…is a world killing dog destroying the climate, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is No Tricks Zone, with a post on Germany clearing a forest to make way for wind turbines.

…is a world killing dog destroying the climate, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is No Tricks Zone, with a post on Germany clearing a forest to make way for wind turbines.
Missouri Governor Mike Parsons is my people. An Ozark hillbilly, and a decent man, Parsons reminds us of our Ozark roots. Although he’s a Republican, he’s not a reactionary like most of the GOP legislature here. He correctly pointed out that the MO legislature slandered a good man whom Parsons had nominated Donald Kauerauf for the MO Dept of Health and Senior Services Director.
Kauerauf’s “crimes”: Coming from “liberal” Illinois and saying, “Still Missouri is well below where we should be in vaccinations. We gotta get better. That’s gonna be our key, those people who are hesitant, get them vaccinated.”
But then Governor Parsons took a step too far in saying, “Missourians know that I share these beliefs and would not have nominated someone who does not share the same Christian values”. Really Governor – No Jews, Muslims, Lutherans, Episcopalians or agnostics need apply to work in the MO government?
Back to the reactionaries… MO State Sen. Mike Moon, an Ash Grove Republican and member of the Conservative Caucus, coincidently running for the US House, spent over an hour of Monday’s hearing questioning Kauerauf and frequently invoking inaccurate and misleading information regarding COVID-19 and its vaccines. (BTW, sleepy little Ash Grove MO is where my family is from – moving to Springfield when the massive limestone quarry in Phenix MO shut down in the 40s). Anyway, anti-science reactionaries like Moon understand their constituencies ignorance and fears and play to it.
The once proud Grand Old Party has now become a movement of angry, frightened cranks, kooks and violent extremists who are “mad as hell and not gonna take it anymore!”
Dowd: “The once proud Grand Old Party has now become a movement of angry, frightened cranks, kooks and violent extremists who are “mad as hell and not gonna take it anymore!”
Yeah sure. In a country full of Democrat propaganda the truth is always a conspiracy, those of us who speak it are “kooks and violent extremists”, and when we demand our human rights are just “mad as hell” rather than justified in our demands.
The rich Democrats who warn you about rising sea levels are buying expensive multimillion dollar beach front property. The rich and powerful Democrats who abuse us and oppress us with unconstitutional Covid mandates are throwing lavish parties, eating at exclusive and expensive restaurants and taking vacations often to expensive and exclusive locations on private jets. The rich Democrats that tell you that giving up your guns will make us all safer, defunding the police is a matter of “equity” and ignoring the criminality of property crimes while returning vicious criminals to our neighborhoods are living in mansions in gated communities and hiring private security forces.
Do you get it yet? They are the people Dowd covers for, idolizes and worships.
You fit right in with your friends in the communist party.
Let’s go Brandon, your people are “mad as hell and not gonna take it anymore!” because you’re a corksucker.
Some guy from Missouri wrote:
Translation: there are a whole lot of voters who are mad as Hell and not going to take it anymore.
In a republic with democratically-elected representatives, the representatives have to win the votes of a plurality of the voters in their districts. Donald Trump may have led the move to populism in the GOP, but he only led it where the voters wanted it to go.
Now she’s an awesome looking girl!
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