Well, hey, this is a good thing. If the climate cultists want to pay for the scam, that’s the way it should be. Scientologists do not ask everyone else to pay for their cult, right?
Billionaire entrepreneur Michael Bloomberg announced Thursday that his foundation will step in to fund the UN climate change body after President Donald Trump declared the United States would withdraw from the Paris Agreement for the second time.
Bloomberg’s intervention aims to ensure the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) remains fully funded despite the United States halting its contributions.
Washington typically provides 22 percent of the UNFCCC secretariat’s budget, with the body’s operating costs for 2024-2025 projected at 88.4 million euros ($96.5 million).
The secretariat is tasked with supporting the global response to climate threats, and organizes international climate conferences, the next of which will be COP30 held in Brazil in November.
Let them raise their funds on their own, just like this. No need for the US to pony up almost $100 million a year to have a group castigate the US over a scam, as well as living high on the hog as the employees go to conferences around the world.
US exit from Paris climate deal complicates finance targets, says COP30 head
Brazil sees an opportunity to amplify the voices of developing nations in upcoming climate finance talks, according to comments on Thursday from the head of the global COP30 summit set to be hosted by the South American nation later this year.
The comments from Andre Correa do Lago come as world leaders grapple with the recent withdrawal from the Paris climate accord by the United States, ordered by new U.S. President Donald Trump.
Correa do Lago told reporters in Brasilia that negotiations will likely be “harder” at the COP30 summit compared to last year’s meetings, when the United States was “engaged in having policies to fight climate change.”
Oh, well. Those other countries can pitch in. If rich American Warmists want to help, they are welcome.
Well, really, nothing, except some hyperventilating as we see here
While the previous stretch where the U.S. was no longer part of the deal lasted only four months—the withdrawal was finalized in Nov. 2020 and President Joe Biden rejoined the Paris Agreement in early 2021—the impact was profound. The process not only disrupted international climate diplomacy but also damaged the U.S.’s credibility on the world stage, sending a signal of unpredictability and retreat from global leadership at a critical moment in the climate crisis. The move also halted essential contributions to climate finance, leaving developing nations without vital support for mitigation and adaptation efforts.
Whoopie, 4 months, which were really nothing, because Trump waited till the last moment of his term to start the 1 year pull-out clock. Funny how so much of this comes down to money from Other People, eh? And, really, I don’t think Trump and the majority of the country cares about climate cult credibility.

Scientology, christianity, MAGAtism are all cults. Global warming is real.
“Global warming is real!!!!!!!”
He said while snow falls in Florida.
Nothing cultish about that.
Do you understand what ‘average’ means?
My grandpa became the President again – Top Trending Video
Wanna shut down a global warming nut job? Just ask them to name one, just one GW prophecy that ever became true. Just one.
Wilie1, Leftists are immune to being shut down by facts they don’t agree with. They will simply change the subject to something Trump did, or ramble about social costs.
The theory of AGW predicted/predicts that the Earth will warm as atmospheric greenhouse gases, particularly carbon dioxide (CO2), increase.
This was proposed over a century ago and has yet to be ‘falsified’. There is no ‘proof’ of AGW, understand?
Since then, atmospheric CO2 has increased from 280 ppm to 420 ppm, and the mean global surface temperature has increased nearly 2°F. Cultists such as Mr Teach claim that 2°F is a trivial or miniscule increase, either lying about the significance or not understanding it. That’s what makes science denialism a cult, part of the larger cult of ‘post-reality’, the ‘idea’ that truth is based on feelings.
“Yet to be falsified..”. Yet to be verified..
“2F claimed to be trivial”…It’s also been claimed to be potentially disastrous, all without evidence.
Anyway, why are you still whining about global warming? King Donnie has shut.it.down. You’ve won!! Time to move on to another win.
He now wants to end FEMA and force the states to handle their own natural disasters. Texas, Louisiana and Florida receive by far the most federal aid associated with disasters. Over the past ten years Florida residents have received $2.5 billion federal aid, Louisiana residents$ 2.4 billion, and Texas residents $2.3 billion.
What say y’all? Should we kill FEMA and stop ALL federal disaster aid to states?
The Florida Flake continues his assault on America!!
You’re full of shit and it’s time that White Christian Cultist wife of yours changes your nappies.
BTW, if gender is not determined at conception then when is it? You never provided an answer.
At birth, of course. In most cases it’s obvious, but not all. Sometimes earlier by ultrasound.
Ask your white, christian cultist mommie when she was sure of your gender, if she is.
Biologists claim the gender of a baby can be “identified” at 6 to 8 weeks after conception.
You did take biology, right?
But that isn’t the question you keep avoiding now is it?
So again, Rimjob, when is the gender of a baby determined.
You’ve answered your own question, ShittyButt! Made you look it up! That’s a good boy.
What markers of gender are they looking for at 6-8 weeks? Ultrasound? Blood tests? Chorionic villus sampling? Amniocentesis?
Anyway, Il Douche said he knows the gender at that split second of conception! Are you calling him a liar?
Can a person with a Y chromosome NOT be a male?
Not an answer to the question of when gender is determined.
Just another Rimjobfuscation.
Can’t admit it when you’re wrong, can you?
Bwaha! Lolgfy Loser!
McCoward ShittyButt (aka The Pissant) can’t take yes for an answer.
Il Douche set United States of America policy as gender determination is at conception. McCoward said Il Douche was lying; that gender is really determined by 6-8 weeks.
Of course, it’s clearly more complex than that, isn’t it?
So Rimjob it really irks you when you’re proven wrong, huh?
Good. Lolgfy Loser!
Bloomberg’s companies make a lot of money running their climate hysteria articles and propaganda. No surprise he’d pay to keep the con going.
Does Bloomberg make as much as Big Donnie makes off his cryptogrift?
Were you trying to make a point? Because if you were, it was lost. Or just plain stupid.
Both men are free to spend or earn their money however they want.
My point was that Bloomberg has an interest in keeping the climate scam story going, in funding the morons who push it as a backhanded way of soaking up taxpayer money and enabling the Davos elite in recreating their medieval social structures where they appoint themselves royalty while making everyone else a serf.
Bloomberg thinks he is a lord in some neo-royalty.
You seem to miss a lot of points.
Il Douche has an interest in keeping the cruptoscams going – he even has the US backing cripto now!!
Global warming is real, while crypto is… who knows what crypto is. Mass delusion?
Still unable to make a coherent point?
What does Trump and crypto have to do with global warming? Or are you just so unhinged that you have to inject some anti-Trump bullshit in wherever you can?
Global warming may be real as a natural phenomena but it has no proven connection to human activity. Or Trump, for that matter. And funding idiot elites who are using that fairy tale to extract the public fisc is a fraudulent use of taxpayer funds.
Seek help. You clearly need it.
Good catch! Trump, worth about 6 billion, is in it for the money!
Good. Let that emotional sucker waste his money on global warming. The money he wastes on global warming is money he can’t use getting communists elected.
Ice, Ice, Baby! In NJ ICE grabbed a Puerto Rican Army veteran because he looked illegal and he didn’t have his papers with him!
I was just talking with a good friend (born in the Canal Zone) who also looks illegal!! He said he keeps all his ‘papers’ in their safe.
And they’re just getting started!!
Mr Puppies asked:
To which Mr Dowd replied:
No, sex is determined at conception, by whether the sperm cell which fertilizes the egg is carrying the X or the Y chromosome, which determines how the child develops. The sex of the child is recognized at birth, or, as Mr Dowd noted, sometimes earlier via ultrasound.
There is a pharmacological researcher living in the St Louis area named Jeffery Keene, who some commenters have previously asserted is the real person using the pseudonym of Elwood P Dowd. If Mr Dowd knows this Mr Keene, he might ask him: when a pharmacological company, running trials on a prospective new medication and tests for potentially different effects on males and females, would such a company accept ‘transgender’ women into the group of female test subjects, or would they exclude such persons as not biologically representative of females?
We welcome Mr Dana’s often reasoned approach.
He types: No, sex is determined at conception, by whether the sperm cell which fertilizes the egg is carrying the X or the Y chromosome, which determines how the child develops.
That’s not exactly true, as the exceptions test the rule. The Y chromosome is NOT ALWAYS sufficient to determine the gender. You could look it up (but are unlikely to do so). For a brief intro try https://medlineplus.gov/download/genetics/gene/sry.pdf
Typically, the Y chromosome carries the SRY gene, whose gene product is a transcription factor (tf), controlling other genes related to male sexual development. In more than a few cases the SRY gene or its tf is either not present or doesn’t function correctly. Oops! There are XX males out there, too!!
Has Mr Dana Pico, a corn farmer from Ravenna, KY had his chromosomes checked (karyotyped)? Has Porter Good, a car salesman of Hedingham, NC? Maybe youse guys are those rare XX boys!! If you are shown to be XX boys, should you be forced into girls bathrooms?
BTW, The Great Il Douche has ordered all communications from NIH, FDA and CDC be halted until he can have a loyal appointee approve all new publications, so hurry to find any .gov articles.
The distinguished Mr Dowd wrote:
It seems that our sage from St Louis is using the exceptions, the birth defects in this case, to justify his argument for transgenderism. What he did not do was answer the question: when a pharmacological company, running trials on a prospective new medication and tests for potentially different effects on males and females, would such a company accept ‘transgender’ women into the group of female test subjects, or would they exclude such persons as not biologically representative of females?
Our muggle from Missouri wrote:
I’ve had no reason to check. I’ve grown to 6’2″ tall, dwarfing my two sisters, and am quite male by all outward appearances. Now, I do have a girls’ name, to be sure, and the two children I’ve fathered are both girls, so the sperm cells which fertilized the eggs my wife carried did contain the X and not the Y chromosome, so it is at least mathematically possible that I’m one of “those rare XX boys,” but the probability of such is vanishingly small.
It is true, however, that my daughters have not been tested to see if I’m really their father, but if you ever saw my daughters and me, you’d have no doubts.
Mr Dana presents evidence to support his theory that he is an XY, not an XX, male. The proof of the pud, is in the testing. But we’ll accept that the evidence is persuasive. We have a consensus!!
As Mr Dana knows, Phase II and III clinical studies are conducted for specific conditions, lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, colon cancer, breast cancer, Type 1 diabetes, COPD, pain relief and on and on. Cllinical trials must be configured to satisfy FDA requirements (a good idea since the FDA has to approve the potential drug). An FDA link on transgender persons in clinical studies was ‘broken’.
Would you test a new hormonal birth control on post-menopausal women, men or pre-teens, unlikely. Would you include a trans woman in a cancer study, yes if she met the criteria. How about an osteoporosis drug study, depends. BTW, the study sponsor has a strict set of criteria that has been presented to the FDA for a specific study that is expected to be followed in recruiting subjects.
My point, which you refuse to even consider, is that the physiological, neurological and psychological aspects of gender is an incredbly complex system and is incompletely understood. What is clear is that there are “little boys” who are convinced they are “little girls”. You call it delusional, mentally ill, crazy and mock them. I don’t.
Here’s a typical list of Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria for a Phase II cancer trial…
Inclusion Criteria:
Pathologically-confirmed diagnosis of locally advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck that will be treated with cisplatin plus concurrent IMRT.
Treatment plan to receive a continuous course of IMRT delivered as single daily fractions of 2.0 to 2.2 Gy with a cumulative radiation dose of 60-72 Gy.
Patients who have had prior surgery may be eligible,
Treatment plan to receive standard cisplatin monotherapy administered either every three weeks (100 mg/m2 for 3 doses) or weekly (40 mg/m2 for 6-7 doses).
Age 18 years or older
ECOG performance status ? 2
Adequate hematologic function
Adequate renal and liver function Alkaline phosphatase ? 2.5 ULN
Exclusion Criteria:
Metastatic disease
Prior radiotherapy to the region of the study cancer or adjacent anatomical sites
Prior induction chemotherapy or plans for chemotherapy to be administered only sequentially with IMRT
Planned concurrent chemotherapy other than single agent cisplatin
Receiving any approved or investigational anti-cancer agent
Concurrent participation in another interventional clinical study
Inability to eat soft solid food at baseline for reasons other than mouth soreness after surgery or dental procedures
Complete reliance on parenteral or gastrointestinal tube-delivered nutrition at baseline
Malignant tumors other than head and neck cancer (HNC) within the last 5 years
Active infectious disease excluding oral candidiasis
Presence of oral mucositis at baseline.
Known history of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or active hepatitis B/C
Female patients who are pregnant or breastfeeding
Known allergies or intolerance to cisplatin and similar platinum-containing compounds
Requirement for concurrent treatment with nitrates or other drugs that may, in the judgment of the treating Investigator, create a risk for a precipitous decrease in blood pressure.
The sex of a newborn is determined by me or other doctors at the time of birth by examining the child. Yes, there are abnormalities that appear and the parents and various doctors then must decide the best method for raising the child. Drug store cowboys such as you do not have the education to assist in any way and all you are doing is trying to appear as if you have adequate training to have an opinion.
I appreciate your point and for once you make a good one.
You typed: The sex of a newborn is determined by me or other doctors at the time of birth by examining the child. Yes, there are abnormalities that appear and the parents and various doctors then must decide the best method for raising the child.
Are you confirming from your experience that at times it is difficult to assign a gender/sex to a baby? So, you and the parents decide how best to raise the baby? It appears that sometimes your guesses may have been mistaken.
In the US alone there are some 3 milllion new babies each year! What is the incidence of these ‘abnormalities’ (indeterminate sex) in the population? The medical literature says as many as 1 per 1,000 births. That could be 3,000 a year in the US alone!
BTW, you should look up the meaning of ‘drugstore cowboy’. That phrase doesn’t mean what you think it means.
That is a good bit that means nothing. You are trying to tie in the psychotic individuals who have the delusion of being the opposite sex to real issues. You have absolutely no knowledge as to what you are talking about. As to drug store cowboys you understand my definition.
So, if you, one of the wisest men in the world, with decades of experience, can’t tell if a baby is a boy or a girl, what chance does the child have?
Is it possible that an ambivalent assignment could have been wrong, and the little ‘boy’ you ‘assigned’ was neurologically a female? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not accusing you of malpractice or suggesting you be sued, but it seems you have a stake in this.
If you don’t remember what you typed, I can find it… you said:
The sex of a newborn is determined by me or other doctors at the time of birth by examining the child. Yes, there are abnormalities that appear and the parents and various doctors then must decide the best method for raising the child.
Your name-calling is expected but meaningless.
Just a note to da boyz (and girl). You have revealed (you believe) name, address, business addresses, threatened my children, my friends and colleagues, my former business, calling the police to report chld abuse, threatening to release credit card info, threatened SWATting, all in an attempt to shut me up. Yet, still here.
I appreciate Teach’s forbearance even as I criticize his posts and his Il Douche.
But some of the commenters here are bitches. LOL.
Fuck off, Rimjob.
You revealed your own identity many times many years ago.
Quit your bitching.
There is nothing you can do about it now except maybe going away but we know you can’t do that because without the Cove your miserable life would have no meaning.
So boo fucking hoo.
We’ve heard from the ‘girl’, now how about da boyz?