The leaders who deposed Assad and forced him to flee to Moscow made noises about being respectful and not extremist, but, already
Report: Syrian Rebels Execute Opponents, Impose Sharia, Threaten Kurds
Syrian rebels who overthrew the dictatorship of Bashar al-Assad on Sunday are reportedly executing their opponents, imposing Islamic sharia law, and threatening non-Muslim minorities, including the Kurdish population in the north.
Videos are circulating on social media showing Syrian rebels killing people associated with the regime — some of whom may have been part of the state security services, and others who appear to have been ordinary employees.
The New York Times reported Tuesday:
Islamic State forces on Tuesday killed 54 people in the Homs region in central Syria who had been part of the Syrian government’s military and fled during the collapse of the Assad regime, according to the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights, a British-based monitoring group. The killings highlight the chaos in Syria as various rebel factions operate in different regions.
One video also shows thousands of smashed bottles of liquor at the duty free store of the Damascus airport, where Islamist rebels apparently enforced the Islamic ban on alcohol by force, as Islamists did in Lebanon in the 1980s.
How much further will this go? Time will tell. Will they dive down into being a fundamentalist nation like Iran? Or further like Afghanistan? Will they be a threat to the region like we see from the Palestinians and Houthi? Will they be more open like many of the Gulf nations?
Western nations should softly work to make inroads with Syria, limiting their Islamist impulses, driving them from China and Russia and Iran.
Meanwhile, the Times is also reporting
Fierce fighting was underway on Tuesday between rebels supported by Turkey and U.S.-backed, Kurdish-led forces near Kobani, a town in northern Syria with historic and symbolic significance for American involvement in the region.
The fight illustrates how, even as rebels try to build a government after taking Damascus, armed groups with competing interests are still fighting for territory and power, trying to fill the vacuum left by a collapsed regime and, in this case, pitting proxies of the United States and Turkey against each other.
So, our NATO ally is working against the interests of the U.S., trying to kill Kurds. Why is Turkey still in NATO?

There is no Syria anymore. Turkey owns the north. Kurds (USA) own the East. Israel owns the south-west. Rebels (USA) own the south and central area. ISIS (Turkey) owns the capital and major cities. Russia owns a few ports and bases along the coast. Any future Syria will have to acknowledge that those areas might pretend to still be part of Syria, but are now autonomous, just as the Kurdish (USA) sector has been since the ISIS war ended in 2018. US Govt proxies seems to own and control all the oil producing areas. Just a coincidence. But now when Biden promises money to rebuild, we know where it will come from. Lots of Democrats and neocons are going to get fabulously wealthy. Good thing they did this before Trump got into power. He might not have gone along with overthrowing a sovereign country just so his friends could get rich. Note: the same people who have been saying all along that Ukraine may not be subdivided and their territorial integrity must be defended at all costs are totally silent about the fate of Syria.
Other than the Kurds, who are only fighting for their survival, there are no good guys in Syria.
Some make attempts to quantify evil, trying to tell us that some bad guys are really good guys, ’cause they aren’t as bad as other bad guys, but while some temporary advantage might be gained, all bad guys are just bad guys.
Just to piss off Elwood: This past April I moved $300k of my retirement fund from stocks to gold (about 150 bars) on the advise of my father who himself moved several million into his gold portfolio. At the time gold sold for $2k per troy oz. Today it is at $2700+. That’s a $105k profit so far.
If you guys aren’t in Bitcoin now you better move fast. Once Trump is in things will soar. Or, you could stick with green energy like the libs. Or perhaps an investment in Galera?
Most idle American boys are not so lucky to be born to a rich daddy. I’ve heard it makes life easier.
I’ve been both poor and rich. Although I recommend rich, it’s been my experience that working hard to make a living has its benefits as well. That’s how the idle rich justify their value!!
It’s interesting too, that idle rich kids can make risky investments in NFTs, cryptocurrencies or too-big-to-fail financial institutions backed by, of all things, the taxes of the working class. Remember Mr Bush’s Great Recession where many major financial companies were bailed out with taxpayer funds and the working class lost their homes and jobs? Good times for the billionaires!
With soon-to-be president Trump and his mob of billionaire advisors, it’s a good time to be a kid with a rich daddy!!
Chickie, your memory is bad.
Remember Mr Bush’s Great Recession where many major financial companies were bailed out with taxpayer funds and the working class lost their homes and jobs? Good times for the billionaires!
The Great Recission was caused by first the housing bubble and then the Demos scaring all the speculators into believing there was going to be an oil shortage.
First the housing bubble. Which was started by Carter pushing red lining, which scared the banks into loaning money into neighbors that conventional lenders wouldn’t touch. Freddie and Fannie, what a couple. But then came the theory that if you bundled x number of good loans you could throw in y number of bad loans and sell the bundle. Problem was no knew what the real x and y numbers should be. After all…
In moving, even tentatively, into this new area of lending, Fannie Mae is taking on significantly more risk, which may not pose any difficulties during flush economic times. But the government-subsidized corporation may run into trouble in an economic downturn, prompting a government rescue similar to that of the savings and loan industry in the 1980’s
”From the perspective of many people, including me, this is another thrift industry growing up around us,” said Peter Wallison a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. ”If they fail, the government will have to step up and bail them out the way it stepped up and bailed out the thrift industry.” (NYT)
So the big boys knew trouble was coming. Just not how much.
The market sniffed it out around in late 2007/into 1Q2008 and started to react. But when the Democrats rejected 5 attempts to pass legislation in May of 2008 to increase drilling via more leases, et al, the scent of oil shortages ran oil prices to the $140 range and the market fell and all those sub prime loan owners lost their jobs and the banks, et al took a hair cutting down to their toe nails.
Bush stepped in around 7/15/2008 and opened up more off shore drilling leases which stopped the tidal wave but the hit was too large. The loans couldn’t be serviced and no one would buy them and bad times got worse. Congress started in fits and spurts and Senator John McCain ran the worst campaign ever until knee pad Harries came along and we elected Kenya’s finest, AKA Obama.
Which has led us to this.
So it wasn’t JUST Bush’s. It was the flowering of a housing policy started by incapable Carter, and expanded by those who followed.
At first it looked like we had learned our lesson. Lenders tightened up, interest rates dropped… and everyone wanted a house and interest rates ballooned…. and the youngsters are struggling real hard to keep up. I wouldn’t worry about the record credit card debts, falling car sales.. Everything is fine. I know so because 10% Biden told me.