Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

patriotic pinup haddon sunblom

Happy Sunday! Yet another fine day in America. The birds are singing, the bees are buzzing, the 2008 NFL Draft is a happening. This pinup is by Haddon Sunblom, with a wee bit of help. I reckon it is the first one by the painter I have featured. Beach time is coming!

What is happening on ye olde feedreadere?

  1. Stop The ACLU has some weekend humor, featuring Black & White
  2. Still Stacy has some baby love going on, but no pirate p0rn
  3. Sister Toldjah (who I still want to put a ! at the end of her blog name) has Cindy and Nancy in love
  4. Over at Right Wing News, John Hawkins gives us 10 reasons the superdelegates should pick Hillary over BHO
  5. ***This one is very important for those with WP 2.5 WordPress (any version earlier then 2.5.1). Check out The Gun Toting Liberal, and see why you need to upgrade to 2.5.1*** (I just upgraded to it after reading the post)
  6. The American Princess was taunting drum bangers with her huge SUV on Earth Day
  7. Don Surber has an Obama eats waffles parody that will have you rolling
  8. And Rightly So! highlights when frothing moonbats attack
  9. Propaganda really shouldn’t be this hard, says Beth at Blue Star Chronicles
  10. Floppy truncheon’s for strippers? Huh? Blue Crab Boulevard explains
  11. Wordsmith at Flopping Aces would like an Obama/Wright supporter to explain something to him
  12. Jammie Wearing Fool highlights racists Democrats getting hoist on their own petard
  13. I didn’t know whether to go with Paultards or The Goracle inventing food shortages. Both are compelling, so, just read each one over at MY Vast Right Wing Conspiracy
  14. Boomer at Right Wing Squadron asks if he is too hard core
  15. And, last, but not least, a double-shot from Right Pundits: near naked pastie lady and would Reagan be accepted by today’s conservatives?

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page. While we are on pinups, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets” calendar yet?

PS: Amazing. This is the 170th Patriot Pinup post I have done. Not all were on Sunday’s, had a few on other days, but, cool!

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4 Responses to “Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup”

  1. […] the “Right”, William Teach of Pirate’s Cove, for helping spread the word via his Sorta Blogless Sunday roundup… Bookmark: […]

  2. The GTL says:

    Thanks for helping get the word out on the WordPress updates, brother. You might consider changing the first part of the intro to the link to “This one is very important for those with WordPress” (any version other than 2.5.1) —

    Anybody with earlier versions risks being de-indexed by Technorati unfortunately :-/

  3. darthcrUSAderworldtour2007 says:

    My surf is up Teach > Who needs Mary Ann and Ginger. “One small step for man…One GIANT leap for man’s best friend!” GOD bless America and our NO BURKAS NATION!!
    Have a grreat week Blackbeard…

  4. drstrangeloveb52isok says:

    ” WOOF! “

Pirate's Cove