This is kinda hilarious, since it is usually Warmists suing to force Other People to comply with the beliefs they rarely ever practice
Group sues WA over late reporting on greenhouse gas emissions
A conservative think tank filed a lawsuit Wednesday against two Washington state agencies over delays in reporting the state’s greenhouse gas emissions.
The Washington Policy Center said in a news release that it filed the lawsuit against the Washington State Department of Ecology and the Department of Commerce to force the agencies to comply with a state law that requires timely emissions reporting.
According to state law passed in 2008, the two agencies are required to report the state’s total greenhouse gas emissions at the end of even-numbered years. The reports also must include “the total emissions of greenhouse gases for the preceding two years, and totals in each major source sector,” according to state law.
In January, Ecology released the state’s latest emissions inventory through 2021. The report showed that overall greenhouse gas emissions dipped 13.8% in 2020 during the pandemic but rose 8.8% in 2021, largely driven by the transportation sector.
The state is required by law to release data through 2023, according to the Washington Policy Center.
Well, the WPC doesn’t actually think that Democrat government has to fully comply with the laws they passed, do they?
In a news release, Todd Myers, the group’s vice president for research, accused the state of “wasting hundreds of millions of dollars on frivolous and ineffective climate projects” and said the delay in reporting accurate emissions data hides the failures of state projects.
“Washington state claims to be a leader in climate policy but policymakers don’t even have recent data to determine if our policies are working,” Myers said in a news release.
Well, it’s a great way to shift some taxpayer money to donors and force the peasants to change their lives, eh?
In a statement, Ecology spokesperson Caroline Halter said that the department is “committed to providing more current emissions updates to lawmakers and the public” and will be able to do that “thanks to recent funding appropriated by the Legislature.”
Ah, so they are late because they wanted more taxpayer money. Scam.

Speaking of this.
Alert incoming.
Microsoft has been adding spyware to your computer that you need to know about. This is related to their new AI junk, which you have probably been noticing is showing up more and more and being more intrusive on your computer of late.
This is called RECALL. It continually takes snapshots of your screen and is meant to be benign. However, Microsoft now has 71 exploits that will allow people to take over your computer and figure out your bank accounts, credit cards, etc. because Windows now screenshots you AS you log into your bank and saves the screenshot.
To turn this off, click settings> then click on privacy and security> find Recall and screenshots, and turn it off. Its a slider switch that is easy to just slide it to the off position. Microsoft at least gives you the option to turn this off and will not affect your computer in anyway and protect you from having everything you do and say on your own computer sceenshotted and archived.
However, if you do not put any personal information on your computer, including your name and such, then this was always meant to be a help and not a hindrance, but I can never think of what these computer wiz kids are thinking when they program Microsoft.
Doom, that doesn’t turn it off, it just hides it from you. Anything Microsoft does for your own good, they are not going to give you teh avility to turn off. It will be hard wired into your operating system so you can’t even find the file and delete it. Internet people have been looking at this for about a year now. People thought it was only Win 11 that was the problem, but the latest patch added it to Win 10 too… for your own good. The only way out of it is to roll your system back to an installation before the patch.
RECALL isn’t the only problem either. They are working very hard to install AI on every MS system, with no opt out, other than going to Linux or roll back to an un-updated version of windows and blocking future update attempts.
MS has a long history of forcing terrible ideas onto their users, the users finding out and discovering work-arounds, and MS patching windows to block the work-arounds. If they spent as much effort blocking nigerian/punjab/Eastern Europe hackers as they do their own users, windows would be a vastly superior product.
policymakers don’t even have recent data to determine if our policies are working,”
That’s the laugh line. Climate emissions are guesses, not measurements. The answer is whatever you want it to be. Take credit for reductions or use increases to spur the party faithful to action. It’s not like anyone has the ability to independently measure actual CO2 production in the state and tell them they are wrong.
Like NASA telling us about all the wonderful Earth-like planets they discovered way beyond the ability of anyone with a telescope to see. Just take their word for it.
Being a cult means never having to question authority.