If they commit minor crimes they will be shown the door
Tenn. bill aims to send migrants with a minor charge to sanctuary cities instead deporting
A Tennessee state lawmaker wants law enforcement to send migrants accused of minor crimes to sanctuary cities instead of deporting them.
He also wants to make sure all agencies report migrants to immigration.
Representative Todd Warner filed the bill ahead of the legislative session.
He told FOX 17 News sending migrants to a sanctuary city could cost less for Tennessee than deporting them to another country. (snip)
Violent criminals, he said, would be subject to the judicial system and deported.
“This is for victimless crimes. This is not for someone that has committed a terrible crime,” said Warner.
That’s a good idea. Governor Bill Lee is a Republican, and could literally take any illegal/migrant and ship them away from Tennessee, but, this makes sure that it happens. And Bill is ready to cooperate with Trump
Tennessee governor appears ready to mobilize National Guard, state officers for deportation
Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee is set to use state personnel, likely National Guard troops and highway patrol officers, to back President-elect Donald Trump’s plan to deport millions of immigrants when he takes office in January 2025.
The Republican governor issued a statement on the social media platform X Monday evening saying, “I have asked key state agencies to begin making preparations & stand ready on Day 1 to support President Trump’s efforts to secure our Nation’s borders & keep communities safe.”
The statement marked the governor’s first confirmation that he is willing to use Tennessee personnel, which could include troops and state officers, to remove undocumented immigrants as part of a national effort by Trump to deport millions of people.
It’s a whole lot easier when you are shipping the criminals to sanctuary cities first. Reports show that there are around 7.9 million illegals currently living in sanctuary cities.

Transporting known unauthorized aliens violates federal law, but we can give politicians in backward states such as Tennessee a break. And Donnie Dummkopf IS above the law – He IS the law!!
Donnie Dummkopf, who has promised what he can’t deliver – deporting all the ‘illegals’ – has unleashed a mob of right-wing locals to “deport” unauthorized aliens now in Little Rock, Paducah and Tulsa, to Chicago and LA. What could go wrong?
Should send a couple thousand to Affton, MO. Pretty sure Rimjob would have no problem with that and it would stop his incessant whining.
He prefers prepubescent boys.
Bwaha! Lolgf Loser!
MAGA47! Daddy’s Coming Home.
The St Louis area welcomed some 70,000 Bosnian immigrants over the past few decades. They are our friends, our neighbors and our co-workers. Many are Muslim.
So yeah, Dummkopf Donnie could send thousands of migrants here. Immigrants, with their work ethics and strong family values make valuable neighbors.
Far-right Cults, such as our MAGAts, always need people to hate and to target. Blacks, Muslims, migrants, women, LGBTQs… It’s their ethic, their method, their religion, their reason for being.
So pervo Rimjob does like him some of dat young meat.
Call 636-529-8210 to report a crime.
BTW, The Bwaha! Loser! continues his Obsession! with young boys. It’s rumored he trades drugs for sex. If you live in East Texas keep an eye on your kids.
Not the Bee-“Former part-time McDonald’s fry cook donates his next 4 years salary (1.8 million) to support homeless veterans. He starts his new job in January..”
He’ll be lucky to make another couple of billion by the time He is laid off! The Saudis are always good for a few.
Elon Musk has become some $200 BILLION richer since hitching his wagon to Dummkopf Donnie.!! Government work pays off for the few but not the many!
Is there ANY question that the US government will be used to enrich the BILLIONAIRES?
Did you all see where the mook who swore the ‘Biden Crime Family’ took $10 million from Burisma recanted his tale and admitted he lied? It was everywhere except MAGA Media.
You live in a fantasy world of lies and shadows.
So who took that $70M from Galera Therapeutics?
Didn’t find anything in the media about it.
So Rimjob can you clue us in on where you spent it?
Not sure what you’re talking about. In general, clinical trials can cost 10s of millions of dollars. Each. Plus pay for dozens of employees, synthesis and characterization of drug substances and products, rent, insurance etc all cost.
Do you have evidence that the execs there stole $70 million or are you just being defamatory toward the execs, hoping it affects me in some way?
You should report the names of the executives to authorities if you believe crimes have been committed. You can look up their names and make your accusations in public.
Otherwise, kiss my ass.
So where did the $70M+ y’all raised by selling stock go?
It was YOUR corporation, you were on the board, you should know. It was your fiduciary responsibilty to know and provide such information to your investors.
How come the drug you were hawking in order to raise that money didn’t work???
How come you’re blaming others for your failure???
Why won’t you take a little responsibilty???
As I thought. Nothing but Pissant lies.
You exist in a world of lies and shadows.
You’re a coward. If you have accurate information, be a man not a Pissant, and give us the names associated with the crimes.
It sounds as if you believe you possess all the information needed to press your case. So do it. Be a man.
Nah, Pissant, you know you’re lying and you’re afraid you’ll be held responsible for your innuendo, slurs, lies and defamation. Be a man.
Be off, Pissant. Otherwise, you can kiss my ass. LOL!!!
So Rimjob you have no straight answers for your failures as a businessman.
Imagine that.
What makes you believe I’m a businessman or was ever one? I’m a retired scientist trained in physiology, toxicology, pharmacology and molecular biology.
Over the years you’ve stalked me, doxxed me, threatened me, accused me of pedophilia and embezzlement, and for all that you’ve yet to make a reasonable argument about anything. Yet, I still comment here. What’s your point, Pissant?
Lonely? Obsessed? Abandonment issues? Sociopathic?
Kiss my ass, Pissant... Kiss my ass. Buh bye.
Well Rimjob you’re the one who claimed to have started Galera Therapeutics along with two others and yes we know you know nothing about running a business.
Except maybe into the ground.
Keep kissing my ass, loser!
Why are you so upset, Rimjob?
Is the truth that painful.
Too funny-and most of that through an increase in Tesla’s stock price (about 70%) since the election. And who’s still president?
“Government used to enrich billionaires..” Another good one-and who’s been running the government for the last 4 years as those contracts were handed out? Yes, you’re right. Who lives in a fantasy world?
But again, suddenly liberals are concerned about billionaires. Strange….
“Lucky to make another couple of billion..”
Trump approximate net worth 2016-4.5 billion
Trump approximate net worth 2020-2.1 billion.
Yes, he’s just in it for the money…..
No one knows the Trump Inc worth. He lies constantly. Maybe check his tax records… oh yeah.
Recall the Saudis invested $2 BILLION into Jared Kushner Trump’s company!!
So Rimjob are you jealous that they didn’t invest in Galera.
It’s understandable why you smear successful businessmen and companies.
Why limit this to just illegal alien criminals? They could send ALL their criminals to the big cities where Soros DAs will turn them loose. The costs of operating jails in rural America will drop to near zero.
Rural America can keep your own meth makers, wife beaters and child rapists.
Urban America subsidizes rural America enough already.
Rural America feeds Urban America. Who subsidizes whom?
In part. The rural Americans are paid for the food the produce, but not enough! Fortunately, migrants contribute greatly to our food supply.
Increasingly, the US relies on imports.
The majority of taxes collected come from urban and suburban areas, and gets sent to poorer, more rural states.
Another brilliant insight.
Maybe could be that the majority of taxpayers reside in those areas, genius.