Is This Something? Guiliana Claims Whistleblowers Are Coming Forward From Dominion

We already know that software made by Dominion used by voting systems in Michigan “glitched”, giving lots of Trump votes to Biden. These systems do not just glitch like this, they are programs. Someone had to do it. And these systems were used all over the country, especially in battleground states

BREAKING: Rudy Giuliani Drops Bombshell, Says “Dominion” Whistleblowers Are Coming Forward

During an interview on Wednesday with Steve Bannon on War Room, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani dropped a bombshell where he announced that whistleblowers would soon be coming forward about the Dominion election software.

“Coleman has the community people and he’s got the Dominion people,” Giuliani said. “And they were the ones who were the actual, not poll watchers, the actual observers who were excluded, who were lied to, two of whom stayed behind after all the Republicans had left out and they’re the ones who got the evidence of the 100,000 votes coming in. And they have some photographs also.”

This is huge if true. Of course, the media will spin it and minimize it, just like they’ve done with USPS whistleblower Richard Hopkins. But, it’s easy for Rudy to say it: now he has to produce.

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37 Responses to “Is This Something? Guiliana Claims Whistleblowers Are Coming Forward From Dominion”

  1. Hairy says:

    Of the suffering of the trumpy fans
    Like death from 1000 cuts

  2. Hairy says:

    That USPS fella who said tgat his supervisor had them postmark late ballots???
    He has recanted his testimony but he will not be returning any of the 135000 dollars that he scanned from right wingers on his go fund me account
    Hey teach is Florida going to get hit with another hurricane or is it fake news ?

  3. formwiz says:

    If Rudy (last name is Giuliani) says it, put money on it.

    Some of the employees want to save their necks by rolling over on the company.

    As for producing; this is what you take into court. This is how you show the American people Democrats can’t be trusted.

    And it’s death of a thousand cuts. Jeffery can created all the cartoon characters he wants. His ignorance still shines through.

  4. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    If your breaking news starts, “If this is true…” maybe it’s not news.

    • formwiz says:

      But maybe it’s true.

      If the rats are panicking at Dominion, it could mean the end of the Demcorats.

      And tell your sock puppet, we’ve already rebutted him.

  5. Est1950 says:

    Democrats are now encouraging people to move to Georgia to vote for the two senate races.

    The democrats have a mantra. Whatever it takes. I have heard it a billion times over the last 4 years. They will do whatever it takes to destroy Trump and the GOP.

    Joe Biden is a criminal. We are still waiting on him to register as a foreign agent of the Chinese Communist Party. His son will have all charges against him dismissed by Biden’s DOJ even though there is video of him screwing an under age girl. Pedophilia is a thing on the left. They actually are trying to get it mainstreamed.

    Another effort to do what China has done to their population. Remove all traces of what is right or wrong. Remove God. Remove Religion. Remove remorse. Screwing Kids should be a new national norm so what Biden did was perfectly normal for the new communist Democratic party.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      Yet it was Donald Trump accused by two women of raping a 13 yr old girl while in the company of his pedophile friend, Epstein, at Epstein’s Manhattan mansion.

      What crimes did President-elect Biden commit? Was he ever convicted?

      Why won’t the vindictive and insecure Trump and his malleable AG Barr indict either Hunter or Joseph Biden? Trump has no conscience, why won’t he protect America against the Biden’s? It should be a gimme with all the evidence against them.

      • formwiz says:

        Yet it was Donald Trump accused by two women of raping a 13 yr old girl while in the company of his pedophile friend, Epstein, at Epstein’s Manhattan mansion.

        And yet the charges were never proven and Trump threw Epstein out of Mar-A-Lago first chance he got.

        What crimes did President-elect Biden commit? Was he ever convicted?

        Well, we have him on tape and in pix groping little girls. He’s also been accused to rape.

        I know, Democrat, doesn’t count.

        Why won’t the vindictive and insecure Trump and his malleable AG Barr indict either Hunter or Joseph Biden? Trump has no conscience, why won’t he protect America against the Biden’s? It should be a gimme with all the evidence against them.

        First the election. Then His Fraudulency will bejudged non compos mentis, doubtless.

        If not, he’s vioplated the Logan Act. Just like Michael Flynn was falsely accused of doing.

        Jeffery’s flailing once again, using one of his scok puppets as a straight man.

  6. formwiz says:

    Right now both Rs in GA are ahead. His Fraudulency would have to win to make GA make a difference. And we know that ain’t happenin’

    just like they’ve done with USPS whistleblower Richard Hopkins.

    Teach, the kid has already called the WaPo liars.

    I know the site is blowing up, but the the story is all over the Interwebz.

  7. drowningpuppies says:

    The Democrat party’s sudden lust for lists shouldn’t surprise us.
    That’s what communists do: They make lists and then purge their enemies.



  8. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    The MEDIA calls Alaska for Trump!! But only 75% of total vote counted.

  9. david7134 says:

    You notice the panic as well. It is obvious they know Biden lost

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:


      Do you REALLY believe that trump won the election or just trolling? Trump is an asshole but he’s not nearly as dumb as he acts – he knows Jan 20 is his last day on the job – he was Fired! by the American people.

      He and his henchmen/women are leading you on to 1) help the GOP in Georgia and 2) to give him an excuse to whine post-president and 3) to raise money.

      • formwiz says:

        Do you REALLY believe that trump won the election or just trolling? Trump is an asshole but he’s not nearly as dumb as he acts – he knows Jan 20 is his last day on the job – he was Fired! by the American people.

        Bear suit is out. And from the original flapping prolapse anus himself.

        The only people who got fired were the Democrats. Trump is in office for another 4 years.

        If he asks for 8, I’ll bet he gets it.

      • david7134 says:

        Yes he won. Even your desperate act is proof you believe the same.

        • Professor hale says:

          Hahahaha. It’s very entertaining to see Jeff/elwood/hairy asking what you really believe when he has personally avoided answering that question himself.

          Example: hey, Jeff, you do know that your candidate is senile, right?

        • Elwood P. Dowd says:


          On Jan 20 President-elect Biden becomes President Biden, regardless of your braying.

          You can continue your cult, but your Grand Poobah will no longer be President.

          When was the last time Trump was seen?

  10. drowningpuppies says:

    It’s exhausting being the imaginary president elect.
    Celebrating Veterans Day by calling it quits at noon.

    Meanwhile, President Trump stands out in the rain for the entire ceremony honoring veterans at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.



  11. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    President Trump ceases to exist at noon Jan 20, 2021, if not sooner. It’s up to him.

  12. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    The Trump Plague is now worse than at any time. By the time Trump is evicted from the White House, over 300,000 Americans will have died.

    We need a President.

  13. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Is trump gutting the upper echelons of the military and replacing them with sycophants so he can have them attack the American people?

    • formwiz says:

      The only ones attacking the American people are the Demos’ former Commie allies.

      I say former because, in the true tradition of Commies everywhere, they’re attacking their sponsors.

  14. Edward Sibley Dutcher says:

    Jeffery’s just flailing here. “Look at me! Look at me! I’m a troll!”.

    Reminds me of the sage words of Clarence Thomas, “Activism is a way for useless people to feel important, even if the consequences of their activism are counterproductive for those they claim to be helping and damaging to the fabric of society as a whole”.

  15. formwiz says:

    Current real EC tally Trump 232 – His Fraudulency 226.

    Trump has cut His Fraudulency’s lead in AZ to 13,00, with > 40,000 votes to be counted.

    GA is also recounting.

    • formwiz says:

      PS If people at Dominion are singing, I’ll bet a few of those blue states end up being investigated.

      • formwiz says:

        Looks like they really are.

        Expect a lot more states to go red before it’s over.

        Example, NH just elected an R to the US Senate and flipped its whole legislature R, yet we’re expected to believe they didn’t go for Trump.

  16. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    According to Reuters almost all of the donations to Trump’s Election Defense go to the RNC and the Save America Pac, not to the lawsuits.

    • formwiz says:

      They don’t call it Roto-Reuters for nothing.

      But, again, no source, just his say-so. Like Trump was going to be rejected.

      we know how wrong that is.

  17. formwiz says:

    The Donald goes there. Dominion machines used to steal the election. They must be squealing like Eddie DeBartolo.

    Unverified, but, if true, as they said in the kamikazes, Ho Lee Fu(ck. Gateway reports 100s of IT types volunteering for Trump to seacrh computers and computer files and it looks like they’ve hit the Mother Lode.

    Dominion source code. It won’t be just show biz types fleeing the country.

  18. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Commenter typed: Unverified, but, if true,

    Unverified, but, if true, Donald Trump owes hundreds of millions to China, and is susceptible to leverage from the Chinese.

    Unverified, but, if true, Donald Trump raped a 13 yr old girl and belongs in prison.

    Unverified, but, if true, Donald Trump has traded national security information for forgiveness of loans and for cash, and as such has committed treason.

    • formwiz says:

      The last 2 are based on unfounded accusations you treat as fact.

      The first will be vindicated, but I did at least note that it hasn’t been proven.


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