Buying a Ship, Part II

Whew!!!! After a long weekend of painting and cleaning, and a bit of moving shat, just about ready for the full move in to my townhome. Compare the new photo’s in this post to the ones pre-painting:

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Image hosting by Photobucket The last one (with the blue walls) was not included in the other post. Hideous paint job, eh? It is now “Cookie Dough.” Hey, don’t blame me, I do not make up the color names. Did the bathroom downstairs the same color.

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4 Responses to “Buying a Ship, Part II”

  1. JulieB says:

    Wow! Way to go Teach!
    Of course, I’m a bit biased. My livingroom is a similar shade of green with off-white trim.
    Dispite the name, a nice guy color for the kitchen. 😉 But maybe that will inspire you to make cookies…. mmmmm…. oatmeal raisin… or double dark chocolate … or…
    Are you putting the butterfly covered valences back up?

  2. Jeremy says:

    I agree with JulieB. Good colors man.

  3. Thank you. First time ever painting a home. I can build cabinets and shelves and paint and stain them, but this was a first.

  4. Billy Budd says:

    Was that Linda Blair green?

Pirate's Cove