OK, so a bunch of people have asked, in both email and on Twitter, why I haven’t commented on this yet
Earth heading for ‘mini ice age’ within 15 years
The earth is 15 years from a “mini ice-age” that will cause bitterly cold winters during which rivers such as the Thames freeze over, scientists have predicted.
Solar researchers at the University of Northumbria have created a new model of the sun’s activity which they claim produces “unprecedentedly accurate predictions”.
They said fluid movements within the sun, which are thought to create 11-year cycles in the weather, will converge in such a way that temperatures will fall dramatically in the 2030s.
Solar activity will fall by 60 per cent as two waves of fluid “effectively cancel each other out”, according to Prof Valentina Zharkova.
This is not the first article I’ve read on this prediction, and I’m sure it won’t be the last that is trotted out.
That said, this is still a prediction. Yes, it is based more on science, rather than “computer models”, hysteria, and politics, but, it is still a prediction. Will it happen? Maybe. Maybe not. Time will tell. But, I’m not into predictions, at least not that far out. I blast Warmists for making them, and I won’t believe this type of prediction till it is closer to happening, which I have stated multiple times. I’m comfortable predicting that the Giants will win a Super Bowl in the next 15 years. Not something like this. I take all predictions with a tub of salt.

If this is true, shouldn’t we be doing everything we can to increase greenhouse gas emissions, to keep the earth warmer? :)
So you trust computer models that tell you what you want to hear??? Interesting!
Anyone thats bothered to read my boring analysis of the weather realizes that this is pretty much the scenario I have laid out.
Anyone who goes against the grain, against the flow…..is not the norm is always castigated as being a Charlatan or whacko.
The END of the last ice age has not even occurred yet.
However much evidence points to the vast potential for another glacial period within the current ICE AGE and not just a mini ice age.
It has been scientifically proven that the last full blown period of glaciation during the current Ice Age came on suddenly as the result of D-0 Events….or rapid warming.
Rapid warming melts glaciers….Heinrich studied sediments deposited across the atlantic showing that glaciers had melted and drifted out into the oceans to melt….
Large portions of the Antarctic broke off and floated out to sea…just has we have been seeing for the last two decades.
This fresh cold water caused the northern warm currents to shut down in as few as some thing on the order of 10-20 years….
the Shut down of the northern warm currents will inextricably lead to another Severe period of glaciation….with the lack of any warm air being carried nortward by the southern warm currents.
All the signs are there….the rapid rise in temperature…the 10-12k years since the last Heinrich event, rapid ice melting in the north and south poles……Warming oceans causing even warmer weather.
Nearly permanent El Nino’s of which we have had 46 out of the last 63 years have been El Nino years.
The coming change in solar harmonics….the alignment of the 23k year cycle of the Malankovich cycle…..which has the northern hemisphere with 9 days shorter winter length which attributes to more northern ice melting, including Greenland.
All the signs are there. We have a period of glaciation religiously every 100-125k years….Its been 120k years since the last glacial period.
Now mine is just a hypothesis based upon research….I believe its more on the order of 40-50 years out not 15. I could be completely wrong….but in 40 years I will be gone so whose gonna say I told you so?
What Jeffery says:
What Teach says:
Another false accusation made by Jeffery that is easily disproven.
[…] Is Earth Heading For A Mini-Ice Age? » Pirate’s Cove. […]
I predict the climate astrologers predictions will not come true.
Slow down there fella. That report only says that the solar magnetic output will change not irradiance
And if anyone had bothered to read the FIRST paragraph of the abstract of that paper they would have seen this
any reduction on global mean near surface temperature fue to a future decline in solar activity is likely to be a small fraction of ptojected anthropogenic war,img
How much clearer could that have been Teach. Your rightwing hysterics are 100% wrong again they didn’t even bother to read the first paragraph
next time read at least the damn abstract of the paper GC before commenting YOU must go to primary sources surely you remember that
so no predictions huh Teach ? what about the Iranian bomb?