Air Deadbeat: Bye Bye Gloria Wise

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More fallout from the Air America Deadbeat/Gloria Wise "loans." The New York Post (free reg req’d) reports:

The embattled Gloria Wise Boys & Girls Club in The Bronx — under investigation for taking $875,000 from programs for kids to help fund the start-up of Air America radio — was booted yesterday from the Boys & Girls Clubs of America.

The national board of the Boys & Girls Clubs voted to yank Gloria Wise’s charter, barring them from using the much-heralded organization’s symbols and fund-raising clout because of a breach of ethical standards and failing to file audits.

Evan McElroy, a spokesman for the national organization, said officers at Gloria Wise had ignored repeated requests to file annual financial reports. "We gave them plenty of chances," he said.

"Our clubs are run according to ethical business practices that were, in the view of our board, breached," McElroy said of the Gloria Wise club based in Co-op City.  (ouch!)

Yet not a peep out of the New York Times. Hmmmm. Is this the way that Liberals, er, Progressives, act? Improper loans to cover a shady radio network that didn’t have as much start up capital as originally stated? Then ignore the issue, and hope it goes away? Now what happens to those under-priveledged children who now are bereft of a great program? Eventually, I am sure that someone will step in to the vacuum, but how soon?

PS: If you would like to read a really good essay on the start up of Air Deadbeat, pick up a copy of The Vast Left WIng Conspiracy (which I will throw a review up within the next few days.) The author, Byron York, nails it.

PPS: Brian Mahoney at Radio Equalizer has an article up about the desparate pleas by Air Deadbeat for money. I recieved that same email, which is the only one that I have recieved from AD since signing up for their email list. So sad.

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2 Responses to “Air Deadbeat: Bye Bye Gloria Wise”

  1. Jay says:

    Fun to watch the left fall apart at the seams.

  2. granny says:

    I really enjoy listening to Byron York. He doesn’t scream to get a point across and calmly states what he personally has observed. As for Air America, they are the worst that the left has to offer. I have no desire to listen to people just throw anything out there, to hurt/bring down individuals that don’t happen to share their views. It will come back to haunt them. I don’t listen to a lot of rightwing talk radio hosts for the same reason. This country has become so divided in the last decade, that people aren’t even civil to each other if they don’t share exactly the same thoughts. It’s pretty sad.

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