It looks like Sweden has finally had enough of all the fake asylum seekers coming to Sweden and causing problems
Sweden seeks to change constitution to be able to revoke citizenships
Sweden is preparing to change the constitution to be able to take away the passports of people who obtained citizenship by fraudulent means, or who are a threat to the state, the government said on Wednesday.
People with dual nationality who received citizenship by providing false information, bribery or threats, as well as people convicted of crimes like espionage or treason could be stripped of their Swedish passports if the law is passed.
“The background is that Sweden is dealing with three parallel and very serious threats to our internal security,” Justice Minister Gunnar Strommer told a news conference. “Violent extremism, state actors acting in a hostile manner towards Sweden, as well as systemic and organized crime.”
Sweden’s minority government and its backers, the far-right and anti-immigration Sweden Democrats, won the 2022 election on a promise to keep reducing immigration and gang crime, which they say are linked. Stockholm granted the lowest number of residence permits to asylum seekers and their relatives on record in 2024. (snip)
Around 20% of Sweden’s 10.5 million citizens were born abroad.
How many of that 20% are incompatible with Sweden’s way of life, and attempt to force their lifestyles and beliefs on Sweden and the Swedish people? How many have brought their extreme Islamist religion to Sweden and refuse to assimilate? Bringing their gangs, and gang rapes, and grooming?
Sweden started cracking down on the fake asylum seekers in 2022, booting them out faster than they were coming in, and
Sweden unveils tough new 'honest living' requirements for citizenship. Migrants will have to prove they respect Western values.
— AmyinLondon (@AmyinLondon) January 15, 2025

Be great if the 20% were ethnic Swedes returning to the homeland, neighboring Norwegians or Danes or Finns, and not prone to making Sweden #1 in grenade attacks in “First World Nations”.
Guess these “Swedes” are branching out to Denmark as well…
you mean Minnesota?
Yes, I’m sure the city of The Mary Tyler Moore Show took a good look at itself 25 years ago, looked around, and said, “You know what we need around here? 25,000 low-IQ, barely civilized, culturally hostile, unskilled, unemployable Somali Muslims! That’ll liven things up!”
The entire western world needs to do this to avoid becoming a series of third world shitholes.