Perhaps politics should be left out of the workplace? And if you don’t like it you can leave
Work is not your personal tumblr page.
— Chad Felix Greene ???????? (@chadfelixg) April 22, 2022
From the article
Exxon Mobil Corp. plans to prohibit the LGBTQ-rights flag from being flown outside its offices during Pride month in June, prompting a furious backlash from Houston-based employees.
Exxon updated company guidance on what flags can be displayed outside its offices, banning “external position flags” such as PRIDE and Black Lives Matter, according to the policy seen by Bloomberg News. In response, members of Exxon’s PRIDE Houston Chapter are refusing to represent the company at the city’s June 25 Pride celebration, according to an employee group email also seen by Bloomberg.
“Corporate leadership took exception to a rainbow flag being flown at our facilities” last year, Exxon’s PRIDE Houston employee group wrote in the email Thursday. “PRIDE was informed the justification was centered on the need for the corporation to maintain ‘neutrality.’”
Yeah, it probably was. But, what the people who run the company, who aren’t the Rainbow’s and BLM grifters, did was ban all political flags. It would stop anti-abortion and pro-gun flags. Would BLM/LGBT be fine with those? I’m betting they would complain and protest. Perhaps we should just keep the workplace work?
(National Review) But we’re beginning to see a shift in that dynamic. The Republican base is now demanding that their leaders show some backbone in the culture wars, and is making it politically unacceptable for party elites to cave to corporate interests. Conservatives — particularly those of the social-conservative variety — are realizing that big business is often not their friend, and responding in kind. As a result, the incentive structure is changing before our eyes: Remarkably, “Disney stock continued to fall this week after the Florida House passed a bill revoking the company’s autonomous governmental status,” Brittany Bernstein reported today. “While Disney stock reached an all-time high in March 2021 of nearly $200 per share . . . it has been declining ever since. When the market closed on Thursday, the stock was around $120 per share, a 33 percent drop from one year ago and an 8 percent drop from just two days earlier, prior to the passage of the bill.” On top of that, new polling shows that 68.2 percent of Americans say they’re “less likely to do business with Disney” after the recent controversies; 69.1 percent say they would “support family-friendly alternatives to Disney.”
Pinch me — are we . . . winning? It sure feels like it. Of course, the coming years will be an uphill battle: If the Right continues to notch victories, the Left’s response will surely become more hysterical and aggressive. (After all, they’re not used to losing on this stuff.) But still, it’s difficult to see Exxon’s symbolic withdrawal from the culture war as anything other than a reaction to the recent shift in the Right’s posture on these issues. And that’s a good thing — for Exxon, for conservatives, and for America.
Considering that the left, chock full of climate cultists, hate Exxon (but won’t stop using their products), why would Exxon comply? Unless it’s a company based on politics, just leave it away from the workplace.

If the corporate drones believe that they have the right to display political flags at work, why wouldn’t someone have the right to display a flag which once flew proudly in Texas?
Exxon, as a private corporation, can choose which flags, if any, to fly. Priders and Confederates can be equally aggrieved.
White nationalists have been so bullied by modern society that they have a long row to hoe and probably would not quit a lucrative position to protest a stars and bars ban at HQ. Most corporations today have been so socially bullied that they would never fly the battle flag to show their support for white nationalist America, anyway.
Maybe Ron derSantis can ban rainbow flags in FL for a start.
Describing the posture of his political milieu, “We have to think of ourselves as counterrevolutionaries or restorationists who are overthrowing the regime.” He doesn’t mean by violence, necessarily. “But … there’s not a lot left to conserve in the contemporary state of things. There are things that need to be destroyed and rebuilt.” — Saul Alinsky
ExxonMobil is of course deeply loved by all rightwing conservatives for practically giving away their gasine at such low prices they barely make a profit. Things
Exxon has also edged to be carbon neutral by 2050. In its operations. Plus of course car manufacturers will have stopped manufacturing new ICE vehicles q5 years before
Yes Teach definitely “winning”
So much w(h)inning!!
XOM as a non-government entity has the right to decide what is displayed on it’s property. As an investor, I’m more concerned with the bottom line than placating small groups of whiners.

Think I’ll try to cruise by the campus this weekend and see if there are any signs.
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