Ah, the tolerance of the Leftist. They’ve completely given up on attempting to persuade, and have become insular and intolerant of any position, person, and entity that disagrees with them in the least
Megan Rapinoe rips Trump WH visit, says she’d accept invites from Pelosi, AOC
U.S. Women’s Soccer superstar Megan Rapinoe doubled down in her opposition to visit the Trump White House on Tuesday but expressed that she was open to accept invitations from anyone who “believes the same things we believe in” like Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif, and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-NY.
Rapinoe’s feud with the president began last month when she declared she was “not going to the f—ing White House,†which prompted a response from Trump on Twitter.
“I am a big fan of the American Team, and Women’s Soccer, but Megan should WIN first before she TALKS! Finish the job!” Trump exclaimed, later adding that he would invite the team to the White House “win or lose.”
Following her team’s victory at the FIFA Women’s World Cup, Rapinoe told CNN anchor Anderson Cooper that she has yet to receive a formal invitation from the White House nor does she appear to want it.
Interesting. You have the first president who was pro-gay, who didn’t have to change his position on that for political expediency, but, of course, since he’s pro-America she has an issue
“Your message is excluding people. You’re excluding me. You’re excluding people that look like me. You’re excluding people of color. You’re excluding Americans that maybe support you,” she told Trump. “We need to have a reckoning with the message that you have and what you’re saying about ‘Make America Great Again.’ I think you are harking back to an era that was not great for everyone.”
“This is such a special moment for us and to be able to sort of leverage this moment, talk about the things we want to talk about and to celebrate like this with the leaders of our country is an incredible moment,” Rapinoe continued. “So yes to AOC, yes to Pelosi, yes to a bipartsan Congress, yes to Chuck Schumer, yes to anyone else that wants to invite us and have a real substantive conversation and that believe in the same things we believe in.”
How does one have a substantive conversation with people who only believe what you believe? You’re having a reinforcing conversation. She has an opportunity to talk to the most powerful man in the world, and perhaps change his mind on some things, or get him to help on something. If she wants equal pay (they actually get 20% of revenue vs the men’s team which gets 7%) she could attempt to convince Trump to back her and the team.
Her message is excluding people while projecting that blame on Trump, and, by extension, the 61 million who voted for him. It’s helpful to not diminish and dismiss the opinions of people you need to get support from.

Headline: Overpaid Angry Lesbian Hates Trump.
No one saw this coming.
In what sense is this the U. S. Team? I don’t recall a vote and I don’t care. In any event, the whole idea of inviting sports teams to the Whitehouse is cheesy political pandering and should be discontinued.
The angry, hateful rehotoric of the MSM has worked. It has turned people against Trump and declared him a full blown racist/homophobic/gay hating, minority hating Angry old white man.
I mean Harris went after Joe Biden. It worked. His numbers have plummeted since the attack even though it was mostly hyperbole and not true. That was one woman on one stage with a billion sound bites hitting the ears of ignorant voters, not stupid or dumb but ignorant.
As for the womans soccer teams in general. Their prize pool is 30 million dollars. The mens is 400 million. As for ratings and income to FIFA. The woman bring in more money, more viewers and better ratings than the men do.
Over paid or not. Ignorant or not. Political or not. She is right. This is egregious for women in America but it is perfectly acceptable to almost every other nation around the world whose women usually live in poverty anyway and FIFA is a way to become wealthy in their desperately poor nations.
It has turned people against Trump and declared him a full blown racist/homophobic/gay hating, minority hating Angry old white man.
They, like you, lie.
That was one woman on one stage with a billion sound bites hitting the ears of ignorant voters, not stupid or dumb but ignorant.
They are Democrats.
As for ratings and income to FIFA. The woman bring in more money, more viewers and better ratings than the men do.
Does that include American women, because I’ll bet after this broad is done turning the US team into the Ditzy Twits, interest in women’s soccer in this country goes back to negative numbers.
She is right. This is egregious for women in America but it is perfectly acceptable to almost every other nation around the world whose women usually live in poverty anyway and FIFA is a way to become wealthy in their desperately poor nations.
No, she’s a jerk and making it harder for other women to get ahead in soccer in this country. She’s just another Democrat shill, just like Jeffery trying so hard to sound like somebody else with his phony empathy for womyn.
If she was sincere, she’d want to meet with Cocaine Mitch and Trump. She just another Lefty queer airhead who’s taken too many balls to the head.
“This is egregious for women in America”
Seriously? You really think that the pay scale for people who get millions of dollars to play a children’s game is “egregious” because someone else gets even more? Typical Democrat. political activism clouds your judgement of the real world.
The reality is, if Rapinoe really believed she was not getting paid enough, she would quit. The fact that she stays speaks for itself. If would be foolish for her employer to pay her even one dime more. In fact, they should experiment with a lower salary to see how much less she would accept. Everyone wants more. (Maybe Buhdists don’t). In the real world in the competition between wages and labor, if the laborer agrees to the price, it is by definition “enough”. The alternative is possibly getting one of the other thousand of potential players a chance to move up.
Hey, my wife is a Buddhist and trust me, she ALWAYS wants more. She thinks keeping ahead of the Jones’ is an Olympic sport.
Somebody needs to tell her there’s a reason players for the Phillies or the Eagles get paid more than the Flyers, and it’s the same reason major leaguers get pain more than minor leaguers, and it’s the same male athletes get paid more than female.
Except for nude hot oil wrestlers. That might be different.
Boom, excellent point. I prefer the NHL over the NFL, but, I’ll admit that the NFL brings in way more revenue. So does baseball and basketball (which I despise). So, bigger pool of money.
I have an easy shattering solution for women that think they are not paid equal to men. Go to your postmaster and ask for more pay. If you are not worth that much to him or her then go elsewhere.
Nah, david7134, that’s what we men would do. And if we didn’t like it we’d tell them to go fornicate themselves and quit.
Women have no balls, literally and figuratively.
“someone else gets even more? Typical Democrat. ”
Typical Democrat: Jealous, whiny, envious, greedy and miserable because someone, somewhere may have more than they have and “It’s not fair”.
To the Dems: “Grow up. Work harder. Work smarter. Learn more if needed. Take control of your career. It’s your body, your life, your responsibility.”
““Your message is excluding people. You’re excluding me. You’re excluding people that look like me. You’re excluding people of color. You’re excluding Americans that maybe support you,—
I hear this same thing spewed by the Trump haters all the time. But when asked to give example or proof of these claims, I get called a few nasty names, yelled at or told to look it up myself. I have tried and have yet to find anything.
This idiot must be getting her “message” from a retarded messenger because the message I get is Trump has helped ALL Americans by doing the best for America. Or is she some special item what needs special care?
Trump 2020 Throw the whiners out!
“This is such a special moment for us and to be able to sort of leverage this moment, talk about the things we want to talk about…”
Your moment is about 14 minutes gone with a minute to go. Nobody. Gives. A. Shit.
You play soccer, get over yourself.
Hopefully soon this blog, and the rest, will stop covering your every word.
The women’s soccer team will be gone from the news in 2 weeks, just like the men’s was gone soon after the last world cup. No one will care for another 4 years.
And, yes, probably my last post on the subject. I think there is only one other.
Just looked at a team photo. Didn’t see any “African Americans”, “Asian Americans” or oppressed “Womyn” in burkas. What a racist team. Must be Trumps fault.
Oops, I must partially retract, There is one token “African American” in the full team photo. Watergyrl?
Actually there are other Black women on the US National Team.
“FIFA, soccer’s global governing body, is sitting on $2.7 billion in reserves. But FIFA allocated just $30 million in prize money for the teams competing in the Women’s World Cup, with only $4 million going to the U.S. team that won the championship Sunday in Lyon, France. Meanwhile, FIFA will dole out $440 million to the teams that play in the next Men’s World Cup in Qatar in 2022, with the winning team scheduled to receive $38 million.”
While it is economically reasonable for WNBA players to make less than NBA players, that’s not the case for World Cup soccer.
Just because Megan Rapinoe is gay, doesn’t make her wrong.
The money issue on men’s and women’s soccer is complicated, to say the least.
With the men’s game pulling in demonstrably more revenues than the women, is it fair that the men subsidize the women?
There are other issues as well. For instance, the US Federation charters flights for the men, but not for the women. That’s wrong in my opinion. We should make sure that there is equal opportunity and support for both men’s and women’s teams, but not guaranteed equal outcomes.
The fact of the matter is that the men’s game brings in much more revenue worldwide than the women’s game. The number of teams in the respective World Cups is different because of a lack of teams on the women’s side. That is changing and that’s a good thing, but both the men’s and women’s World Cup are looking to expand the fields. The women have announced an expanded field for their next WC, and the men announced an expanded field after this tournament because there were not enough venues that could be available in time.
To any critical thinking person, this is not a case of “pay us x because they get paid x.” Revenues matter, even in the world of soccer.
As for Megan Rapinoe, whether she is gay or not has nothing to do with her being right or wrong. That’s charge is just a deflection. As I said, I think she is right on the opportunity and support, but wrong on the “slice of the pie” issue.
She is also wrong in this: there have been several women who have retired from the women’s team who have come out and said that Christian beliefs – including the belief that homosexuality is a sin – is wrong, but they were not allowed to hold that belief. They were persecuted on the job for their legally held beliefs and opinions. The women named Rapinoe as one of the leaders in the persecution.
Surely you will condemn that if true.
I appreciate the further information on the revenues. It is complicated.
“Surely you will condemn that if true.”
Perhaps, if true. Not sure how Rapinoe would find out that a teammate thought homosexuals should go to hell for sinning, but even Christians are not immune from criticism for their beliefs.
In figure skating, the US women’s team brings in more revenue but the male and female skaters are paid equally.
Many seasons, the world champion US Women’s soccer team brings in more revenue than the consistently lousy US Men’s team. Why not pay for performance rather than just showing up? The women’s program is clearly better.
Perhaps, if true. Not sure how Rapinoe would find out that a teammate thought homosexuals should go to hell for sinning, but even Christians are not immune from criticism for their beliefs.
Criticism? Or persecution? If Raponoe wants to disagree that’s one thing. If she is part of creating an atmosphere of intolerance of others beliefs, that’s illegal.
In figure skating, the US women’s team brings in more revenue but the male and female skaters are paid equally.
And if that is the case, then I have no issue with lowering the men’s pay. Once again, as long as the support is equal, I have no issue with performance based pay.
Many seasons, the world champion US Women’s soccer team brings in more revenue than the consistently lousy US Men’s team. Why not pay for performance rather than just showing up? The women’s program is clearly better.
Since 2014, there have been 12 players that the US Soccer Federation has paid over a million dollars. Six have been men, and six have been women.
The salaries are based, in part, on revenues. Men’s soccer clearly brings in much more than women’s soccer. In this country that may not be the case, but world wide, where FIFA lives and breaths, the disparity is huge. Even in this past World Cup, the attendance was at best 1.16 million people (that was the ticket sales number given by FIFA,) but many of the people came dressed as empty seats. FIFA said the England / Scotland women’s match was nearly sold out but only 13,188 fans attended – that was only 37% full. Days before the semi-finals, there were still tickets available and were available the day of the match.
Contrast that to the 2018 men’s World Cup with over 3 million butts in the seats.
There is something else that is a little odd. In the Women’s World Cup, two teams (Cameroon and Nigeria) made it to the “knock out round” despite having losing records. (1-0-2) No men’s team in 2018 made it through the deeper, more talented field with more teams to the “knock out round.” While I understand the rules allowed for the women’s cup to have this occur, “losing” is not “winning.”
The women’s program is clearly better.
That would be the women’s team that lost to a 15-16 year old developmental boy’s team?
Are the women a better overall team? Or are they playing to competition that is not as good and not as deep?
The women should be congratulated for their victory in the World Cup.
While it is not their “fault” who they play and the lack of competition overall, the fact of the matter is that the sport for the two genders don’t bring in the same revenues.
Purple-haired muff munchers tend to be a bit on the hysterical side.
When women’s soccer gets to be something more than a 4 year thing for a cadre of womyn who don’t know which sex to bed down with, we can revisit it.
Are you saying you’re not a “muff-muncher”? Interesting.
Some people aren’t into sodomy.
Clearly, you are.
Keep munching it is now known that oral genital sex is associated with oral and esophageal cancer. And rectal sex associated with rectal cancer, that should cause you concern.
I have noticed that all the types the Democrat Communists have so thoroughly groomed to hate America are either sexual perverts, communists or Mohammadans like Ilhan Omar the liar and tax fraud.
But I must admit the left has an uncanny ability to ruin everything they touch. Just look what they’ve done for sports lately.
Trump 2020 Stop the America haters!
Speaking of which, ratings for the soccer Final were half of what they had been, thanks to the mouthy fish taco.
And it gets better. During their “victory parade”, they were shouting, “Hide your kids! Hide your wives! And lock your fing doors! I’m coming for all y’all bies!’
Classy. Just what we’re come to expect from the Left.
The 2015 match was live in prime time (played in Canada). The 2019 match was played in France (several hours ahead of US). Is there evidence to support the claim that the women’s team was shouting vile crap during their well-deserved Victory Parade?
“American television viewers turned out in large numbers to see if the U.S. women’s national soccer team, led by Megan Rapinoe, could bring home the title of world champion.
The 2019 Women’s World Cup final Sunday, in which the United States beat the Netherlands 2-0, drew more than 14 million viewers, making it the most-watched soccer event in the U.S. since the 2015 women’s final, according to a statement from Fox Sports, which cited data from media measurement company Nielsen.
While the ratings are a win for the U.S. women’s team, the match didn’t beat the last Women’s World Cup final, where the U.S. beat Japan in Canada in 2015. That match drew 25 million viewers. The U.S. team also won on that occasion though the game was broadcast in prime time.”
The women’s final outdrew the men’s final of 2018.
Is there evidence to support the claim that the women’s team was shouting vile crap during their well-deserved Victory Parade?
Like Occasional Cortex’ lies about the detention centers, we have video (don’t you just hate digitization?).
While the ratings are a win for the U.S. women’s team
Apparently not, thanks to the mouthy fish taco.
The women’s final outdrew the men’s final of 2018.
Which only means men’s soccer has less of a following.
So you think gay women are “sexual perverts”? Maybe that’s how Megan Rapinoe found out teammates hated her for being gay (see gitar comment above). Why can’t gay-hating Christians keep their mouths shut about their religion and bigotry? What makes Christians think they know best and are compelled to share it?
Well, for one, we’ve seen the light.
And, of course, they’re perverts. A woman’s sexcual equipment was made for sex with a male and procreation. As one of those who “believes” in evolution, you should be the first to see that.
And, apparently the purple-haired one is the Gauleiter of her team. She commands, they obey.
Why can’t gay-hating Christians keep their mouths shut about their religion and bigotry?
Because it’s the word of God? And maybe we don’t want to see them go to Hell for all Eternity.
And it’s hardly bigotry. You claim you’re not a “christophobe” (whatever the Hell that is), but you call the profession of our beliefs and convictions bigotry.
Sounds like you’re the bigot.
I understand that some women have been compelled to wear rainbow decals to show support for gay caused despite the fact that they did not support all queer activities, so that is ok with you.
And on the subject of video, one of those “assault” cases Jeffery is forever whining about has pretty much been finished.
Some woman claimed Trump tried to forcibly mouth kiss her. Lawyers released the video, complete with slow mo.
They just air kissed each other in the cheek.
Another Christine Floozy Ford.
Sibley claims he’s seen video of the women’s soccer team uttering vile chants.
No, I just noted that it’s there.
Why L want to die on this particular hill is astounding.
Nobody cares but you.
You have to ask Kye what a christophobe is. It’s his term.
Is it a perversion for a rich old man to have sex with a teenage girl or is that part of god’s plan?
I don’t “believe” in evolution, I understand the process.
It’s the weakly supported opinion of the religious that there is a “Word of God”, and that gays will go to hell for all eternity. Why in the world would you think your opinion is relevant or valuable to another person?
People who persecute others always cry “persecution” when they get kicked in the nutsack by someone sick of their shite. Gitar accused Megan Rapinhoe (world champion by the way) of “persecuting” unnamed women on the team for “beliefs”. My question was: how does one know another’s anti-gay beliefs?
On a different topic, I actually agree with Sibley on something. The video of trump kissing the campaign staffer was benign. It’s clear that it DID happen contrary to the trump team’s initial response, and NO, men shouldn’t go around kissing women they hardly know like that, but it was a rather public display of boorishness.
Why don’t you tell me since it’s your word, I mean, you have pronounced yourself an expert on it?
And why don’t you also tell me whom you mean. I assume Willie or Robert Menendez.
If you don’t believe, then you’re one of us, one of those Creation people, don’t you know that? As for understanding, I’ll bet you don’t. And tell me all about the eye.
It’s the weakly supported opinion of the religious that there is a “Word of Godâ€
Weakly supported by whom, Communists? Everybody else believes it. The Bible (or Koran for Lefties who are scared to death (for excellent reason) of Moslem crazies) is God’s Word to all who have the intellect and will to hear and live by it.
Why in the world would you think your opinion is relevant or valuable to another person?
Because I’m smarter than you (think we’ve proven that), better-educated than you (ditto), more moral than you (who isn’t?), and more honest (ditto).
People who persecute others always cry “persecution†when they get kicked in the nutsack by someone sick of their shite.
You ought to know. You do it all the time.
Gitar accused Megan Rapinhoe (world champion by the way) of “persecuting†unnamed women on the team for “beliefsâ€. My question was: how does one know another’s anti-gay beliefs?
No, it’s public record. The woman in question was ostracized by the walking fish taco because she was a Christian, which denomination, I don’t know.
But you knew that. You’re just playing Alan Colmes again.
It’s clear that it DID happen contrary to the trump team’s initial response, and NO, men shouldn’t go around kissing women they hardly know like that, but it was a rather public display of boorishness.
Bet if Buttpeg or Willie (especially Willie) or Gropin’ Joe or Spartacus did it, there wouldn’t be anything “boorish” at all about it in your (hah) mind.
According to your favorite go-to, Wiki “Christophobia is the irrational fear or hatred of Christianity or Christians”. Got that?
“Is it a perversion for a rich old man to have sex with a teenage girl or is that part of god’s plan?”
What do you think, pagan? You neither acknowledge nor believe in God’s Plan so why would you even bring it up? And why would you ask us, mere mortals what God’s Plan is? Ask Him, silly.
“I don’t “believe†in evolution, I understand the process.”
What does that even mean? I think most of us believe in evolution since God obviously created it as He did all science.
“It’s the weakly supported opinion of the religious that there is a “Word of Godâ€, and that gays will go to hell for all eternity. Why in the world would you think your opinion is relevant or valuable to another person?”
“The religious”, at least Christians, do not believe the Word of God says “gays will go to hell for all eternity” or anything of the sort. Perhaps you should read and study theology and Christianity before you try and render opinions on it thus proving your own ignorance of the subject. In this world our opinion is just as valuable and relevant as yours, perhaps more since we know more.
“Gitar accused Megan Rapinhoe (world champion by the way) of “persecuting†unnamed women on the team for “beliefsâ€. My question was: how does one know another’s anti-gay beliefs?”
Perhaps, unlike you he read about it like I did. It wasn’t their “anti-gay” beliefs as you leftists like to frame everything as a personal and moral affront, but rather they did not want to participate in the whole name calling and anti American insanity Rapinhoe was agitating for. They just wanted to be left alone but were humiliated and bashed into support. You too could have read about it if you didn’t have your nose stuck up HuffPo’s and Kos’ ass.
Trump 2020 Keep Elwood off his balance!
People who persecute others always cry “persecution†when they get kicked in the nutsack by someone sick of their shite. Gitar accused Megan Rapinhoe (world champion by the way) of “persecuting†unnamed women on the team for “beliefsâ€. My question was: how does one know another’s anti-gay beliefs?
The woman was asked about it in interview, Elwood for a Christian publication. She said that she loved her teammates, but thought that homosexuality was a sin.
After that, it was all downhill. Gay members of the team – including the Coach Jill Ellis who is also gay – persecuted the woman for her beliefs. The woman, by the way, was also a World Champion.
The question really is are people like you and Rapinoe giving the same “tolerance” to those with different beliefs that you demand they give you?
Clearly the answer is “no.”
Now watch him whine how we’re all ganging up on him and our opinions don’t matter because we believe in God and we’re bigots, so there.
And, to the surprise of no one, LOL.
MAGA: Megan America Great Again!
She’s on her 14th minute and 58th second.
And I sincerely doubt she’s the one who’s put the economy where it is today.
In fact, I doubt she could even spell it.
For the right-wingers who consider homosexuals mentally ill… Do you believe anything that the admittedly “mentally ill” Jim Hoft at the Gateway Pundit posts?
First of all his name is “Joe Hoft” not Jim Hoft. Secondly, we believe his posts as much as we believe yours.
BTW, what does “admittedly” in this context mean? By himself? By certified psychiatric professionals? By you? By Occasional-Cotex?
Even if Hoft is actually and not just admittedly mentally ill it has no bearing on the fact that homosexuals suffer from a mental disease and you making light of their suffering is despicable.
Trump 2020 Cause “Jim” hoft says so!
I’m talking about the gay man, Jim Hoft, the founder of the Gateway Pundit. Joe Hoft is his twin.
It’s impressive how confident conservatives are in their ignorance.
Don’t you consider gay men and women to be mentally ill? Doesn’t that make one of the leading dis-informers on the right, Jim Hoft, mentally ill? If gays are mentally ill, then Jim Hoft is mentally ill. So, right wingers get a lot of their info from a mentally ill man, at least according to you.
Well of course you believe Jim Hoft’s posts, he’s just like you, except for the whole sex with other men thing. You probably read Matt Drudge too.
Or is gay only a mental illness in liberals?
Don’t you just love it when they hand you the material?
is gay only a mental illness in liberals?
Everything is a mental illness in Lefties. The queers just seem to have it extra bad.
I was not aware Hoft was gay and unlike you, who seem to judge people by the various victim groups they belong to, I couldn’t care less. Just because a person suffers from a form of mental illness does not give you the right to belittle him. You’re a leftist you should know better! If he suffered from depression, kleptomania or self mutilation would that in any way make his political opinions less valuable? He’s white too does that mean we should ignore him because he suffers from white privilege?
He’s gay, and every intelligent non science-denying adult realizes he suffers from a disease and should be helped, hot ridiculed.
I am really surprised at a leftist who would beat down a poor queer! Shame on you!
Trump 2020 Stop Elwood from belittling gays!
Hoft came out just before the ’16 election.
And, if he’s mentally ill, his case is much milder than Jeffery’s.
For the right-wingers who consider homosexuals mentally ill… Do you believe anything that the admittedly “mentally ill†Jim Hoft at the Gateway Pundit posts?
Are you criticizing a homosexual? How dast you?
And, yes, homosexuality is mental. Even V the K, even Jim Hoft.
There are all types of mental illness. What differentiates Hoft from the purple-haired muff muncher, or Rosie O’Doofus is he’s not deranged. He has a grip on reality, a bit prone to wishful thinking, but not as much as the bunny suit.
Sexual attraction to the same sex is mental, Dr Freud laid it out very well. As abortion and AIDS and ghetto murders and old age began to cull the Lefty herd, the Demos had to find new constituencies. In the 80s, they found urban homosexuals bloc voted.
Then they began inventing rights for them.