This article in The Hill by William S. Becker, a former regional director at the U.S. Department of Energy, might seem like another whiny screed about ending fossil fuels, but, it goes much further in a way that the doomsday cultists mostly dink and dunk around the edges at best
We cannot hide from climate change — we must stop producing oil and gas now
From the fires in Lahaina and Los Angeles to the recent flood in Asheville, N.C., America’s record-setting weather disasters have several things in common. Communities are not prepared for them, people insist on living in risky places, and cities let them do so in order to gain property tax revenues.
However, the most dangerous denominator is global climate change. It brings killer heat, more intense rains, drier droughts, longer wildfire seasons and warmer oceans that impart their energy to storms. Severe weather is not unusual, but many of today’s events are more extreme than any in memory or recorded history.
There is an even deeper commonality in these events. Their newly destructive power results from our use of fossil fuels. The fuels’ pollution includes greenhouse gases that collect in the atmosphere and insulate the Earth, so its surface gets warmer. That changes the weather.
The fossil fuel industries and government leaders who shape national energy policy have known this for at least 50 years. There are no cost-effective technical fixes across the fuels’ value chain. The only fail-safe solution is to shift the U.S. and other nations to energy resources that don’t pollute.
Normal, right? This continues on, you get some of the same old ideas and whines, till we get to
Finally, the nuclear option is for the U.S. government to take control of big oil companies so it will do what the industry won’t: undertake a humane, equitable and orderly transition to clean energy. With years of lying, obfuscation, greenwashing, intimidation and back peddling, the industry has proven it cannot be trusted to help decarbonize the economy. The government has nationalized several industries to save them from collapsing. Now, it’s society that’s too big to fail.
And there it is: nationalization. Federal government control. Because that works so well. But, hey, call me crazy when I say the Warmists are Progressives (nice Fascists) and this has nothing to do with science.

So nice that those people are no longer in power. It’s OK to have ridiculous opinions about how you think the world should work as long as you never have the power to force others to comply with your ridiculous notions.
Nothing will make you laugh harder than a Bubba in a Redneck Cadillac with a Save The Forests bumper sticker.
Relax. Big Donnie’s got this! Drill, Baby, Drill!! Open up Alaska to drilling! Burn, Baby, Burn!! Stop wind farms, stop solar farms!
CO2 will continue to rise, the Earth will continue to warm. We’ll all have to adjust over the coming decades under Little Musk and Big Donnie, (Man they make a winning team!), move us all to Mars.
Advice for the DemCommies – Let Donnie be Donnie.
They’re a damn sight smarter and better men than you, Rimjob.
Has that White Christian wifey of yours missed your meds again?
Better keep an eye on that one.
Bwaha! Lolgfy Loser!
MAGA47 – Today, Tomorrow, Forever!
The Pissant makes his white christian ‘daddy’, Teach, proud.
Oh how clever…
But really you know how those White Christians are so you’d better keep an eye on that wife of yours.
She’s a preacher too, right Rimjob?
I sure hope the world continues to warm. These super cold spells are hurting me!
Great story from Speaker Johnson revealing the tactics used by Biden’s keepers.