Where Was the Left on 9/11?

I had said I was going to stay away from the Hard Left folks after their disgusting rhetoric regarding hurricane Katrina, but I just had to check on what they did to remember 9/11. And what did they do? If they even bothered posting anything at all, it was disgusting political smears. Billmon (not linking anyone) had several smears. The Daily Kosbat, the biggest "progressive" political blog on Earth, didn’t mention 9/11 till almost 5pm EDT, and that one quickly became an Iraq War rant. Atrios, Talking Points Memo, America blog, nada. MoveOn? Nothing. Democratic Underground. Barely a thread, nothing on the front page. All across the ‘net, Dems ignored the 4th Anniversary of 9/11. Those who didn’t used it for their hate and/or conspiracy theories.

And how about Democratic officials? John Kerry? Nada. Ted Kennedy? Nancy Pelosi? Missing. Harry Reid? Zip. I have yet to run across a Dem elected official website which mentions 9/11. Meanwhile, most of the GOP ones do.

This is the state of the modern Democratic Party. The Moonbats have taken over. The normal dems, those with ideas and a basis in reality, those who care about America, and love America, have become the fringe. The Hard Left, who gets all upset when they are called anti-American, that they hate America, that they are unpatriotic, proved that all those sayings were 100% true yesterday. Waving the Flag is a good thing. Taking pride in your Nation is a good thing. Loving your country is a good thing. Those are things that the Moonbats do not believe in. Their silence or smears on the 4th Anniversary of 9/11 shows their hatred.

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5 Responses to “Where Was the Left on 9/11?”

  1. Ogre says:

    They WANT everyone to forget.

  2. I am really interested to see how all the moonbattery will play in 2006, and especially 2008. No Bush to bash for the libs.

  3. Jeff H says:

    What are you saying? That dissent isn’t the highest–nay, the only real–form of patriotism?

  4. How the Left celebrated 9/11

    I’m a bit behind on looking around the blogosphere, so I’m just now gettin caught up. I was a bit surprised at the difference between Left and Right blogs over the 9/11 weekend – with the exception of this from Tony’s busblog.

    The Pirate’s Cove a…

  5. If they don’t have Bush to bash, they’ll go back to Newt. Besides, they’re gonna use the “8 years of Bush” label for the next decade as a convenient one-size-fits-all scapegoat.

Pirate's Cove