Um, OK?????
(Breitbart) House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi doubled down on her comments that Americans should view the flood of children crossing the border while claiming refugee status just like baby Jesus.
Pelosi reminded reporters that it was the National Conference of Catholic Bishops that used the baby Jesus analogy. She then suggested that if Moses hadn’t have been accepted by the Egyptians, then there wouldn’t be the Ten Commandments.
“You could even speak about, if it’s your tradition, Moses,†she said. “What would we do if Moses had not been accepted by the pharaoh’s family? We wouldn’t have the Ten Commandments for starters.â€
Video available at the link

Here’s what the US Conference of Catholic Bishops has said:
“I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” (Matt. 25:35)
“Whoever receives a child such as this in my name receives me.†(Matt. 18:5)
Inscription on the Statue of Liberty
Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses, yearning to breath free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
Send these, the homeless, tempest tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.
Author: Emma Lazarus
President Obama has shirked his duty as a President, as an American, but most importantly, as a human being, in his handling of this refugee crisis.
Interestingly, the Statue of Liberty welcomed people coming to the US legally. They’re welcome here if they come in a legal manner.
Democrats: The Party of screw the law
“Pelosi: Illegals Are Like Moses Or Something” — you mean fated to wonder around in the desert for 40 years and never enter the promised land?
Interestingly enough, the inscription on the Statue of Liberty is not one of our founding documents. It’s a nice poem that a lady wrote. Bible verses are completely out of context and don’t have anything to do with how a government ought to police its borders. Like most Bible lessons it’s a personal not a governmental application.
You conflate undocumented immigrants with the innocent children involved in the current humanitarian crisis at the border. But don’t worry, your hatred comes through loud and clear.
I guess the mythology by which you live your lives is only good for scolding women and ignoring children. Thank goodness, your SCROTUS made it harder for some women to obtain contraception because of their bosses silly religious beliefs.
The left doesn’t want Nativity Scenes in public squares.
The left doesn’t want Crosses in public memorials.
The left tells us we are so last century if we believe in marriage between one man and one woman.
The left does like to use biblical references when trying to pass their agenda. Like the Neo-Christian Kirsten Powers they tell everyone we need help the children for it is the Christian thing to do.
Well I would like to help but unfortunately we are 17.5 trillion in debt thanks to all the spending that has occurred during the Bush and Obama Administrations. We have this much debt in part because of decades saying “it’s for the children”.
We can’t help our own children right now, Veterans are dying while waiting for the promises broken by our government. Since we have our own problems we are not in any shape to help the worlds children with taxpayers dollars because we would only put a small dent in the problem and most of the money would disappear into the pockets of corrupt government officials in countries we are trying to help.
But for all of you on the left including all of you neo-Christians like MS. Powers, go ahead and use your dollars to help out since it is the Christian thing to do and stop coveting tax dollars so you can feel good.
So the people (not just kids as most are coming with adult family members) are legally entering the country?
Hatred of what? The law?
There ya go. Now you are showing the usual hatred and bigotry that you always profess against Christianity.
Wow. So many lies and typical liberal attacks in this one line. First is the “gee, I think I’m being cute” line of “SCROTUS.” When liberals cannot make a cognitive argument against that with which they disagree, they try to make fun of things and in doing so expose their ignorance.
And of course, no woman was denied contraception nor was it made harder to obtain by anyone but that is the delusion Jeffery likes to live under. It gives him a feeling of “superiority.”
I’d say that the surge of “children” coming across our border have one thing in common with Moses. Neither could be stopped by a body of water, although Moses had some help from above when he reached the Red Sea.
It’s true that Jesus, Mary and Joseph were refugees. However, Pelosi conveniently omits that after the danger they had run away from (King Herod’s murderous rampage) was no longer around, they returned home.
“It’s true that Jesus, Mary and Joseph were refugees”
Ah, NO
Mary & Joseph had to leave their home in Nazareth and travel to Bethlehem due to Big Government ordering them to go to his original town to be counted. They then went back home.
They were not refuges
SCROTUS stands for Supreme Court Republicans Of The United States and simply refers to the 5 conservative, Republican, Ivy League, Roman Catholics who dominate the current court. It explains their religious fundamentalism and their fealty to the economic elites.
Your impaired reading comprehension is exposed again. I didn’t say that women were denied contraception, just that it was harder to obtain ($50 or $100 is a lot to an underpaid Hobby Lobby clerk)(This also exposes that compassion that the far right is famous for, lol). I don’t have to type anything to feel superior. Reading your comments is enough. And you’re one of the more coherent conservatives.
“Supreme Court Republicans…Ivy League, Roman Catholic..religious fundamentalism..fealty to economic elites..” Surpise- Jefery can’t seem to argue the merits of the case so he resorts to what in his mind is name-calling. “I didn’t say women were denied contraceptives, just that it was harder to obtain.” Gee, if you raise the price of something, yes, it’s going to be harder to obtain. That goes for bread, gas or whatever. Funny we don’t see you complaining that health insurance for many people is “harder to obtain” because it’s become more expensive under Obamacare. Anyway, those poor women still have 16 other forms of contraceptives form HL that they can obtain. Talk about reading comprehension problems…
Uh huh.
Keep telling yourself that is really what you mean.
Let’s see how that little claim holds up.
You wrote:
I didn’t say that women were denied contraception, just that it was harder to obtain ($50 or $100 is a lot to an underpaid Hobby Lobby clerk)
That’s good, because I said that you were saying it was “harder to obtain.” Let’s review what *I* wrote:
And of course, no woman was denied contraception nor was it made harder to obtain by anyone……
Hmmm…. so the lack of reading comprehension is from you.
Why am I not surprised?
But let’s take your response one point at a time:
Oh? I am sure that you are aware that on average, a full time Hobby Lobby clerk makes well above the Federal minimum wage. In fact, they make more than any state mandated or even the new Federally mandated minimum wage for Federal contracts (which was made by executive order under the guise it would reduce costs in the contract. Ya gotta love the liberal idea that increasing costs reduces costs.)
In short Jeffery, I would bet the clerks at Hobby Lobby make more than some people in your company.
But let’s take your philosophy even further. The family owners of the Hobby Lobby object to something on moral grounds. You may disagree with those grounds and that is your right. However, remember those medical patents you have? The ones that increase prices because people have to pay you for the rights to use the things covered under those patents?
Remember them?
While you are blathering about how bad Hobby Lobby is for exercising their rights of a moral and religious conscience, you sit there raking in money from others for what can be considered nothing more than greed. Instead of lowering costs for others like you demand from Hobby Lobby, you feel perfectly happy keeping costs up because the money is coming to you.
Tell us all how your greed lines up with your moral and or religious beliefs, Jeffery.
You mean like your compassion for keeping medical patents to make money?
Hobby Lobby stood up for something that you hate – religious and moral freedom. That is why you hate the decision.
You try and say it is about the money Hobby Lobby is costing others while you do the same. You try and blame the SCOTUS for recognizing a corporation as being a “person” while in fact, your company is a corporation as well. In fact, in certain instances the US is a corporation.
In short, you hate what you yourself are and try and blame others for your miserable, hypocritical existence.
Mark E,
Uh, maybe?
Remember that after the birth of Christ because of the persecution of Herod in killing the first born under 2 years of age, Mary and Joseph fled to Egypt.
Prior to Christ’s birth, I agree that Mary and Joseph were not refugees. Afterwards, however, I think a case can be made that they were.
But I certainly understand your overall point.
No Hobby Lobby clerk makes more than even the lowest paid employee in our small corporation. (You conveniently make a claim about Hobby Lobby pay but just as conveniently don’t back your claim. Typical.)
I’ve explained to you more than once how the patent system works but you are unteachable.
Inventors who work for corporations rarely own their patents, and that’s where the real money is. Are you really arguing that inventors have no right to capitalize even a little bit on their own inventions? Do you really want people who discover and develop medicines to stop? I cannot “release” my patents as you ignorantly suggest – I’m only the inventor – not the owner.
As I’ve advocated many times (but you are unreachable and unteachable) there are ways to construct our research and patent system so that we do not reward corporations with government enforced monopolies allowing them to charge whatever they want without competition. Most patented drugs cost 10 times what the generic form costs. So yes, the emergency contraceptive, Ella, could be much cheaper without the US government suppressing direct competition.
Can you point to me where you listed your lowest paid salaried person and backed that up with a citation?
I must have missed that.
So as long as you are making money, you are happy with the system.
Got it.
As long as you can force costs on others, you are happy with that.
Like I said, you are looking for justification for your own miserable, hypocritical existence. There is none there, but I guess your false morals and hypocrisy keeps you warm at night.
Got it.
You talk about how Hobby Lobby is costing their employees money but then defend the actions of your company which costs people money to line your pockets.
Hobby Lobby is making a moral and religious stance.
You are making a stance on how much money you can walk away with. Most people would call that greed.
You have said that before but what you fail to realize is that you don’t need regulations to release a patent for use of others. Don’t say it cannot be done. Don’t say that corporations cannot do it. In the past few weeks Tesla announced they were giving up claims to their patents and would not enforce them.
Your stance on patents has nothing to do with the law, and has nothing to do with helping others.
Your stance on patents is that you want to keep money for yourself.
That is fine and that is something that you have to live with in your own little world where you want people and corporations to act in ways that you will not.
Here’s the info on Hobby Lobby. Some clerks make as much as $14 an hour. Almost $30K a year. Everyone in my company makes considerably more than that. But we’re a technology company.
Our company insurance policy does pay for medicine, including emergency contraception, even though our management and board is ultra conservative, except for me and our head of finance. Hobby Lobby has workers making under $10 an hour and expects them to pay 10 hours worth of work for medicine that is covered by other women’s insurance. Do the Hobby Lobby workers get a break on their insurance premiums since they receive a sub-standard product? (Please don’t bother to answer – you’ll just say, “She should have thought of that before she had sex.” – which is the real objective of the right-wing war on women.)
You are not worth arguing with regarding patents since you do not understand the system and refuse to learn. The OWNERS control the patents, not the INVENTORS. Tesla “released” patents that will not cost them money, otherwise their shareholders would sue them.
My stance on patents is that we need to reform the system so we can have more competition in the drug marketplace. Are you against competition? Are you against inventors making a little money from their inventions? Are you against hard-work and success? Or are you just jealous?
You come across as bitter, envious, unprincipled pseudo-Christian, with more hubris than knowledge.
Regarding the topic: Please review the 2008 law on children from Central America who show up at our border.
Here’s a summary from the NY Times:
“Originally pushed by a bipartisan coalition of lawmakers as well as by evangelical groups to combat sex trafficking, the bill gave substantial new protections to children entering the country alone who were not from Mexico or Canada by prohibiting them from being quickly sent back to their country of origin.Instead, it required that they be given an opportunity to appear at an immigration hearing and consult with an advocate, and it recommended that they have access to counsel. It also required that they be turned over to the care of the Department of Health and Human Services, and the agency was directed to place the minor “in the least restrictive setting that is in the best interest of the child†and to explore reuniting those children with family members.”
But you’d rather talk obsessively about my patents.
You’re a sack of scheisse.
Teach when someone crosses the border and presentrs himself for inspection and does not have the proper papers has he broken a law?
Let’s review, shall we?
I said that clerks at Hobby Lobby made almost twice the minimum wage. You disputed that until you found out that I was right. Funny how that worked out, eh? I was right and you were wrong.
Now you are making an unsubstantiated claim that everyone in your company makes more than that.
Prove it.
Congratulations. No one is forcing you (well, maybe the government but that is another topic) to make the choices your board has made. Yet you want to force choices on others. Funny how you keep hating freedom.
Oh, and by the way, is your company a closely held corporation?
What is sub standard about the product? (Don’t bother answering, we all know that the answer is “nothing” but you will try and create some false war on women meme just because you hate other people choosing differently than you would.)
Really? It is a nice accusation that doesn’t fit the facts, but your little fantasy world is like that.
I know that Jeffery and have never said otherwise.
The problem is that you have claimed to have founded and are an owner of the company. So when you say “the owners own the patents,” that means YOU own the patents.
The problem isn’t that I don’t know what I am talking about, it is that you are trying to hide your own lies and hypocrisy.
Coming from a racist hypocritical bigot, you’ll forgive me if I don’t care one iota about what you think.
Go back and see who changed the topic of discussion in this thread.
My my…… it was you who started in on some fictional group and the Hobby Lobby decision.
If someone is obsessed, it is clearly you.
But here’s the problem, Jeffery….. we aren’t following that law. 80 – 90% of the “children” coming across the boarder are accompanied by an adult. That means they should go back immediately. Instead, we are housing everyone instead of turning them away at the border.
Secondly, bills have been proposed to shut down what many people think is a loophole in the law and it is the Democrats who are opposed to it. That means the Democrats are opposed to closing the border and making it secure while at the same time increasing the hardship of kids.
In short, you and people of your ilk hate kids that aren’t yours. First you want to kill them in the womb and then you want to kill them by encouraging them to violate the sovereignty of two countries at great risk.
And now you prove you don’t understand corporations, either. More hubris than knowledge. What do you understand?
And you have no right to my private company trade secrets or payroll records.
And yes, it was you who brought up patents. As you usually do when you are backed into a corner.
Divert, mock, ridicule, distract… you must be an Alinsky acolyte.
The term “Unaccompanied Alien Children,” or UACs, as used by U.S. Customs and Border Protection, refers to people up to age 17 who are traveling without a parent or legal guardian. Just because other adults are around doesn’t change the law. And once again you don’t support your claim of 80-90%. If they’re from Central America, and not Mexico, the law applies. Mr. Bush signed the bill.
“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
Nothing in there about melanin.
I’ll take that for what it means: you cannot refute what was said and so you are going to ignore it.
Let’s replay the tape, shall we?
When I made the correct statement on Hobby Lobby’s pay scale, you demanded proof. Now that you are making a statement, you say “you don’t have any right to the proof.” Just another example of your hypocrisy where you demand people prove everything to you, yet expect (read “demand”) that people accept your statements. Given your history of lying, no one should accept those statements as truthful.
In response to your statements on Hobby Lobby. I was responding to you, Jeffery.
No one can understand how responding to a point you made is a deflection, but as you made the statement, it goes to your credibility – not mine.
It must be hard to live in a world where you have no morals or ethics as well as a lack of reading comprehension skills.
There ya go. Try and interject race into a non-racial issue. Once again, you show that you are a child hating, racist bigot.