…is a wonderful forest that should be full of wind turbines, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Wizbang, with a post on a teacher too liberal for even San Francisco.

…is a wonderful forest that should be full of wind turbines, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Wizbang, with a post on a teacher too liberal for even San Francisco.
Talk about your white privilege. Born white, 6 feet tall, slender, fair and beautiful, Michelle Buswell just had to walk into a hotel and next thing you know she is travelling the world in yachts and jets and living in private villas on secluded beaches with servants.
That couldn’t happen to a chunky surly black girl. Just ask Michelle Obama.
Touche, JG.
Sure, life is a lot easier for a Black woman. The word you were searching for was “uppity”, not “surly”.
You can’t put wind turbines in the forest; the trees’ll block the wind!
She was born 6 feet tall? Her mother was truly a Мать-героинÑ!
One would think here that Jeffrey would wax philosophical on the notion that being a tall, good looking white woman is actually a condition of superiority, in that it leads to superior outcomes. :)
Yes. In general, the characteristics of being tall or white or attractive or male (or thin or smart) all lead to superior outcomes in our culture, although it’s no guarantee.
Only a white man could think that Black women have it easier in our society.
Only Jeffery could twist a mild joke about FLOTUS into a strawman about race.

Jeffrey wrote:
That being the agreed-upon case, wouldn’t you agree, then, that being tall or white or attractive is an advanced evolutionary adaptation? If the purpose of evolution is to bring to the fore those characteristics which provide the individual with survival advantages, is it not clear that being those things is an advanced state? :)
That’s a good question. Is white supremacy and discrimination an inherited trait? Does the physiological trait of reduced melanin in a segment of the human race confer a reproductive advantage?
World demographics suggest that darker skin confers greater fitness for survival.
Evolution doesn’t “care” about advanced states (that’s a common misconception among the biologically illiterate, and especially favored by humans).
Ask any E. coli and they will consider themselves quite advanced since there are more of them in a single human turd than have been humans in the history of the Earth. And humans give them shelter and feed them several times a day!