Search Results for: duke lacrosse

Duke Lacrosse: Story, What Story?

How's that case looking, Mike? In her latest statement to investigators, the accuser in the Duke lacrosse rape case changed her account again about when the alleged gang rape occurred, who attacked her and how. Defense attorneys filed the statement in court today, arguing that it was more evidence that the woman is an unreliable […]

Duke Lacrosse: Nifong Slapped With Ethics Charges

It always looks a bit strange to me when I read a story that states that anyone has been slapped with ethics charges. There really should be some antonym of that word, which would be perfect for Durham DA Mike Nifong The North Carolina State Bar has filed an ethics complaint against Duke lacrosse prosecutor […]

Duke Lacrosse: What Is Your Interest, America?

An interesting letter in the Durham Herald Sun I have read in your editorial section, over the past several months, many letters concerning the Duke lacrosse case, written by people from around the nation. Their "interest" has puzzled me. Without fail, every one of these letters is pro-defense and vehemently anti-prosecution. Who are these busy-bodies? […]

Duke Lacrosse: DA Nifong and DNA Testing Agreed To Withhold Evidence

And yet, the case has still not been dismissed (from the Raleigh N&O) The head of a private DNA laboratory said under oath today that he and District Attorney Mike Nifong agreed not to report DNA results favorable to Duke lacrosse players charged with rape. Brian Meehan, director of DNA Security of Burlington, said his […]

Duke Lacrosse: Massive DNA Coverup?

Can you say bombshell? (from the Raleigh N&O) A private laboratory hired by the prosecution in the Duke lacrosse case failed to report that it found DNA from multiple males in the accuser's body and underwear, according to a defense motion filed today. The lab, DNA Security of Burlington, found that the DNA did not […]

More On Duke Lacrosse: Accuser Wanted $$$$

Another stunning revelation in the Duke Lacrosse case Four days after she said she was raped, the accuser in the Duke lacrosse case told co-workers at a Hillsborough strip club that she was going to get money from some boys at a Duke party who hadn't paid her, the club's former security manager said. "She […]

Duke Lacrosse: Scary DA’s Office

Just in time for Halloween, Durham DA Mike Nifong tells us about his biggest case The latest questions about Nifong's handling of the case came last week, after he said he and his staff have yet to interview the accuser about the facts of the case, leaving that work to police. He said Monday his […]

Duke Lacrosse: Case Degenerating

Really, the case for the prosecution keeps getting worse and worse: The second dancer at a Duke lacrosse team party says the dancer who accused three players of raping her said after leaving the party she wanted "marks on me." Kim Roberts told ABC's "Good Morning America" Monday that the accuser said in a cab […]

Evening Thought On Duke Lacrosse Rape Case

I think this says it all (from the Raleigh N&O): The accuser has given numerous accounts of what happened that night. "This woman has destroyed everything I worked for in my life," (Dave) Evans, a team captain who graduated last spring, told Bradley. "She's put it on hold. She's destroyed two other families, and she's brought […]

60 Minutes On The Duke Lacrosse Rape Case

Now, CBS News and 60 Minutes have taken quite a bit of heat in the Right-O-Sphere for their Left leaning tendencies and, more specifically, Rathergate, but, putting all that aside, they did a fantastic job with their piece last night on the Duke Lacrosse Rape case. They have also maintained coverage of this issue, including […]

Pirate's Cove