirmative action and all the other racial specifics applied to others that SPECIFICALLY EXCLUDE White Christians, Jews and straights we actually live in a very oppressive society. Toward us, the progeny of the founders, settlers, conquerors and builders of our country.
No, as I’ve said before I do not support any theocracy. You do. Secularism is it’s own religion and you support that. Your secular faith specifically bans the very mention of my religion in many places even as my taxes go to support your beliefs. That is against the constitution.
Enjoy the New Year and the new birth of Freedom under the great President Donald Trump. And keep believing what you do it’s converting thousands to our side daily. LOL.
Yes, pity the poor white, christian men in America. You have it sooo difficult. No wonder you are so angry. Life has dealt you a shitty hand, hasn’t it?
Do you (and others like you) really base your decisions and beliefs on what others type? That’s pretty weak, but absolutely transactional, much like Trump.
So not believing magic and stone age myths is now a religion? Interesting.
No you not believe that American women, Blacks, Muslims, LGBTQ persons, atheists, should have rights equal to yours?? Weak and unAmerican. How about naturalized citizens?
Your sarcasm belies your hate, as does your refusal to capitalize “Christian”. Or perhaps you’re just being an ignorant twerp. It’s interesting how you snub the topic and don’t answer why it’s okay to discriminate against me. And again: I”M NOT ANGRY! I’m happy we thoroughly whipped you leftists in a huge victory. You are projecting again, Dowd.
So I respond to what you’re saying and I’m “weak and transactional” But if I ignore your silliness I’m scared? is that how your little brain works?
No, making your politics your faith and your leader your god is a religion. Not having any room in your political beliefs for disagreement or other opinions makes it a religion. Being too afraid to even allow the founding faith to be discussed in schools makes it a religion. YOU have elevated your politics to the level of religion, not us. We still somehow manage to think of Trump as a fallen MAN and God as God. Crazy, eh?
I do believe that all of those groups you so easily call out as though they are some sort of special people should have every right I have. Have I ever said otherwise? But not muslims. They believe in the elimination of everyone not moslem by force or conversion. You know that if you’ve ever read anything about them. Therefore, they by their own belies should not even be in America let alone BE Americans.
And as far as naturalized citizens are concerned as long as they aren’t from those groups who wish to destroy America I say: Welcome!
I’m sure that’s not good enough for you since the self righteous often lack self awareness. And if you are anything, you are surely self righteous.
We are staying at my parents guest house until I decide on new housing since the hurricane so I’m cutting off for the night to entertain guests that should begin arriving soon.
Have a fun New Year Eve and a great New year to you all.
Maybe it’s because of that White Christian wife of his who’s also a preacher.
The distinguished Mr Dowd started his New Year’s Eve drinking early:
So, our socialist from St Louis thinks that the people who openly proclaim that they are our enemies are not, but 50% of American voters are?
Check that. Biden and democrats are our enemy.
Bwaha! Lolgfy Losers!
Islam is right about women.
“The World” already gave you a chance. Your fellow countrymen chose this instead. Sucks to be you. “The World” has no obligation to come to your rescue again. Many of your countrymen fled abroad when your country collapsed and now they are problems for their new homes. “The World” is tired of Afghanistan.
As someone who has lived through it all. Someone who saw us get deeper and deeper into “I am the world’s policeman” while putting together NATO and other allies to fend off the Soviets; I can say that we violated the rule of war.
You don’t get into one without vowing to win it using whatever force and weapons necessary.
Korea taught North Vietnam how to fight us.
Vietnam taught the Muslims.
The question now is this. If we allow the flood of Muslims into our world too continue and if we don’t impose our morals, laws, etc., on the Muslim world, can we win?
The answer is no. We cannot. Sheer numbers and a religion that espouses all that is unacceptable to any reasonable person will win.
We have to go back. We have to, as in Germany and Japan, kill and destroy enough of the terrorists that they will change. They will become us.
Our failure would destroy western civilization.
Just put a fence around them and crater their airports. If they dont come here, they stop being “our problem”. James, you have all the words but none of the understanding. There are plenty of Islamic people that are not our enemies. As long as they stay in their own countries and only trouble each other, we dont need to care about them. We dont need a meddlesome state department cadre who picks winners and losers around the globe and showers our frenemies with weapons and money.
There are plenty of Islamic people that are not our enemies.
“A significant minority (21%) of Muslim Americans say there is a great deal (6%) or a fair amount (15%) of support for extremism in the Muslim American community.”
That’s 21%.
“51% of U.S. Muslims want Sharia; 60% of young Muslims more loyal to Islam than to U.S.”
You cannot have Freedom of Religion, or Speech, under Sharia.
“Nearly half of 600 Muslim-American citizens polled who plan to vote in the 2012 presidential election believe parodies of Muhammad should be prosecuted criminally in the U.S., and one in eight say the offense is so serious violators should face the death penalty.”
“The poll also found 40 percent of Muslims in America believe they should not be judged by U.S. law and the Constitution, but by Shariah standards.”
All they want is what they want when they want it.
If they dont come here, they stop being “our problem”
The problem is they have and will continue to come here.
We dont need a meddlesome state department cadre who picks winners and losers around the globe and showers our frenemies with weapons and money.
The problem is this. Pandora’s Box has been opened. We must win the war and change the Muslim’s actions before it can be closed. And then we fire that DoS guy.
Do you’uns fall on the side of Musk/Trump or the MAGA hoi polloi regarding the H-1B visa issue?
It’s a tough problem. Some employers will take advantage and pay less. Some won’t. I personally know of a situation when the foreign worker was paid much less than the US citizen.
Back when I was a contract IT worker for EDS around the turn of the century, They were having a hell of a time finding qualified sys admins in the US. They eventually got one from Bulgaria and one from China on those H1-B visas. I know they looked, because they even asked me if I knew anyone.
Why Rimjob and democrats can never be taken seriously. Ever.
Do you get it now?
Bwaha! Lolgf ?osers!
“How much longer will the world stand by and watch?”
I’m good with not even paying attention. 20 years to run your country and countless lives sacrificed, and yet….I honestly could care less, almost as much as I could care less about Ukraine. Should have been simple, go in, lay waste and leave with the warning that if one hair on any Americans head or ally is harmed and it ties back here, we’re coming back in and turning this already crap-hole into a parking lot. Nation building with a 7th century and tribal mentality was the absolute dumbest thing ever, but hey, those ivy league types is much smarterz than us right?